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MOST Indikator Doppelposition Adaptive Strategie

Schriftsteller:ChaoZhang, Datum: 2024-05-24 17:28:39
Tags:Die meistenSMARSICCI



Diese Strategie ist eine auf dem MOST-Indikator basierende duale Positionsadaptive quantitative Handelsstrategie. Durch die Berechnung der langen und kurzen Periodenlinien des MOST-Indikators und die Berücksichtigung von Faktoren wie Preis und Handelsvolumen passt die Strategie die Eröffnungsrichtung, Positionsgröße, Take-Profit- und Stop-Loss-Punkte anpassungsfähig an, um stabile Renditen zu erzielen. Die Strategie berücksichtigt sowohl Trend- als auch Schwingungsmarktzustände und passt sich durch dynamische Anpassung von Parametern an verschiedene Marktumgebungen an.


  1. Berechnen Sie die langen und kurzen Periodenlinien des MOST-Indikators und bestimmen Sie die lange und kurze Richtung, indem Sie den Zusammenhang zwischen dem aktuellen Preis und der Position des MOST-Indikators vergleichen.
  2. Wenn der Trend stark ist, erhöhen Sie die Position entsprechend; wenn der Trend schwach ist, reduzieren Sie die Position entsprechend.
  3. Es werden mehrere Take-Profit- und Stop-Loss-Punkte festgelegt und die Take-Profit- und Stop-Loss-Punkte entsprechend der Marktvolatilität dynamisch angepasst, um das Risiko zu kontrollieren.
  4. Einführung von Handelszeiten und -filtern, um den Handel zu vermeiden, wenn die Marktvolatilität hoch ist oder der Trend unklar ist, was die Robustheit der Strategie verbessert.
  5. Umfassende Berücksichtigung mehrerer Indikatoren wie RSI und CCI, um die Eröffnungsbedingungen zu filtern und die Genauigkeit der Eröffnungspositionen zu verbessern.

Strategische Vorteile

  1. Anpassungsfähige Positionsanpassung: Dynamische Anpassung der Eröffnungsposition entsprechend der Trendstärke und der Marktvolatilität, Gewinngewinn bei starker Tendenz und Risikokontrolle bei schwächer Tendenz.
  2. Dynamisches Take-Profit- und Stop-Loss-Verfahren: Die Take-Profit- und Stop-Loss-Punkte werden entsprechend der Marktvolatilität dynamisch angepasst, wodurch die Gewinne rechtzeitig gesichert und die Abzüge wirksam kontrolliert werden können.
  3. Multi-Indikator-Filterung: Umfassende Berücksichtigung mehrerer Indikatoren wie RSI und CCI, um die Öffnungsbedingungen zu filtern, die Genauigkeit der Öffnungspositionen zu verbessern und das Risiko von Fehleinschätzungen zu verringern.
  4. Starke Anpassungsfähigkeit: Durch die Festlegung von Handelszeiten und -filtern wird vermieden, wenn die Marktvolatilität hoch ist oder der Trend unklar ist, wodurch die Anpassungsfähigkeit der Strategie verbessert wird.
  5. Parameteroptimierung: Die Strategie hat mehrere Parameter, die optimiert werden können, wie die MOST-Indikatorperiode, Take-Profit- und Stop-Loss-Punkte, Positionsgröße usw. Parameter können entsprechend verschiedenen Marktumgebungen und Vermögensmerkmalen optimiert werden, um die Strategierenditen zu verbessern.

Strategische Risiken

  1. Parameteroptimierungsrisiko: Die Strategie hat mehrere Parameter, die optimiert werden müssen, und verschiedene Parameter-Einstellungen können zu großen Unterschieden in der Strategieleistung führen, was zu einem Parameteroptimierungsrisiko führt.
  2. Risiko einer Überanpassung: Wenn die Optimierung von Parametern zu komplex ist, kann dies zu einer Überanpassung der Strategie und zu schlechter Leistung bei Daten außerhalb der Stichprobe führen.
  3. Black-Swan-Ereignisrisiko: Die Strategie ist auf der Grundlage historischer Daten optimiert und kann möglicherweise nicht mit extremen Marktbedingungen wie Black-Swan-Ereignissen umgehen.
  4. Marktrisiko: Die Strategie kann bei unklarer Entwicklung oder hoher Marktvolatilität zu großen Rückzügen führen.


  1. Einführung von Algorithmen für maschinelles Lernen, z. B. unterstützende Vektormaschinen und zufällige Wälder, um die Öffnungsbedingungen und die Positionsgrößen zu optimieren, um die Strategierendite und Robustheit zu verbessern.
  2. Einführung von Indikatoren für die Marktstimmung wie dem Panikindex zur Quantifizierung der Marktstimmung und rechtzeitige Anpassung der Positionen zur Risikokontrolle, wenn die Marktstimmung extrem ist.
  3. Einführung von Multifaktormodellen, wie z. B. grundlegende und technische Faktoren, um Vermögenswerte quantitativ zu bewerten und hochwertige Vermögenswerte auszuwählen, um die Strategierenditen zu verbessern.
  4. Einführung eines Kapitalmanagementmoduls zur dynamischen Anpassung der Positionsgrößen an die Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung, Kontrolle der Auszüge und Verbesserung der Strategiesicherheit.
  5. Durchführung einer parametrartappativen Optimierung zur anpassungsfähigen Anpassung der Strategieparameter an Veränderungen im Marktumfeld, wodurch die Anpassungsfähigkeit der Strategie verbessert wird.


Diese Strategie ist eine doppelpositionale adaptive quantitative Handelsstrategie, die auf dem MOST-Indikator basiert. Durch die dynamische Anpassung von Positionsgrößen und Take-Profit- und Stop-Loss-Punkten passt sie sich verschiedenen Marktumgebungen an und erzielt stabile Renditen. Gleichzeitig führt die Strategie mehrere Filterbedingungen ein, um die Genauigkeit der Eröffnungspositionen zu verbessern und die Ziehrisiken zu kontrollieren. In Zukunft können Machine-Learning-Algorithmen, Marktsentiment-Indikatoren, Multi-Faktor-Modelle usw. eingeführt werden, um die Strategie zu optimieren und die Rendite und Robustheit der Strategie zu verbessern.

start: 2024-04-01 00:00:00
end: 2024-04-30 23:59:59
period: 4h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

//@strategy_alert_message {{strategy.order.alert_message}} 
//bu yukardaki otomatik olarak alarma ekleniyormus, diger turlu her seferinde bunu yapistirman gerekiyordu..
// code combiner and developer @ Mustafa Özbakır mozbakir
// thank all other code owners 
strategy('mge-auto okx', pyramiding=3,close_entries_rule ="FIFO" , use_bar_magnifier = false ,process_orders_on_close=false,calc_on_order_fills = false,calc_on_every_tick= false,format=format.price, overlay=true,  default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity , default_qty_value=100, initial_capital=50, currency=currency.USD, commission_value=0.05, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent)
//Fiyat Tick hesabi
RoundToTick( _price) => math.round(_price/syminfo.mintick)*syminfo.mintick
open_fiyat = RoundToTick(open)
close_fiyat = RoundToTick(close)
high_fiyat = RoundToTick(high)
low_fiyat = RoundToTick(low)
hlc3_fiyat = RoundToTick(hlc3)
var float percenval_most_indikator_long = 0.
var float percenval_most_indikator_short = 0.
var float ikinci_giris_long = 0.
var float ikinci_giris_short = 0.
percenval_most_indikator_long := input.float(defval=3.4, minval=0, step=0.1, title='most percent long') / 100 //değeri 0,034 1000 üzerinden
percenval_most_indikator_short := input.float(defval=3.4, minval=0, step=0.1, title='most percent short') / 100
slen_long = input.int(defval=20, title='Long Fiyat MA Period', minval=2)

slen_short = input.int(defval=20, title='Short Fiyat MA Period', minval=2)

sabit_tp_yl = percenval_most_indikator_long / 2 //input.float(defval = 1.9       , title = "_long Sabit Kar-aL Long (%)"   , step=0.1, minval=0.1) / 100
sabit_tp_ys = percenval_most_indikator_short / 2 //input.float(defval = 1.9       , title = "_short Sabit Kar-aL Short (%)" , step=0.1, minval=0.1) / 100

ikinci_giris_long := 0.009//(percenval_most_indikator_long) - 0.009 //input.float(defval=0.8, minval=0, step=0.1, title='2.Long Fiyat % Kac Düştüğünde',tooltip = 'İlk pozisyon girişi botun %50 bütçesi ile açılır. İlk açılış fiyatı % kaç düşerse geri kalan %50bütçe ile 2. giriş yapılsın?') / 100
ikinci_giris_short := 0.009//(percenval_most_indikator_short) - 0.009//input.float(defval=0.8, minval=0, step=0.1, title='2.Short Fiyat % Kac Yükseldiğinde',tooltip = 'İlk pozisyon girişi botun %50 bütçesi ile açılır. İlk açılış fiyatı % kaç yükselirse geri kalan %50bütçe ile 2. giriş yapılsın?') / 100
//risk_trail_stop = input.float(defval=1.8, minval=0, step=0.1, title='Trail StopLoss % Kar Çarpanı') 

//takipli_sloss_yl = sabit_tp_yl * risk_trail_stop
//takipli_sloss_ys = sabit_tp_ys * risk_trail_stop
//takipli_sloss_yl = input.float(defval = 3.8       , title = "_long Takipli Stop-loss Long (%)"   , step=0.1, minval=0.1) / 100
//takipli_sloss_ys = input.float(defval = 3.8       , title = "_short Takipli Stop-loss Short (%)" , step=0.1, minval=0.1) / 100
sabit_loss_yl = percenval_most_indikator_long//input.float(defval = 1.9       , title = "_long zarar (%)"   , step=0.1, minval=0.1) / 100
sabit_loss_ys = percenval_most_indikator_short//input.float(defval = 1.9       , title = "_short zarar (%)" , step=0.1, minval=0.1) / 100
vwap_gosterge_filtre_long_most = input.bool(true,'Vwap MOST Long filtre => Aktif / Değil', inline="rc2")
vwap_gosterge_secimi_long_most = input.bool(true,'Vwap MOST Long => rsi / cci', inline="rc2")
vwap_gosterge_filtre_short_most = input.bool(true,'Vwap MOST Short filtre => Aktif / Değil', inline="rc3")
vwap_gosterge_secimi_short_most = input.bool(true,'Vwap MOST Short => rsi / cci', inline="rc3")

stop_loss_secimi_long = input.bool(true,'Long Zarar => Sabit / Takipli', inline="rc3")
stop_loss_secimi_short = input.bool(true,'Short Zarar => Sabit / Takipli', inline="rc3")

//slen = 20//input.int(defval=20, title='MA Period', minval=1)

InSession_long (sessionTimes_long , sessionTimeZone_long =syminfo.timezone) =>
    not na(time(timeframe.period, sessionTimes_long , sessionTimeZone_long ))
// Create the session and string inputs
sessionInput = "0000-2359"//input.session("0000-2345", title="Session Times")//, group="Trading Session") 
// Create the session string
//weekdays_long = "Long Günleri"
sadece_yer_icin_long = input.bool(defval=false, title="L_Gün :", inline="dL1")
on_mon_long = input.bool(defval=true, title="Psi", inline="dL1")
on_tue_long = input.bool(defval=true, title="S", inline="dL1")
on_wed_long = input.bool(defval=true, title="Ç", inline="dL1")
on_thu_long = input.bool(defval=true, title="P", inline="dL1")
on_fri_long = input.bool(defval=true, title="C", inline="dL1")
on_sat_long = input.bool(defval=true, title="Csi", inline="dL1")
on_sun_long = input.bool(defval=true, title="P", inline="dL1")

session_weekdays_long = ':'
if on_sun_long
    session_weekdays_long := session_weekdays_long + "1"
if on_mon_long
    session_weekdays_long := session_weekdays_long + "2"
if on_tue_long
    session_weekdays_long := session_weekdays_long + "3"
if on_wed_long
    session_weekdays_long := session_weekdays_long + "4"
if on_thu_long
    session_weekdays_long := session_weekdays_long + "5"
if on_fri_long
    session_weekdays_long := session_weekdays_long + "6"
if on_sat_long
    session_weekdays_long := session_weekdays_long + "7"
tradingSession_long  = sessionInput + session_weekdays_long//":" + daysInput_long 
// Highlight background of bars inside the specified session
bgcolor(InSession_long (tradingSession_long ) ? na : color.new(color.teal, 80))
trade_yap_zaman_long  = InSession_long(tradingSession_long ) ? true : false
InSession_short (sessionTimes_short , sessionTimeZone_short =syminfo.timezone) =>
    not na(time(timeframe.period, sessionTimes_short , sessionTimeZone_short ))
//weekdays_short = "Short Günleri"
sadece_yer_icin_short = input.bool(defval=false, title="S_Gün :", inline="ds1")
on_mon_short = input.bool(defval=true, title="Psi", inline="ds1")
on_tue_short = input.bool(defval=true, title="S", inline="ds1")
on_wed_short = input.bool(defval=true, title="Ç", inline="ds1")
on_thu_short = input.bool(defval=true, title="P", inline="ds1")
on_fri_short = input.bool(defval=true, title="C", inline="ds1")
on_sat_short = input.bool(defval=true, title="Csi", inline="ds1")
on_sun_short = input.bool(defval=true, title="P", inline="ds1")

session_weekdays_short = ':'
if on_sun_short
    session_weekdays_short := session_weekdays_short + "1"
if on_mon_short
    session_weekdays_short := session_weekdays_short + "2"
if on_tue_short
    session_weekdays_short := session_weekdays_short + "3"
if on_wed_short
    session_weekdays_short := session_weekdays_short + "4"
if on_thu_short
    session_weekdays_short := session_weekdays_short + "5"
if on_fri_short
    session_weekdays_short := session_weekdays_short + "6"
if on_sat_short
    session_weekdays_short := session_weekdays_short + "7"
tradingSession_short  = sessionInput + session_weekdays_short//":" + daysInput_short 
// Highlight background of bars inside the specified session
bgcolor(InSession_short (tradingSession_short ) ? na :color.new(color.purple, 80) )
trade_yap_zaman_short  = InSession_short(tradingSession_short ) ? true : false

Amount_1a = input.float(51, "1. Giris %Bütce", minval = 0.01, inline = "31")//, group = ALERTGRP_CRED) //pozisyon_1_yuzde
Amount_2a = input.float(49, "2. Giris %Bütce", minval = 0.01, inline = "31")//, group = ALERTGRP_CRED) //pozisyon_2_yuzde
okx_bot_butcesi = input.int(50,'Okx Bot Bütcesi $', inline = "bb1")
okx_bot_kaldirac = input.int(2,'Okx Bot Kaldirac x', inline = "bb1")


OpenDirection  = input.string(defval="BIRLIKTE", title="ISLEM SECIMI", options=["BIRLIKTE", "LONG", "SHORT"])


Zlema_Func(src, length) =>
    zxLag = length / 2 == math.round(length / 2) ? length / 2 : (length - 1) / 2
    zxEMAData = src + src - src[zxLag]
    ZLEMA = ta.ema(zxEMAData, length)
fiyat_zlema = Zlema_Func(close_fiyat,20)
fiyat_alma =ta.alma(close_fiyat,96,8,0.6185)//ta.roc(fiyat_alma2,20) //math.sum(ta.roc(fiyat_alma2,1),1) == -3 and math.sum(ta.roc(fiyat_alma3,1),1) == -2
plot(fiyat_alma,'Fiyat Alma ',color.yellow)  

cro_anatrend= ta.crossover(fiyat_zlema,fiyat_alma)//ta.crossover(anatrend_fiyat, mtf_fiyat_alma)
cru_anatrend= ta.crossunder(fiyat_zlema,fiyat_alma)//ta.crossunder(anatrend_fiyat, mtf_fiyat_alma)
direction_anatrend = 0
direction_anatrend := cro_anatrend ? 1 : cru_anatrend ? -1 : direction_anatrend[1]

vwap_cci_Length = 20//input.int(20, minval=1)
vwap_sma_Length = 9//input.int(9, minval=1)
vwap_cci = ta.cci(ta.vwap(close_fiyat[1]),vwap_cci_Length)
vwap_rsi = ta.rsi(ta.vwap(close_fiyat[1]),vwap_cci_Length)
vwap_sma_gosterge_cci = ta.sma(vwap_cci,vwap_sma_Length)  // Most momentum icin
vwap_sma_gosterge_rsi = ta.sma(vwap_rsi,vwap_sma_Length) // Most momentum icin

vwap_gosterge_cci = vwap_sma_gosterge_cci
vwap_gosterge_rsi = vwap_sma_gosterge_rsi
vwap_gosterge_long_most = vwap_gosterge_secimi_long_most ? vwap_gosterge_rsi : vwap_gosterge_cci
vwap_gosterge_short_most = vwap_gosterge_secimi_short_most ? vwap_gosterge_rsi : vwap_gosterge_cci 
vwap_long_most = vwap_gosterge_secimi_long_most ? (vwap_gosterge_long_most > 70) : (vwap_gosterge_long_most > 50) 
vwap_short_most = vwap_gosterge_secimi_short_most ? (vwap_gosterge_short_most < 30) and not(vwap_gosterge_short_most < 10)  : (vwap_gosterge_short_most < -50)


//calculation of the most trend price
averprice_long = Zlema_Func(close_fiyat, slen_long)//averprice//input(close)
averprice_short = Zlema_Func(close_fiyat, slen_short)
//plot(plot_goster_fiyat ? averprice : na ,title = 'fiyat')

exMov_indikator_long = averprice_long
fark_indikator_long = exMov_indikator_long * percenval_most_indikator_long //* 0.01
longStop_indikator_long = exMov_indikator_long - fark_indikator_long
longStopPrev_indikator_long = nz(longStop_indikator_long[1], longStop_indikator_long)
longStop_indikator_long := exMov_indikator_long > longStopPrev_indikator_long ? math.max(longStop_indikator_long, longStopPrev_indikator_long) : longStop_indikator_long
shortStop_indikator_long = exMov_indikator_long + fark_indikator_long
shortStopPrev_indikator_long = nz(shortStop_indikator_long[1], shortStop_indikator_long)
shortStop_indikator_long := exMov_indikator_long < shortStopPrev_indikator_long ? math.min(shortStop_indikator_long, shortStopPrev_indikator_long) : shortStop_indikator_long
dir_indikator_long = 1
dir_indikator_long := nz(dir_indikator_long[1], dir_indikator_long)
dir_indikator_long := dir_indikator_long == -1 and exMov_indikator_long > shortStopPrev_indikator_long ? 1 : dir_indikator_long == 1 and exMov_indikator_long < longStopPrev_indikator_long ? -1 : dir_indikator_long
MOST_indikator_long = dir_indikator_long == 1 ? longStop_indikator_long : shortStop_indikator_long
cro_indikator_long = ta.crossover(exMov_indikator_long, MOST_indikator_long)
cru_indikator_long = ta.crossunder(exMov_indikator_long, MOST_indikator_long)
direction_indikator_long = 0
direction_indikator_long := cro_indikator_long ? 1 : cru_indikator_long ? -1 : direction_indikator_long[1]
colorM_indikator_long = direction_indikator_long == 1 ? color.rgb(14, 241, 52) : direction_indikator_long == -1  ? color.red : color.rgb(59, 248, 255)
plot( MOST_indikator_long, color = colorM_indikator_long, linewidth=3, title='MOST_indikator_long')
//plot(exMov_indikator_long, color=colorM_indikator_long, linewidth=2, title='exMov_indikator_long')
exMov_indikator_short = averprice_short
fark_indikator_short = exMov_indikator_short * percenval_most_indikator_short //* 0.01
longStop_indikator_short = exMov_indikator_short - fark_indikator_short
longStopPrev_indikator_short = nz(longStop_indikator_short[1], longStop_indikator_short)
longStop_indikator_short := exMov_indikator_short > longStopPrev_indikator_short ? math.max(longStop_indikator_short, longStopPrev_indikator_short) : longStop_indikator_short
shortStop_indikator_short = exMov_indikator_short + fark_indikator_short
shortStopPrev_indikator_short = nz(shortStop_indikator_short[1], shortStop_indikator_short)
shortStop_indikator_short := exMov_indikator_short < shortStopPrev_indikator_short ? math.min(shortStop_indikator_short, shortStopPrev_indikator_short) : shortStop_indikator_short
dir_indikator_short = 1
dir_indikator_short := nz(dir_indikator_short[1], dir_indikator_short)
dir_indikator_short := dir_indikator_short == -1 and exMov_indikator_short > shortStopPrev_indikator_short ? 1 : dir_indikator_short == 1 and exMov_indikator_short < longStopPrev_indikator_short ? -1 : dir_indikator_short
MOST_indikator_short = dir_indikator_short == 1 ? longStop_indikator_short : shortStop_indikator_short
cro_indikator_short= ta.crossover(exMov_indikator_short, MOST_indikator_short)
cru_indikator_short= ta.crossunder(exMov_indikator_short, MOST_indikator_short)
direction_indikator_short = 0
direction_indikator_short := cro_indikator_short ? 1 : cru_indikator_short ? -1 : direction_indikator_short[1]
colorM_indikator_short = direction_indikator_short == 1 ? color.rgb(14, 241, 52) : direction_indikator_short == -1  ? color.red : color.rgb(59, 248, 255)
plot( MOST_indikator_short, color=colorM_indikator_short, linewidth=3, title='MOST_indikator_short')
//plot(exMov_indikator_short, color=colorM_indikator_short, linewidth=2, title='exMov_indikator_short')


trend_yonu_oto = input.bool(true,'Ana Trend Indikator Pozisyon Sekli (Yonu Devam Eden - Tersi Tekli) => Auto / Manuel', inline="rb")
indikator_long_sekli = input.bool(true,'Indikator Long Manuel => Devam Eden / Tekli', inline="rc")
indikator_short_sekli = input.bool(true,'Indikator Short Manuel => Devam Eden / Tekli', inline="rc") 
longCondition_most_indikator = (indikator_long_sekli == true and not(trend_yonu_oto == true)) or (trend_yonu_oto == true and direction_anatrend == 1) ? direction_indikator_long == 1 and not(low <= MOST_indikator_long): cro_indikator_long and not(low <= MOST_indikator_long)//ta.crossover(averprice, trendprice) //and (averprice[1] < trendprice[1]) //and ( close[1] < averprice[1])
shortCondition_most_indikator = (indikator_short_sekli == true and not(trend_yonu_oto == true)) or (trend_yonu_oto == true and direction_anatrend == -1) ? direction_indikator_short == -1 and not(high >= MOST_indikator_short): cru_indikator_short and not(high >= MOST_indikator_short)//ta.crossunder(averprice , trendprice_short) //and (averprice[1] > trendprice_short[1]) //and ( close[1] > averprice[1])
//longCondition_most_indikator = cro_indikator_long//(indikator_long_sekli == true and not(trend_yonu_oto == true)) or (trend_yonu_oto == true and direction_anatrend == 1) ? direction_indikator_long == 1 : cro_indikator_long//ta.crossover(averprice, trendprice) //and (averprice[1] < trendprice[1]) //and ( close[1] < averprice[1])
//shortCondition_most_indikator = cru_indikator_short// or (direction_indikator_short == -1 and ta.crossunder(open,MOST_indikator_short))//(indikator_short_sekli == true and not(trend_yonu_oto == true)) or (trend_yonu_oto == true and direction_anatrend == -1) ? direction_indikator_short == -1 : cru_indikator_short//ta.crossunder(averprice , trendprice_short) //and (averprice[1] > trendprice_short[1]) //and ( close[1] > averprice[1])

tahmin_uzunlugu_1 = 20//input.int(5,title =' 1=' , minval=1,inline='tu')
tahmin_uzunlugu_2 = 40//input.int(8,title =' 2=' , minval=1,inline='tu')
tahmin_uzunlugu_3 = 96//input.int(20,title =' 3=' , minval=1,inline='tu')
//tahmin_kaynak_secimi = ' close '// input.string(' close ',title="TOlası Tepe/Dip Fiyat Kaynak", options=[' close ', ' Zlema '])
tahmin_kaynak_fiyat = close_fiyat// tahmin_kaynak_secimi == ' close ' ? close : Zlema_Func(close,8)
fonk_tepe_dip_tahmin(string gozuksunmu,float tahmin_kaynak_fiyat,string tepe_dip,int tahmin_uzunluk,int gosterge_yeri) =>
    sitil_shape = tepe_dip == "tepe" ? shape.triangledown : tepe_dip == "dip" ? shape.triangleup : na
    sitil_label = tepe_dip == "tepe" ? label.style_triangledown : tepe_dip == "dip" ? label.style_triangleup : na
    //philo = input.string("Lows", "Highs or Lows?", options=["Highs", "Lows"])
    linecolor = color.gray//input.color(color.new(color.gray,0), "Label/Line Color")
    ptransp = 33//input.int(33, "Radar Transparency", minval=0, maxval=100)
    ltransp = 100//input.int(100, "Line Transparency", minval=0, maxval=100)
    n = bar_index

    // Input/2 (Default 5) Length Pivot Cycle
    hcol =  tepe_dip == "tepe" ?color.purple : color.green//input.color(color.purple, "Half Cycle Color", inline="hc")
    cych = tahmin_uzunluk//input.int(5, "Length", inline="hc")
    labh = true//input.bool(true, "Label?", inline="hc")
    labhf = true//input.bool(true, "Forecast?", inline="hc")
    plh = tepe_dip == "tepe" ? ta.pivothigh(tahmin_kaynak_fiyat,cych, cych) : ta.pivotlow(tahmin_kaynak_fiyat,cych, cych) // Define a PL or PH based on L/H Switch in settings
    plhy = tepe_dip == "tepe" ? gosterge_yeri : -(math.abs(gosterge_yeri)) // Position the pivot on the Y axis of the oscillator
    plhi = ta.barssince(plh) // Bars since pivot occured?
    plhp = plhi>cych // Bars since pivot occured greater than cycle length?
    lowhin = tepe_dip == "tepe" ? ta.highest(tahmin_kaynak_fiyat, cych*2) : ta.lowest(tahmin_kaynak_fiyat, cych*2) // Highest/Lowest for the cycle
    lowh = ta.barssince(plh)>cych ? lowhin : na // If the barssince pivot are greater than cycle length, show the uncomnfirmed "pivot tracker"
    //plot(plhy, "Half Cycle Radar Line", color=plhp?hcol:color.new(linecolor,ltransp), offset=(cych*-1), display=display.none) // Cycle detection lines v1
    //plotshape(plh ? plhy : na, "Half Cycle Confirmed", style=sitil_shape, location=location.absolute, color=hcol, size = size.tiny, offset=(cych*-1)) // Past Pivots
    //plotshape(lowh ? plhy : na, "Half Cycle Radar", style=shape.circle, location=location.absolute, color=color.new(hcol, ptransp), size = size.tiny, offset=(cych*-1), show_last=1, display=display.none) // AKA the "Tracker/Radar" v1
    // LuxAlgo pivot average calculation used for the forecast
    barssince_ph = 0
    ph_x2 = ta.valuewhen(plh, n - cych, 1) // x values for pivot
    if plh
        barssince_ph := (n - cych) - ph_x2 // if there is a pivot, then BarsSincePivot = (BarIndex - Cycle Length) - x values for pivot
    avg_barssince_ph = ta.cum(barssince_ph) / ta.cum(math.sign(barssince_ph)) // AvgBarsSincePivot = Sum of the BarsSincePivot divided by (Sum of the number of signs of BarsSincePivot, AKA the number of BarsSincePivots)
    // Draw a diamond forecast label and forecast range line
    tooltiph = "🔄 Pivot Cycle: " + str.tostring(cych) + " bars" +
     "\n⏱ Last Pivot: " + str.tostring(plhi + cych) + " bars ago" + 
     "\n🧮 Average Pivot: " + str.tostring(math.round(avg_barssince_ph)) + " bars" + 
     "\n🔮 Next Pivot: " + str.tostring(math.round(avg_barssince_ph)-(plhi + cych)) + " bars" + 
     "\n📏 Range: +/- " + str.tostring(math.round(avg_barssince_ph/2)) + " bars"
    var label fh = na
    var line lh = na
    if  labhf and gozuksunmu == "gozuksun"
        fh := label.new(n + math.min((math.round(avg_barssince_ph) - (plhi+cych)), 500), y=plhy, size=size.tiny, style=sitil_label, color=color.new(hcol,ptransp),tooltip =tooltiph) 
        lh := line.new(x1=n + math.min(math.round((avg_barssince_ph - (plhi+cych))-(avg_barssince_ph/2)), 500), x2=n + math.min(math.round((avg_barssince_ph - (plhi+cych))+(avg_barssince_ph/2)), 500), y1=plhy, y2=plhy, color=color.new(hcol,ptransp))
    var label ch = na // Create a label
    if  labh and gozuksunmu == "gozuksun"// Define the label
        ch := label.new(bar_index, y=plhy, text=str.tostring(cych), size=size.small, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=color.new(plhp?hcol:linecolor,0), tooltip=tooltiph) 
    int sonraki_pivot = math.round(avg_barssince_ph)-(plhi + cych)
[tepe_1_uzaklik] = fonk_tepe_dip_tahmin('',tahmin_kaynak_fiyat,'tepe',tahmin_uzunlugu_1,50)
[tepe_2_uzaklik] = fonk_tepe_dip_tahmin('',tahmin_kaynak_fiyat,'tepe',tahmin_uzunlugu_2,100)
[tepe_3_uzaklik] = fonk_tepe_dip_tahmin('',tahmin_kaynak_fiyat,'tepe',tahmin_uzunlugu_3,150)
[dip_1_uzaklik] = fonk_tepe_dip_tahmin('',tahmin_kaynak_fiyat,'dip',tahmin_uzunlugu_1,50)
[dip_2_uzaklik] = fonk_tepe_dip_tahmin('',tahmin_kaynak_fiyat,'dip',tahmin_uzunlugu_2,100)
[dip_3_uzaklik] = fonk_tepe_dip_tahmin('',tahmin_kaynak_fiyat,'dip',tahmin_uzunlugu_3,150)
gelecek_tepe_adet = 0
gelecek_tepe_adet := tepe_1_uzaklik > 0 ? gelecek_tepe_adet + 1 : gelecek_tepe_adet
gelecek_tepe_adet := tepe_2_uzaklik > 0 ? gelecek_tepe_adet + 1 : gelecek_tepe_adet
gelecek_tepe_adet := tepe_3_uzaklik > 0 ? gelecek_tepe_adet + 1 : gelecek_tepe_adet
gelecek_tepe_uzaklik_toplami = 0
gelecek_tepe_uzaklik_toplami := tepe_1_uzaklik > 0 ? gelecek_tepe_uzaklik_toplami + tepe_1_uzaklik : gelecek_tepe_uzaklik_toplami
gelecek_tepe_uzaklik_toplami := tepe_2_uzaklik > 0 ? gelecek_tepe_uzaklik_toplami + tepe_2_uzaklik : gelecek_tepe_uzaklik_toplami
gelecek_tepe_uzaklik_toplami := tepe_3_uzaklik > 0 ? gelecek_tepe_uzaklik_toplami + tepe_3_uzaklik : gelecek_tepe_uzaklik_toplami

//tepe_xo_text_sayac = str.tostring(gelecek_tepe_adet)//"1. kosul sayısı : " + str.tostring(kss7) + "\n\2. Kosul Sayisi : "  + str.tostring(kss14) + "\n\3. Kosul sayisi : " + str.tostring(kss21) + "\n\En yuksek Dongu sayısına sahip kosul -kontrol amacli- : " +str.tostring(istedigim_rsi) + "\n\En yuksek Dongu sayısına sahip kosul degeri -kontrol amacli- : " +str.tostring(istedigim_rsi_deger)
//tepe_l_sayac = label.new(x = bar_index-10, y = high, style = label.style_label_left, text = tepe_xo_text_sayac,color=color.green,textcolor = color.white)
//tepe_u_xo_text_sayac = str.tostring(gelecek_tepe_uzaklik_toplami)//"1. kosul sayısı : " + str.tostring(kss7) + "\n\2. Kosul Sayisi : "  + str.tostring(kss14) + "\n\3. Kosul sayisi : " + str.tostring(kss21) + "\n\En yuksek Dongu sayısına sahip kosul -kontrol amacli- : " +str.tostring(istedigim_rsi) + "\n\En yuksek Dongu sayısına sahip kosul degeri -kontrol amacli- : " +str.tostring(istedigim_rsi_deger)
//tepe_u_l_sayac = label.new(x = bar_index, y = low, style = label.style_label_left, text = tepe_u_xo_text_sayac,color=color.red,textcolor = color.white)
gelecek_dip_adet = 0
gelecek_dip_adet := dip_1_uzaklik > 0 ? gelecek_dip_adet + 1 : gelecek_dip_adet
gelecek_dip_adet := dip_2_uzaklik > 0 ? gelecek_dip_adet + 1 : gelecek_dip_adet
gelecek_dip_adet := dip_3_uzaklik > 0 ? gelecek_dip_adet + 1 : gelecek_dip_adet
gelecek_dip_uzaklik_toplami = 0
gelecek_dip_uzaklik_toplami := dip_1_uzaklik > 0 ? gelecek_dip_uzaklik_toplami + dip_1_uzaklik : gelecek_dip_uzaklik_toplami
gelecek_dip_uzaklik_toplami := dip_2_uzaklik > 0 ? gelecek_dip_uzaklik_toplami + dip_2_uzaklik : gelecek_dip_uzaklik_toplami
gelecek_dip_uzaklik_toplami := dip_3_uzaklik > 0 ? gelecek_dip_uzaklik_toplami + dip_3_uzaklik : gelecek_dip_uzaklik_toplami
//dip_xo_text_sayac = str.tostring(gelecek_dip_adet)//"1. kosul sayısı : " + str.tostring(kss7) + "\n\2. Kosul Sayisi : "  + str.tostring(kss14) + "\n\3. Kosul sayisi : " + str.tostring(kss21) + "\n\En yuksek Dongu sayısına sahip kosul -kontrol amacli- : " +str.tostring(istedigim_rsi) + "\n\En yuksek Dongu sayısına sahip kosul degeri -kontrol amacli- : " +str.tostring(istedigim_rsi_deger)
//dip_l_sayac = label.new(x = bar_index-5, y = high, style = label.style_label_left, text = dip_xo_text_sayac,color=color.aqua,textcolor = color.white)
//dip_u_xo_text_sayac = str.tostring(gelecek_dip_uzaklik_toplami)//"1. kosul sayısı : " + str.tostring(kss7) + "\n\2. Kosul Sayisi : "  + str.tostring(kss14) + "\n\3. Kosul sayisi : " + str.tostring(kss21) + "\n\En yuksek Dongu sayısına sahip kosul -kontrol amacli- : " +str.tostring(istedigim_rsi) + "\n\En yuksek Dongu sayısına sahip kosul degeri -kontrol amacli- : " +str.tostring(istedigim_rsi_deger)
//dip_u_l_sayac = label.new(x = bar_index+5, y = low, style = label.style_label_left, text = dip_u_xo_text_sayac,color=color.gray,textcolor = color.white)
olasi_long_ihtimali = ((gelecek_tepe_adet > 0) and (gelecek_tepe_uzaklik_toplami > 0)) and ((gelecek_tepe_adet > gelecek_dip_adet) and (gelecek_tepe_uzaklik_toplami > gelecek_dip_uzaklik_toplami)) ? true : false
olasi_short_ihtimali = ((gelecek_dip_adet > 0) and (gelecek_dip_uzaklik_toplami > 0)) and ((gelecek_tepe_adet < gelecek_dip_adet) and (gelecek_tepe_uzaklik_toplami < gelecek_dip_uzaklik_toplami)) ? true : false
gelecek_long_tahmini_aktif = input.bool(false,'gelecek long tahmini aktif')
gelecek_short_tahmini_aktif = input.bool(false,'gelecek short tahmini aktif')
//pozisyon seçimi
//OpenDirection  = input.string(defval="BIRLIKTE", title="ISLEM SECIMI", options=["BIRLIKTE", "LONG", "SHORT"])
open_all        = OpenDirection == "BIRLIKTE" 
open_all_longs  = OpenDirection != "SHORT"
open_all_shorts = OpenDirection != "LONG"

longaktif       = bool(na)
shortaktif      = bool(na)

longaktif       := open_all ? true : open_all_longs ? true  : open_all_shorts ? false : na
shortaktif      := open_all ? true : open_all_longs ? false : open_all_shorts ? true  : na

//Long-Short entry conditions....

group_backtest = "Backtest Tarih Aralığı"
stday = input.int(defval=4, title='start Day', minval=1, maxval=31,group = group_backtest)
stmon = input.int(defval=1, title='start Month', minval=1, maxval=12,group = group_backtest)
styear = input.int(defval=2024, title='start Year', minval=2000,group = group_backtest)
fnday = input.int(defval=1, title='Finish Day', minval=1, maxval=31,group = group_backtest)
fnmon = input.int(defval=1, title='finish Month', minval=1, maxval=12,group = group_backtest)
fnyear = input.int(defval=2030, title='finish Year', minval=2000,group = group_backtest)
starttime = timestamp(styear, stmon, stday, 00, 00)
finishtime = timestamp(fnyear, fnmon, fnday, 23, 59)
backtest() =>
    time >= starttime and time <= finishtime ? true : false

indikator_long = longCondition_most_indikator

if vwap_gosterge_filtre_long_most
    indikator_long := (vwap_long_most) and indikator_long

if gelecek_long_tahmini_aktif
    indikator_long := (olasi_long_ihtimali == true) and indikator_long

indikator_short = shortCondition_most_indikator

if vwap_gosterge_filtre_short_most
    indikator_short := (vwap_short_most) and indikator_short

if gelecek_short_tahmini_aktif
    indikator_short := (olasi_short_ihtimali == true) and indikator_short

long_giris_baslangic = indikator_long and longaktif == true and (trade_yap_zaman_long ==true) and not(strategy.position_size > 0) //(strategy.position_size == 0) //and
short_giris_baslangic = indikator_short and shortaktif == true and (trade_yap_zaman_short ==true) and not(strategy.position_size < 0) //and //(strategy.position_size == 0)

long_pozisyon_giris = long_giris_baslangic[1]
short_pozisyon_giris = short_giris_baslangic[1]

var float long_pozisyon_giris_fiyati = 0.
var float short_pozisyon_giris_fiyati = 0.
long_pozisyon_giris_fiyati := ta.valuewhen(long_pozisyon_giris and not(str.contains(strategy.opentrades.entry_id(0), "L1") or str.contains(strategy.opentrades.entry_id(0), "L2") or str.contains(strategy.opentrades.entry_id(0), "L3") or str.contains(strategy.opentrades.entry_id(0), "S1") or str.contains(strategy.opentrades.entry_id(0), "S2") or str.contains(strategy.opentrades.entry_id(0), "S3")),close_fiyat,0)
short_pozisyon_giris_fiyati := ta.valuewhen(short_pozisyon_giris and not(str.contains(strategy.opentrades.entry_id(0), "L1") or str.contains(strategy.opentrades.entry_id(0), "L2") or str.contains(strategy.opentrades.entry_id(0), "L3") or str.contains(strategy.opentrades.entry_id(0), "S1") or str.contains(strategy.opentrades.entry_id(0), "S2") or str.contains(strategy.opentrades.entry_id(0), "S3")),close_fiyat,0)

var float sabit_tp_long_fiyat = 0.
var float sabit_tp_short_fiyat = 0.
sabit_tp_long_fiyat   := long_pozisyon_giris_fiyati * (1 + sabit_tp_yl)
sabit_tp_short_fiyat  := short_pozisyon_giris_fiyati * (1 - sabit_tp_ys)
var float sabit_loss_long_fiyat = 0.
var float sabit_loss_short_fiyat = 0.
sabit_loss_long_fiyat   := long_pozisyon_giris_fiyati * (1 - sabit_loss_yl)
sabit_loss_short_fiyat  := short_pozisyon_giris_fiyati * (1 + sabit_loss_ys)

//Takip stop kodu (TRAILING STOP CODE)

traillongStopPrice  = 0., trailshortStopPrice = 0.

traillongStopPrice := if (strategy.position_size > 0)
    long_stopValue  = low_fiyat * (1 - sabit_loss_yl )
    math.max(long_stopValue , traillongStopPrice[1])

trailshortStopPrice := if (strategy.position_size < 0)
    short_stopValue = high_fiyat * (1 + sabit_loss_ys)
    math.min(short_stopValue, trailshortStopPrice[1])
//Takip stop kodu BITTI (TRAILING STOP CODE)

stop_loss_long_fiyat = stop_loss_secimi_long ?  sabit_loss_long_fiyat : traillongStopPrice
stop_loss_short_fiyat = stop_loss_secimi_short ?  sabit_loss_short_fiyat : trailshortStopPrice

var float Long_2_giris_fiyati = 0.
Long_2_giris_fiyati := stop_loss_long_fiyat * (1 + ikinci_giris_long)//strategy.position_size > 0 and (str.contains(strategy.opentrades.entry_id(0), "L1")) ? strategy.opentrades.entry_price(strategy.opentrades - 1) * (1 - ikinci_giris_long) : na//sonra bir değişken olarak bakabiliriz.
//var float Long_3_giris_fiyati = 0.
//Long_3_giris_fiyati := most_long_oldugunda_fiyat * (1 - 0.015)
var float Short_2_giris_fiyati = 0.
Short_2_giris_fiyati := stop_loss_short_fiyat * (1 - ikinci_giris_short)//strategy.position_size < 0 and (str.contains(strategy.opentrades.entry_id(0), "S1")) ? strategy.opentrades.entry_price(strategy.opentrades - 1) * (1 + ikinci_giris_short) : na // * (1 + ikinci_girisler)
//var float Short_3_giris_fiyati = 0.
//Short_3_giris_fiyati :=  most_short_oldugunda_fiyat * (1 + 0.015)
//Amount_1 = input.float(51, "Amount İlk Pozisyon", minval = 0.01, inline = "31")//, group = ALERTGRP_CRED) //pozisyon_1_yuzde
//Amount_2 = input.float(49, "Amount 2. Giris", minval = 0.01, inline = "31")//, group = ALERTGRP_CRED) //pozisyon_2_yuzde
//RoundToTick( _price) => math.round(_price/syminfo.mintick)*syminfo.mintick
Amount_1_long = (indikator_long_sekli == true and not(trend_yonu_oto == true)) or (trend_yonu_oto == true and direction_anatrend == 1) ? Amount_1a / 2 : Amount_1a
Amount_1_short = (indikator_short_sekli == true and not(trend_yonu_oto == true)) or (trend_yonu_oto == true and direction_anatrend == -1) ? Amount_1a / 2 : Amount_1a
kontrakt_buyuklugu_long_1 = (indikator_long_sekli == true and not(trend_yonu_oto == true)) or (trend_yonu_oto == true and direction_anatrend == 1) ? (((okx_bot_butcesi*(Amount_1a/100))  * okx_bot_kaldirac) / RoundToTick(long_pozisyon_giris_fiyati)) / 2 : ((okx_bot_butcesi*(Amount_1a/100))  * okx_bot_kaldirac) / RoundToTick(long_pozisyon_giris_fiyati)
//math.round(((okx_bot_butcesi*(Amount_1/100))  * okx_bot_kaldirac) / long_pozisyon_giris_fiyati)
kontrakt_buyuklugu_short_1 = (indikator_short_sekli == true and not(trend_yonu_oto == true)) or (trend_yonu_oto == true and direction_anatrend == -1) ? (((okx_bot_butcesi*(Amount_1a/100))  * okx_bot_kaldirac) / RoundToTick(short_pozisyon_giris_fiyati)) / 2 : ((okx_bot_butcesi*(Amount_1a/100))  * okx_bot_kaldirac) / RoundToTick(short_pozisyon_giris_fiyati)
//math.round(((okx_bot_butcesi*(Amount_1/100))  * okx_bot_kaldirac) / short_pozisyon_giris_fiyati)

Amount_2_long = (indikator_long_sekli == true and not(trend_yonu_oto == true)) or (trend_yonu_oto == true and direction_anatrend == 1) ? Amount_2a : Amount_2a / 2 
Amount_2_short = (indikator_short_sekli == true and not(trend_yonu_oto == true)) or (trend_yonu_oto == true and direction_anatrend == -1) ? Amount_2a : Amount_2a / 2 
kontrakt_buyuklugu_long_2 = (indikator_long_sekli == true and not(trend_yonu_oto == true)) or (trend_yonu_oto == true and direction_anatrend == 1) ? (((okx_bot_butcesi*(Amount_2a/100))  * okx_bot_kaldirac) / RoundToTick(long_pozisyon_giris_fiyati)) : (((okx_bot_butcesi*(Amount_2a/100))  * okx_bot_kaldirac) / RoundToTick(long_pozisyon_giris_fiyati)) / 2
//math.round(((okx_bot_butcesi*(Amount_2/100))  * okx_bot_kaldirac) / long_pozisyon_giris_fiyati)
kontrakt_buyuklugu_short_2 = (indikator_short_sekli == true and not(trend_yonu_oto == true)) or (trend_yonu_oto == true and direction_anatrend == -1) ? (((okx_bot_butcesi*(Amount_2a/100))  * okx_bot_kaldirac) / RoundToTick(short_pozisyon_giris_fiyati)) : (((okx_bot_butcesi*(Amount_2a/100))  * okx_bot_kaldirac) / RoundToTick(short_pozisyon_giris_fiyati)) / 2
//math.round(((okx_bot_butcesi*(Amount_2/100))  * okx_bot_kaldirac) / short_pozisyon_giris_fiyati)

var ALERTGRP_CRED = "OKX Perpetual-Futures Ayar"
signalToken = "C3sPzbAmZnMpCDnePJziYTF1QNh/Q/VCHcdHIkPc4LU/0HrMGIv1In3dk3O9yLrbDMjqMHkZClQxSZqIUJpdgg=="//input("", "Signal Token", inline = "11", group = ALERTGRP_CRED)
OrderType = "market"//input.string("market", "Order Type", options = ["market", "limit"], inline = "21", group = ALERTGRP_CRED)
OrderPriceOffset = 0//input.float(0, "Order Price Offset", minval = 0, maxval = 100, step = 0.01, inline = "21", group = ALERTGRP_CRED)
InvestmentType = "percentage_investment"//input.string("margin", "Investment Type", options = ["margin", "contract", "percentage_balance", "percentage_investment"], inline = "31", group = ALERTGRP_CRED)
//Amount_1 = input.float(51, "Amount İlk Pozisyon", minval = 0.01, inline = "31", group = ALERTGRP_CRED) //pozisyon_1_yuzde
//Amount_2 = input.float(49, "Amount 2. Giris", minval = 0.01, inline = "31", group = ALERTGRP_CRED) //pozisyon_2_yuzde

getOrderAlertMsgEntry(action, instrument, signalToken, orderType, orderPriceOffset, investmentType, amount) =>
    str = '{'
    str := str + '"action": "' + action + '", '
    str := str + '"instrument": "' + instrument + '", '
    str := str + '"signalToken": "' + signalToken + '", '
    //str := str + '"timestamp": "' + str.format_time(timenow, "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ", "UTC+0") + '", '
    str := str + '"timestamp": "' + '{{timenow}}' + '", '
    str := str + '"orderType": "' + orderType + '", '
    str := str + '"orderPriceOffset": "' + str.tostring(orderPriceOffset) + '", '
    str := str + '"investmentType": "' + investmentType + '", '
    str := str + '"amount": "' + str.tostring(amount) + '"'
    str := str + '}'

getOrderAlertMsgExit(action, instrument, signalToken) =>
    str = '{'
    str := str + '"action": "' + action + '", '
    str := str + '"instrument": "' + instrument + '", '
    str := str + '"signalToken": "' + signalToken + '", '
    str := str + '"timestamp": "' + '{{timenow}}' + '", '
    str := str + '}'
buyAlertMsgExit = getOrderAlertMsgExit(action = 'EXIT_LONG', instrument = syminfo.ticker, signalToken = signalToken)
buyAlertMsgEntry_1 = getOrderAlertMsgEntry(action = 'ENTER_LONG', instrument = syminfo.ticker, signalToken = signalToken, orderType =  OrderType, orderPriceOffset =  OrderPriceOffset, investmentType =  InvestmentType, amount = Amount_1_long)
buyAlertMsgEntry_2 = getOrderAlertMsgEntry(action = 'ENTER_LONG', instrument = syminfo.ticker, signalToken = signalToken, orderType =  OrderType, orderPriceOffset =  OrderPriceOffset, investmentType =  InvestmentType, amount = Amount_2_long)
sellAlertMsgExit = getOrderAlertMsgExit(action = 'EXIT_SHORT', instrument = syminfo.ticker, signalToken = signalToken)
sellAlertMsgEntry_1 = getOrderAlertMsgEntry(action = 'ENTER_SHORT', instrument = syminfo.ticker, signalToken = signalToken, orderType =  OrderType, orderPriceOffset =  OrderPriceOffset, investmentType =  InvestmentType, amount = Amount_1_short)
sellAlertMsgEntry_2 = getOrderAlertMsgEntry(action = 'ENTER_SHORT', instrument = syminfo.ticker, signalToken = signalToken, orderType =  OrderType, orderPriceOffset =  OrderPriceOffset, investmentType =  InvestmentType, amount = Amount_2_short)

if backtest()
    if long_giris_baslangic and str.contains(strategy.opentrades.entry_id(0), "S1") or str.contains(strategy.opentrades.entry_id(0), "S2") //and (zarar_sonrasi_yeni_gun == true)
        strategy.close('S1',comment = "L-B S-Ex_O",immediately = true,alert_message = sellAlertMsgExit)
        strategy.close('S2',comment = "L-B S-Ex_O",immediately = true)//alarm mesaji tek yeter mi? canlı test
    if (long_pozisyon_giris)
        strategy.entry('L1', strategy.long,comment='Gir Long_1',alert_message =buyAlertMsgEntry_1,qty=kontrakt_buyuklugu_long_1)//,comment = '{"symbol":"{{ticker}}","side":"{{strategy.order.action}}","qty":"{{strategy.order.contracts}}","price":"{{close}}","signalId":"f4e95251-7896-4f","uid":"6e6d9668de5c60acecd733524ff66c5edac3c1fe65933ef0abf358b369a2f666"}')
    if short_giris_baslangic and str.contains(strategy.opentrades.entry_id(0), "L1") or str.contains(strategy.opentrades.entry_id(0), "L2") //and (zarar_sonrasi_yeni_gun == true)
        strategy.close('L1',comment = "S-B L-Ex_O",immediately = true,alert_message = buyAlertMsgExit)
        strategy.close('L2',comment = "S-B L-Ex_O",immediately = true)//alarm mesaji tek yeter mi? canlı test

    if (short_pozisyon_giris) //and (zarar_sonrasi_yeni_gun == true)
        strategy.entry('S1', strategy.short,comment='Gir Short_1',alert_message =sellAlertMsgEntry_1,qty=kontrakt_buyuklugu_short_1)//qty=kontrakt_buyuklugu_short)//,comment = '{"symbol":"{{ticker}}","side":"{{strategy.order.action}}","qty":"{{strategy.order.contracts}}","price":"{{close}}","signalId":"f4e95251-7896-4f","uid":"6e6d9668de5c60acecd733524ff66c5edac3c1fe65933ef0abf358b369a2f666"}')

    if (strategy.position_size > 0) and str.contains(strategy.opentrades.entry_id(0), "L1") and ta.crossunder(low_fiyat, Long_2_giris_fiyati) //and not(ta.crossunder(low, Long_3_giris_fiyati)) and not( ta.crossunder(low, Long_4_giris_fiyati))
        strategy.entry('L2', strategy.long,comment='Gir Long_2',alert_message =buyAlertMsgEntry_2,qty=kontrakt_buyuklugu_long_2)
    if (strategy.position_size > 0) and (short_giris_baslangic)
        strategy.close('L1',comment = "S-B L-Ex_O",immediately = true,alert_message = buyAlertMsgExit)
        strategy.close('L2',comment = "S-B L-Ex_O",immediately = true)
    if (strategy.position_size > 0) and not(short_giris_baslangic)//and (low <= traillongStopPrice) or (high >= sabit_tp_long_fiyat) or (pozisyon_short)
        strategy.exit('xL1', from_entry = 'L1',comment='EXIT Long_1-Li/St',alert_message = buyAlertMsgExit, limit = sabit_tp_long_fiyat, stop = stop_loss_long_fiyat)//,qty=21)
        strategy.exit('xL2', from_entry = 'L2',comment='EXIT Long_2-Li/St',alert_message = buyAlertMsgExit, limit = sabit_tp_long_fiyat, stop = stop_loss_long_fiyat)//,qty=22)
        //strategy.exit('xL3', from_entry = 'L3',comment='EXIT Long_3-Li/St',alert_message = buyAlertMsgExit, limit = sabit_tp_long_fiyat, stop = traillongStopPrice)//,qty=22)
    if (strategy.position_size < 0) and str.contains(strategy.opentrades.entry_id(0), "S1") and ta.crossover(high_fiyat, Short_2_giris_fiyati) //and not(ta.crossunder(low, Long_3_giris_fiyati)) and not( ta.crossunder(low, Long_4_giris_fiyati))
        strategy.entry('S2', strategy.short,comment='Gir Short_2',alert_message =sellAlertMsgEntry_2,qty=kontrakt_buyuklugu_short_2)
    if (strategy.position_size < 0) and (long_giris_baslangic)
        strategy.close('S1',comment = "L-B S-Ex_O",immediately = true,alert_message = sellAlertMsgExit)
        strategy.close('S2',comment = "L-B S-Ex_O",immediately = true)
    if (strategy.position_size < 0) and not(long_giris_baslangic)//and (low <= traillongStopPrice) or (high >= sabit_tp_long_fiyat) or (pozisyon_short)
        strategy.exit('xS1', from_entry = 'S1',comment='EXIT Short_1-Li/St',alert_message = sellAlertMsgExit, limit = sabit_tp_short_fiyat, stop = stop_loss_short_fiyat)//,qty=21)
        strategy.exit('xS2', from_entry = 'S2',comment='EXIT Short_2-Li/St',alert_message = sellAlertMsgExit, limit = sabit_tp_short_fiyat, stop = stop_loss_short_fiyat)//,qty=22)
        //strategy.exit('xS3', from_entry = 'S3',comment='EXIT Short_3-Li/St',alert_message = sellAlertMsgExit, limit = sabit_tp_short_fiyat, stop = trailshortStopPrice)//,qty=22)

sabit_tp_long_plot =  plot((strategy.position_size > 0) ? sabit_tp_long_fiyat : na, color=color.lime, style=plot.style_linebr, title="S-KA ½ Long")
takipli_stop_long_plot =  plot( (strategy.position_size > 0) ? stop_loss_long_fiyat : na, color=color.red, style=plot.style_linebr, title="T-SL ½ Long")
sabit_tp_short_plot =  plot((strategy.position_size < 0) ? sabit_tp_short_fiyat : na, color=color.lime, style=plot.style_linebr, title="S-KA ½ Short")
takipli_stop_short_plot =  plot( (strategy.position_size < 0) ? stop_loss_short_fiyat : na, color=color.red, style=plot.style_linebr, title="T-SL ½ Short")

