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Adding exchanges on our setting list

Author: , Created: 2018-10-30 12:18:25, Updated:

Dear cryptocurrency exchanges, we are a financial technology company that focused on quantitative trading software development and quantitative trading strategy research and services with a large community of cryptocurrency practitioners.

Currently, we are providing an extremely low price for exchanges to be added in our platforms’ default exchange choose settings with the configured public API interface.

If you ever wrote strategies or explored our website, you would know that we have a large number of cryptocurrency exchanges that has the partnership with us, such partnership is showing as below, when our customers want to choose an exchange to execute their quantitative trading strategies. We will list a bunch of exchanges’ that we have already configured and deployed the public API for our customers to choose.

Right now, if you are interested in our platform, with only the price of 1 bitcoin, we will connect and deploy your API interface on our platform, and also, it will be showing on the top of that list which I mentioned above. Adding exchanges on our setting list Adding exchanges on our setting list
