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The new version of “the grid strategy” only contain 50-lines of coding!

Author: , Created: 2018-08-28 14:18:15, Updated: 2019-12-03 17:27:50

The new version of “the grid strategy” only contain 50-lines of coding! www.fmz.com

Do you still remember the famous “grid strategy” (https://www.fmz.com/bbs-topic/2268)?

The one which has a lot of code comment (more than the code itself), is an excellent example for learning how to write strategy on our FMZ platform.

Some friends found that the original version of this strategy is too complicated, they wonder if there are shorter version of it.

Here it comes, under our genius programmer’s exclusive coding skill, we rewrite it (still using JavaScript) by only using 50 lines of coding. The original one is more than 700 coding lines.

This is also a good opportunity for you to figure out how our platform has evolved, how does the complicated coding progress can be compress into just dozens of coding sentences without losing any function of original intend.

Here is the original 700+ lines of code: https://www.fmz.com/bbs-topic/2268

var _StopLoss = 0
var _StopWin = 0
var _Grid = []

function UpdateGrid(nowBidsPrice, nowAsksPrice, direction){    // up 1, down -1
    if(_Grid.length == 0 || (direction == 1 && nowBidsPrice - _Grid[_Grid.length - 1].price > _GridPointDis) || 
        (direction == -1 && _Grid[_Grid.length - 1].price - nowAsksPrice > _GridPointDis)){

        var nowPrice = direction == 1 ? nowBidsPrice : nowAsksPrice
            price: _Grid.length == 0 ? nowPrice : _Grid[_Grid.length - 1].price + _GridPointDis * direction,
            hold : {price: 0, amount: 0}, 
            coverPrice : _Grid.length == 0 ? nowPrice - direction * _GridCovDis : _Grid[_Grid.length - 1].price + _GridPointDis * direction - direction * _GridCovDis

        var tradeInfo = direction == 1 ? $.Sell(_GridPointAmount) : $.Buy(_GridPointAmount)
        _Grid[_Grid.length - 1].hold.price = tradeInfo.price
        _Grid[_Grid.length - 1].hold.amount = tradeInfo.amount
        $.PlotFlag(new Date().getTime(), JSON.stringify(tradeInfo), "O")
    if(_Grid.length > 0 && 
        ((direction == 1 && nowAsksPrice < _Grid[_Grid.length - 1].coverPrice) || (direction == -1 && nowBidsPrice > _Grid[_Grid.length - 1].coverPrice))){
        var coverInfo = direction == 1 ? $.Buy(_Grid[_Grid.length - 1].hold.amount) : $.Sell(_Grid[_Grid.length - 1].hold.amount)
        $.PlotFlag(new Date().getTime(), JSON.stringify(coverInfo), "C")
    } else if(_Grid.length > _GridNum){
        var coverfirstInfo = direction == 1 ? $.Buy(_Grid[0].hold.amount) : $.Sell(_Grid[0].hold.amount)
        $.PlotFlag(new Date().getTime(), JSON.stringify(coverfirstInfo), "C")


function main(){
        var ticker = _C(exchange.GetTicker)
        var records = _C(exchange.GetRecords)
        $.PlotRecords(records, "kline")
        UpdateGrid(ticker.Buy, ticker.Sell, direction)       
        var msg = ""
        for(var i = 0; i < _Grid.length; i++){
            msg += JSON.stringify(_Grid[i]) + "\n"
        LogStatus(_D(), "_StopWin:", _StopWin, "_StopLoss:", _StopLoss, _C(exchange.GetAccount), "\n", "_Grid.length:", _Grid.length, "_GridNum:", _GridNum, "\n", msg)


发明者量化-小小梦 Great!