Diese Strategie ist ein intelligentes Handelssystem, das Volumen, Kursdynamik und mehrere Take-Profit-/Stop-Loss-Level kombiniert.
Die Strategie basiert auf drei Kernhandelssignalen: 1) Volumendurchbruch - aktuelles Volumen übersteigt das 2-fache des 20-Perioden-Durchschnittsvolumens; 2) Preisgewinn - jüngster Kursanstieg übersteigt die festgelegte Schwelle; 3) Momentumbestätigung - RSI über 55 und Preis über 50-Perioden-SMA. Wenn diese drei Bedingungen gleichzeitig erfüllt sind, erzeugt das System ein Long-Signal. Die Strategie verwendet dreifache Gewinnniveaus (15%, 25%, 35%) und dreifache Stop-Loss-Niveaus (-2%, -5%, -10%) für das Positionsmanagement, mit flexibler Positionsgröße auf jeder Ebene.
Dies ist eine ausgereifte Handelsstrategie, die mehrere technische Analyseelemente integriert. Durch strenge Signalfilterung und flexibles Positionsmanagement erfasst sie Trendchancen, während sie eine gute Risikokontrolle beibehält. Obwohl Optimierungsmöglichkeiten bestehen, ist das Gesamtdesign solide und würdig einer Validierung und Implementierung im Live-Handel.
/*backtest start: 2024-11-11 00:00:00 end: 2024-12-10 08:00:00 period: 2h basePeriod: 2h exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ //@version=5 strategy("Volume Spike & Momentum Strategy with Alerts", overlay=true) // Inputs for customization priceGainPercent = input.float(5, title="Minimum Price Gain (%)", minval=1) volumeLookback = input.int(20, title="Volume Lookback Period (Bars)", minval=1) momentumSmaLength = input.int(50, title="SMA Length for Momentum (Bars)", minval=1) rsiThreshold = input.float(55, title="RSI Threshold for Momentum", minval=1) // Take Profit percentages tp1Percent = input.float(15, title="Take Profit 1 (%)", minval=1) tp2Percent = input.float(25, title="Take Profit 2 (%)", minval=1) tp3Percent = input.float(35, title="Take Profit 3 (%)", minval=1) // Percentage of position to close at each take-profit tp1ClosePercent = input.float(30, title="Close % at TP1", minval=1, maxval=100) tp2ClosePercent = input.float(40, title="Close % at TP2", minval=1, maxval=100) tp3ClosePercent = input.float(30, title="Close % at TP3", minval=1, maxval=100) // Stop-loss percentages sl1Percent = input.float(2, title="Stop Loss 1 (%)", minval=0.1) sl2Percent = input.float(5, title="Stop Loss 2 (%)", minval=0.1) sl3Percent = input.float(10, title="Stop Loss 3 (%)", minval=0.1) // Percentage of position to close at each stop-loss sl1ClosePercent = input.float(30, title="Close % at SL1", minval=1, maxval=100) sl2ClosePercent = input.float(40, title="Close % at SL2", minval=1, maxval=100) sl3ClosePercent = input.float(30, title="Close % at SL3", minval=1, maxval=100) // Detect volume spikes avgVolume = ta.sma(volume, volumeLookback) // Average volume over the last X bars (customizable) volumeSpike = volume > avgVolume * 2 // Spike in volume if current volume is 2x the average // Detect price gain over the recent period (e.g., 5-10% gain over the last X bars) priceChangePercent = (close - ta.lowest(close, 5)) / ta.lowest(close, 5) * 100 priceGainCondition = priceChangePercent >= priceGainPercent // Check for overall momentum using an SMA and RSI longTermSma = ta.sma(close, momentumSmaLength) rsi = ta.rsi(close, 14) momentumCondition = close > longTermSma and rsi >= rsiThreshold // Store the entry price on a new trade var float entryPrice = na if (strategy.opentrades == 0 and (volumeSpike and priceGainCondition and momentumCondition)) entryPrice := close // Capture the entry price on a new trade // Calculate take-profit levels based on the entry price tp1Price = entryPrice * (1 + tp1Percent / 100) tp2Price = entryPrice * (1 + tp2Percent / 100) tp3Price = entryPrice * (1 + tp3Percent / 100) // Calculate stop-loss levels based on the entry price sl1Price = entryPrice * (1 - sl1Percent / 100) sl2Price = entryPrice * (1 - sl2Percent / 100) sl3Price = entryPrice * (1 - sl3Percent / 100) // Exit conditions for multiple take-profits tp1Condition = high >= tp1Price // Exit partial if price hits take-profit 1 tp2Condition = high >= tp2Price // Exit partial if price hits take-profit 2 tp3Condition = high >= tp3Price // Exit full if price hits take-profit 3 // Exit conditions for multiple stop-losses sl1Condition = low <= sl1Price // Exit partial if price hits stop-loss 1 sl2Condition = low <= sl2Price // Exit partial if price hits stop-loss 2 sl3Condition = low <= sl3Price // Exit full if price hits stop-loss 3 // Buy Condition: When volume spike, price gain, and momentum conditions are met if (volumeSpike and priceGainCondition and momentumCondition) strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long) // Alerts for conditions alertcondition(volumeSpike and priceGainCondition and momentumCondition, title="Entry Alert", message="Entry conditions met: Volume spike, price gain, and momentum detected!") alertcondition(tp1Condition, title="Take Profit 1", message="Take Profit 1 hit!") alertcondition(tp2Condition, title="Take Profit 2", message="Take Profit 2 hit!") alertcondition(tp3Condition, title="Take Profit 3", message="Take Profit 3 hit!") alertcondition(sl1Condition, title="Stop Loss 1", message="Stop Loss 1 hit!") alertcondition(sl2Condition, title="Stop Loss 2", message="Stop Loss 2 hit!") alertcondition(sl3Condition, title="Stop Loss 3", message="Stop Loss 3 hit!") // Exit conditions: Multiple take-profits and stop-losses if (tp1Condition) strategy.exit("Take Profit 1", "Buy", limit=tp1Price, qty_percent=tp1ClosePercent) if (tp2Condition) strategy.exit("Take Profit 2", "Buy", limit=tp2Price, qty_percent=tp2ClosePercent) if (tp3Condition) strategy.exit("Take Profit 3", "Buy", limit=tp3Price, qty_percent=tp3ClosePercent) // Stop-loss exits if (sl1Condition) strategy.exit("Stop Loss 1", "Buy", stop=sl1Price, qty_percent=sl1ClosePercent) if (sl2Condition) strategy.exit("Stop Loss 2", "Buy", stop=sl2Price, qty_percent=sl2ClosePercent) if (sl3Condition) strategy.exit("Stop Loss 3", "Buy", stop=sl3Price, qty_percent=sl3ClosePercent) // Plotting take-profit and stop-loss levels on the chart plot(tp1Price, color=color.green, style=plot.style_linebr, title="TP1 Level") plot(tp2Price, color=color.green, style=plot.style_linebr, title="TP2 Level") plot(tp3Price, color=color.green, style=plot.style_linebr, title="TP3 Level") plot(sl1Price, color=color.red, style=plot.style_linebr, title="SL1 Level") plot(sl2Price, color=color.red, style=plot.style_linebr, title="SL2 Level") plot(sl3Price, color=color.red, style=plot.style_linebr, title="SL3 Level")