Futures_OKCoin API V5 接口能否使用,请问怎样处理呢

Author: fx8848, Created: 2021-04-03 15:12:32, Updated:

在OKEX申请V5 API 接口,提示不能使用,已经更新最新托管环境,OKEX V3 接口找不到了,请问还能使用OKEX交易所吗 GetAccount: 400: {“error_message”:“Please change to port v1 when you are using v1 apiKey. If you wish to use port v3, please register a v3 apiKey.”,“code”:30016,“error_code”:“30016”,“message”:“Please change to port v1 when you are using v1 apiKey. If you wish to use port v3, please register a v3 apiKey.”}


小草 升级最新的托管者,重新申请添加v5,刚刚升级支持了