Die visuellen Verbesserungen, die ich in VADER-DEB hinzugefügt habe, helfen, mehr Einblicke in die
1) Default-Exposition des Dual/Long VADER-Graphs (welches wir als Proxy für das Sentiment verwenden) - und es wird jetzt als Bereich angezeigt (anstatt eines Histogramms) - Sie können das Sentiment-Graph immer noch in den Indikator-Einstellungen verstecken
2) durch die Verwendung von Richtungen
Das ist also Dual VADER w/Energy Bars
Diese Änderungen mögen von manchen als klein angesehen werden, aber meiner Meinung nach fanden ich sie visuell ansprechender und besser für
Die Kernberechnung im Code ändert sich nicht, wie die obige Grafik zeigt, in der wir beide VADER-Versionen nebeneinander vergleichen.
Wenn Sie mit der VADER-Version 3.0 zufrieden sind, können Sie sie weiterhin verwenden.
Viel Glück!
/*backtest start: 2022-04-23 00:00:00 end: 2022-05-22 23:59:00 period: 45m basePeriod: 5m exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ // This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/ // © RedKTrader //@version=5 indicator('RedK Dual VADER with Energy Bars [VADER-DEB]', 'RedK VADER-DEB v4.0', precision=0, timeframe='', timeframe_gaps=false) // This version is the same as VADER v3.0 with enhanced visuals, using Energy Bars instead of the positive/energy lines // Sentiment plot changed from histogram to area and is exposed by default (hence Dual w/ Energy Bars -- DEB) // No change in core calculations from VADER v3.0 -- and that's why i'll just call it VADER v4.0 // *********************************************************************************************************** // Choose volume calculation method.. Relative vs full. // Relative magnifies effect of recent volume spikes (up or down) f_RelVol(_value, _length) => min_value = ta.lowest(_value, _length) max_value = ta.highest(_value, _length) ta.stoch(_value, max_value, min_value, _length) / 100 // *********************************************************************************************************** // *********************************************************************************************************** // Choose MA type for the base DER calculation .. // WMA is my preference and is default .. SMA is really slow and lags a lot - but added for comparison f_derma(_data, _len, MAOption) => value = MAOption == 'SMA' ? ta.sma(_data, _len) : MAOption == 'EMA' ? ta.ema(_data, _len) : ta.wma(_data, _len) // *********************************************************************************************************** // =========================================================================================================== // Inputs // =========================================================================================================== price = close length = input.int(10, minval=1) DER_avg = input.int(5, 'Average', minval=1, inline='DER', group='Directional Energy Ratio') MA_Type = input.string('WMA', 'DER MA type', options=['WMA', 'EMA', 'SMA'], inline='DER', group='Directional Energy Ratio') smooth = input.int(3, 'Smooth', minval=1, inline='DER_1', group='Directional Energy Ratio') show_senti = input.bool(true, 'Sentiment', inline='DER_s', group='Directional Energy Ratio') senti = input.int(20, 'Length', minval=1, inline='DER_s', group='Directional Energy Ratio') v_calc = input.string('Relative', 'Calculation', options=['Relative', 'Full', 'None'], group='Volume Parameters') vlookbk = input.int(20, 'Lookback (for Relative)', minval=1, group='Volume Parameters') // =========================================================================================================== // Calculations // =========================================================================================================== // Volume Calculation Option -- will revert to no volume acceleration for instruments with no volume data vola = v_calc == 'None' or na(volume) ? 1 : v_calc == 'Relative' ? f_RelVol(volume, vlookbk) : volume R = (ta.highest(2) - ta.lowest(2)) / 2 // R is the 2-bar average bar range - this method accomodates bar gaps sr = ta.change(price) / R // calc ratio of change to R rsr = math.max(math.min(sr, 1), -1) // ensure ratio is restricted to +1/-1 in case of big moves c = fixnan(rsr * vola) // add volume accel -- fixnan adresses cases where no price change between bars c_plus = math.max(c, 0) // calc directional vol-accel energy c_minus = -math.min(c, 0) // plot(c_plus) // plot(c_minus) avg_vola = f_derma(vola, length, MA_Type) dem = f_derma(c_plus, length, MA_Type) / avg_vola // directional energy ratio sup = f_derma(c_minus, length, MA_Type) / avg_vola adp = 100 * ta.wma(dem, DER_avg) // average DER asp = 100 * ta.wma(sup, DER_avg) anp = adp - asp // net DER.. anp_s = ta.wma(anp, smooth) // Calculate Sentiment - a VADER for a longer period and can act as a baseline (compared to a static 0 value) // note we're not re-calculating vol_avg, demand or supply energy for sentiment. this would've been a different approach s_adp = 100 * ta.wma(dem, senti) // average DER for sentiment length s_asp = 100 * ta.wma(sup, senti) V_senti = ta.wma(s_adp - s_asp, smooth) // =========================================================================================================== // Colors & plots // =========================================================================================================== c_adp = color.new(#11ff20, 30) c_asp = color.new(#ff1111, 30) c_fd = color.new(color.green, 80) c_fs = color.new(color.red, 80) c_zero = color.new(#ffee00, 70) c_up = color.new(#11ff20, 0) c_dn = color.new(#ff1111, 0) up = anp_s >= 0 s_up = V_senti >=0 hline(0, 'Zero Line', c_zero, hline.style_solid) // ============================================================================= // v4.0 --- Sentiment will be represented as a 4-color area graph c_grow_above = #1b5e2080 c_grow_below = #dc4c4a80 c_fall_above = #66bb6a80 c_fall_below = #ef8e9880 sflag_up = math.abs(V_senti) >= math.abs(V_senti[1]) plot(show_senti ? V_senti : na, "Sentiment", style=plot.style_area, color = s_up ? (sflag_up ? c_grow_above : c_fall_above) : sflag_up ? c_grow_below : c_fall_below) // =========================================================================================================== // v4.0 Use Energy Bars instead of DER lines // =========================================================================================================== // Prep the Energy Bars bo = asp bc = adp bh = math.max(bo, bc) bl = math.min(bo, bc) rising = ta.change(bc) > 0 c_barup = #11ff2088 c_bardn = #ff111188 c_bardj = #ffffff88 barcolor = bc > bo and rising ? c_barup : bc < bo and not rising ? c_bardn : c_bardj //plotcandle(bo, bh, bl, bc, 'Energy Bars', barcolor, barcolor, bordercolor = barcolor) // ============================================================================================================ s = plot(asp, 'Supply Energy', c_asp, 2, display = display.none) d = plot(adp, 'Demand Energy', c_adp, 2, display = display.none) plot(anp, 'VADER', color.new(color.gray, 30), display=display.none) plot(anp_s, 'Signal', up ? c_up : c_dn, 4) // =========================================================================================================== // v2.0 adding alerts // =========================================================================================================== Alert_up = ta.crossover(anp_s,0) Alert_dn = ta.crossunder(anp_s,0) Alert_swing = ta.cross(anp_s,0) // "." in alert title for the alerts to show in the right order up/down/swing alertcondition(Alert_up, ". VADER Crossing 0 Up", "VADER Up - Buying Energy Detected!") alertcondition(Alert_dn, ".. VADER Crossing 0 Down", "VADER Down - Selling Energy Detected!") alertcondition(Alert_swing, "... VADER Crossing 0", "VADER Swing - Possible Reversal") // =========================================================================================================== // v3.0 more alerts for VADER crossing Sentiment // =========================================================================================================== v_speedup = ta.crossover(anp_s, V_senti) v_slowdn = ta.crossunder(anp_s, V_senti) alertcondition(v_speedup, "* VADER Speeding Up", "VADER Speeding Up!") alertcondition(v_slowdn, "** VADER Slowing Down", "VADER Slowing Down!") if Alert_up strategy.entry("Enter Long", strategy.long) else if Alert_dn strategy.entry("Enter Short", strategy.short)