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Author: 乔治, Created: 2018-07-10 01:56:19, Updated:

2018/07/09 17:48:10 [Flush] unable to open database file 2018/07/09 17:48:12 [Flush] unable to open database file 2018/07/09 17:48:17 [Flush] unable to open database file 2018/07/09 17:48:18 [Flush] unable to open database file 2018/07/09 17:48:19 [Flush] unable to open database file 2018/07/09 17:48:24 [Flush] unable to open database file 2018/07/09 17:48:25 [Flush] unable to open database file 2018/07/09 17:48:26 [Flush] unable to open database file 2018/07/09 17:48:32 [Flush] unable to open database file 2018/07/09 17:48:33 [Flush] unable to open database file 2018/07/09 17:48:38 [Flush] unable to open database file 2018/07/09 17:48:39 [Flush] unable to open database file 2018/07/09 17:48:40 [Flush] unable to open database file 2018/07/09 17:48:45 [Flush] unable to open database file 2018/07/09 17:48:46 [Flush] unable to open database file 2018/07/09 17:48:47 [Flush] unable to open database file 2018/07/09 17:48:52 [Flush] unable to open database file 2018/07/09 17:48:53 [Flush] unable to open database file 2018/07/09 17:48:54 [Flush] unable to open database file 2018/07/09 17:48:57 [Flush] unable to open database file


发明者量化-小小梦 ``` “一个database connect,既有查询又有更新(不同的statement,且不论顺序),执行完之后,不关闭, 会产生一个扩展名为s3db-journal的(临时)文件, 若再次使用该connect执行更新,则产生“unable to open database file”的异常。 所以,一个connect执行完之后要么close,要么自己处理临时文件。” ``` 可能是这个原因。 方便发下 代码么?

发明者量化-小小梦 好的 不客气 ^^

乔治 谢谢梦总。问题已经解决了,原因是我的运行托管者的服务器磁盘空间满了。清除了后就可以了,谢谢啦。