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আরও স্মার্ট ম্যাকডি

লেখক:চাওঝাং, তারিখ: ২০২২-০৫-১৬ ১৬:৫১ঃ৫৬

একটি ক্লাসিক এমএসিডি যার গড় শিখর এবং ডাইপ লাইন রয়েছে। হালকা সবুজ এবং লাল অনুভূমিক লাইনগুলি যথাক্রমে পুরো স্প্যানের গড় শিখর এবং ডাইপ। দ্বিতীয়, দুটি লাইনের সাহসী হ'ল সামগ্রিক শিখর এবং ডাইপ গড়ের উপরে এবং নীচে শিখর এবং ডাইপ গড়ের গড়। ভরা রঙটি এই গড়গুলি এবং সম্ভাব্য বাণিজ্য সেটআপগুলি ভিজ্যুয়ালাইজ করতে সহায়তা করে। এমএসিডি + গড় স্ক্রিপ্টের পুনরায় কাজ।


Smarter MACD

start: 2022-05-08 00:00:00
end: 2022-05-14 23:59:00
period: 3m
basePeriod: 1m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

//@ Cryptonaut
study("Smarter MACD", max_bars_back=500, max_labels_count=500, overlay=false, shorttitle="Smarter MACD")

//  Miscellaneous block  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Inputs
showTable = input(defval=true, group="Visibility Settings", title="Show right-side monitor?")

// Variables block
showMacd = true
negativeColor      = color.red
negativeColorFaded = color.new(color.red, 50)
neutralColor       = color.yellow
neutralColorFaded  = color.new(color.yellow, 50)
positiveColor      = color.green
positiveColorFaded = color.new(color.green, 50)
transparentColor   = color.new(color.white, 100)

darkTextColor  = color.black
lightTextColor = color.white

// Functions
getMa(type, src, length) =>
    float ma = 0

    if type == "EMA"
        ma := ema(src, length)
    else if type == "RMA"
        ma := rma(src, length)
    else if type == "SMA"
        ma := sma(src, length)
    else if type == "WMA"
        ma := wma(src, length)
    return = ma

// Calculations

// Plots
// SYMBOLS; ∅ ∇ ¤ ° » ↕ ↗ ↘ ↟ ↠ ↡ ∞ ∘ ∴ ∵ ∷ ⊛ ⊚ ⊙ ⊗ ⋆ ⌢ ⌣ ⌕ ⌖ ★ ✶

//  MACD block  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Calculation of trend and momentum                                                                //
// Inputs
macdFastMaLength = input(defval=12, group="MACD Settings", title="MACD Fast MA Length")
macdSlowMaLength = input(defval=26, group="MACD Settings", title="MACD Slow MA Length")
macdSignalLength = input(defval=23, group="MACD Settings", title="MACD Signal Length")

// Variables block

// Functions
getMacd(fastMaLength, slowMaLength, signalLength) =>
    fastMa      = getMa("EMA", close, fastMaLength)
    slowMa      = getMa("EMA", close, slowMaLength)
    macd        = fastMa - slowMa
    macdSignal  = getMa("EMA", macd, signalLength)
    macdHistory = macd - macdSignal
    [macd, macdSignal, macdHistory]

// Calculations
[macd, macdSignal, macdHistory] = getMacd(macdFastMaLength, macdSlowMaLength, macdSignalLength)

macdGrowAbove = positiveColor
macdFallBelow = negativeColor
macdGrowBelow = negativeColorFaded
macdFallAbove = positiveColorFaded
macdColor     = (macdHistory >= 0) ? (macdHistory[1] < macdHistory ? macdGrowAbove : macdFallAbove) : (macdHistory[1] < macdHistory ? macdGrowBelow : macdFallBelow)
macdHistColor = (macdHistory >= 0) ? (macdHistory[1] < macdHistory ? color.new(macdGrowAbove, 50) : color.new(macdFallAbove, 75)) : (macdHistory[1] < macdHistory ? color.new(macdGrowBelow, 75) : color.new(macdFallBelow, 50))

macdBot       = 0.0
macdBotPoints = 0.0
macdBots      = 0
macdTop       = 0.0
macdTopPoints = 0.0
macdTops      = 0
if not barstate.isfirst
    macdBot       := macdBot[1]
    macdBotPoints := macdBotPoints[1]
    macdBots      := macdBots[1]
    macdTop       := macdTop[1]
    macdTopPoints := macdTopPoints[1]
    macdTops      := macdTops[1]

if crossover(macdHistory, 0)
    macdBot      := macdSignal

    if macdSignal < 0
        macdBotPoints := macdBotPoints + macdSignal
        macdBots      := macdBots + 1

if crossunder(macdHistory, 0)
    macdTop      := macdSignal

    if macdSignal > 0
        macdTopPoints := macdTopPoints + macdSignal
        macdTops      := macdTops + 1

macdAvgBot = macdBotPoints/macdBots
macdAvgTop = macdTopPoints/macdTops

// Plots
macdAvgBotLine = plot(showMacd ? macdAvgBot : na, color=transparentColor, title="MACD Average Bottom")
macdAvgTopLine = plot(showMacd ? macdAvgTop : na, color=transparentColor, title="MACD Average Top")
fill(macdAvgBotLine, macdAvgTopLine, color=color.new(color.white, 90), title="MACD Average Range")

plot(showMacd ? macd : na,        color=macdColor, linewidth=1, title="MACD")
plot(showMacd ? macdSignal : na,  color=macdColor, linewidth=2, title="MACD Signal")
plot(showMacd ? macdHistory : na, color=macdHistColor, style=plot.style_columns, title="MACD Histogram")

plotshape(showMacd and (macdBot > macdBot[1]) ? macdSignal + (macdAvgBot * 0.25) : na, color=color.green, location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny, style=shape.triangleup,   title="MACD Bullish Divergence")
plotshape(showMacd and (macdTop < macdTop[1]) ? macdSignal + (macdAvgTop * 0.25) : na, color=color.red,   location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny, style=shape.triangledown, title="MACD Bearish Divergence")

if showMacd and (macdBot > macdBot[1])
    strategy.entry("Enter Long", strategy.long)
else if showMacd and (macdTop < macdTop[1])
    strategy.entry("Enter Short", strategy.short)

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