
Author: ssg1002, Created: 2021-06-12 20:11:36, Updated:

GetAccount: 401: {“msg”:“Broker id of APIKey does not match current environment.”,“code”:“50101”} GetOrders: 401: {“msg”:“Broker id of APIKey does not match current environment.”,“code”:“50101”} GetOrders: 401: {“msg”:“Broker id of APIKey does not match current environment.”,“code”:“50101”} GetOrders: 401: {“msg”:“Broker id of APIKey does not match current environment.”,“code”:“50101”} Futures_OP 3: 401: {“msg”:“Broker id of APIKey does not match current environment.”,“code”:“50101”} Futures_OP 3: 401: {“msg”:“Broker id of APIKey does not match current environment.”,“code”:“50101”} Futures_OP 3: 401: {“msg”:“Broker id of APIKey does not match current environment.”,“code”:“50101”}

okex_samulate_v5 af2b2***** 只读 交易 2021-06-12 13:22:02 okex的v5 api key也是ok的,但是就是不行


小草 模拟盘需要先切换到模拟盘,文档搜一下