Die Strategie nutzt mehrere technische Indikatoren wie den relativ starken RSI, den Moving Average Convergence Spread (MACD), den Index Moving Average (EMA) und den Average True Range (ATR), kombiniert mit dynamischem Positionsmanagement und Stop-Loss-Stopp-Mechanismen, um eine umfassende Trend-Tracking-Quantifizierungsstrategie zu realisieren. Die Strategie analysiert die Geschwindigkeit, Richtung, Stärke und Volatilität der Preise und passt sich an mehrere Marktumgebungen an, um Markttrends zu erfassen und Risiken zu kontrollieren.
Die Strategie verwendet dynamische Positionen und Risikomanagement, um Rücknahme-Risiken zu kontrollieren, während sie Trendchancen erfasst. Die Strategie ist vielseitig anwendbar und kann entsprechend der Marktmerkmale und der Investitionsbedürfnisse optimiert werden. In der praktischen Anwendung müssen jedoch Faktoren wie Marktrisiken, Parameter-Einstellungen und Handelskosten berücksichtigt werden und die Strategie regelmäßig bewertet und optimiert werden.
strategy("Enhanced Professional Strategy V6", shorttitle="EPS V6", overlay=true)
// Input parameters with tooltips for enhanced user understanding.
rsiPeriod = input.int(14, title="RSI Period", tooltip="Period length for the Relative Strength Index. Standard setting is 14. Adjust to increase or decrease sensitivity.")
macdFastLength = input.int(12, title="MACD Fast Length", tooltip="Length for the fast EMA in the MACD. Typical setting is 12. Adjust for faster signal response.")
macdSlowLength = input.int(26, title="MACD Slow Length", tooltip="Length for the slow EMA in the MACD. Standard setting is 26. Adjust for slower signal stabilization.")
macdSmoothing = input.int(9, title="MACD Smoothing", tooltip="Smoothing length for the MACD signal line. Commonly set to 9. Modifies signal line smoothness.")
atrLength = input.int(14, title="ATR Length", tooltip="Period length for the Average True Range. Used to measure market volatility.")
riskRewardRatio = input.float(2.0, title="Risk/Reward Ratio", tooltip="Your target risk vs. reward ratio. A setting of 2.0 aims for profits twice the size of the risk.")
emaFastLength = input.int(50, title="EMA Fast Length", tooltip="Period length for the fast Exponential Moving Average. Influences trend sensitivity.")
emaSlowLength = input.int(200, title="EMA Slow Length", tooltip="Period length for the slow Exponential Moving Average. Determines long-term trend direction.")
trailStopMultiplier = input.float(3.0, title="Trailing Stop Multiplier", tooltip="Multiplier for ATR to set trailing stop levels. Adjusts stop loss sensitivity to volatility.")
riskPerTrade = input.float(1.0, title="Risk Per Trade (%)", tooltip="Percentage of equity risked per trade. Helps maintain consistent risk management.")
targetProfitRatio = input.float(2.0, title="Target Profit Ratio", tooltip="Multiplier for setting a profit target above the risk/reward ratio. For capturing extended gains.")
displayLines = input.bool(true, title="Display Stop/Target Lines", tooltip="Enable to show stop loss and target profit lines on the chart for visual reference.")
// Technical Indicator Calculations
rsi = ta.rsi(close, rsiPeriod)
[macdLine, signalLine, _] = ta.macd(close, macdFastLength, macdSlowLength, macdSmoothing)
atr = ta.atr(atrLength)
emaFast = ta.ema(close, emaFastLength)
emaSlow = ta.ema(close, emaSlowLength)
// Define trailing stop based on ATR
atrTrailStop = atr * trailStopMultiplier
// Entry Conditions for Long and Short Trades
longCondition = ta.crossover(macdLine, signalLine) and rsi < 70 and close > emaFast and emaFast > emaSlow
shortCondition = ta.crossunder(macdLine, signalLine) and rsi > 30 and close < emaFast and emaFast < emaSlow
// Dynamic Position Sizing Based on Risk Management
slPoints = atr * 2
riskAmount = strategy.equity * riskPerTrade / 100
qty = riskAmount / slPoints
// Strategy Execution with Entry and Exit Conditions
if (longCondition)
strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, qty=qty)
strategy.exit("Exit Long", "Long", stop=close - atrTrailStop, limit=close + (atrTrailStop * riskRewardRatio))
strategy.exit("Target Profit Long", "Long", limit=close + (atrTrailStop * riskRewardRatio * targetProfitRatio))
if (shortCondition)
strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, qty=qty)
strategy.exit("Exit Short", "Short", stop=close + atrTrailStop, limit=close - (atrTrailStop * riskRewardRatio))
strategy.exit("Target Profit Short", "Short", limit=close - (atrTrailStop * riskRewardRatio * targetProfitRatio))
// Visualization: EMA lines and Entry/Exit Shapes
plot(emaFast, "EMA Fast", color=color.red)
plot(emaSlow, "EMA Slow", color=color.blue)
plotshape(series=longCondition and displayLines, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.green, size=size.small, title="Long Entry")
plotshape(series=shortCondition and displayLines, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.red, size=size.small, title="Short Entry")
// Educational Instructions & Tips
// Note: Use comments for static educational content within the script.
// Adjust the 'RSI Period' and 'MACD Lengths' to match the market's volatility.
// The 'Risk Management Settings' align the strategy with your risk tolerance and capital management plan.
// 'Visualization and Control Settings' customize the strategy's appearance on your chart.
// Experiment with 'ATR Lengths' and 'Multipliers' to optimize the strategy for different market conditions.
// Regularly review trade history and adjust 'Risk Per Trade' to manage drawdowns effectively.