How to speed up the operation

Author: lijingxfdj, Created: 2023-05-23 18:33:30, Updated:

  1. Code written using JS, server purchased in Tokyo, running Binance
  2. A total of 10 coin spins, each spin in 11 seconds (including exchange response speed)
  3. If you want faster, ask how to speed up: upgrade the server? or upgrade the code running?
  4. If upgraded server: what are the CPU requirements and server requirements
  5. If it's enhanced code running, is there any recommended optimization tool to calculate the runtime of each code segment?

Thank you.


Inventors quantify - small dreams- You can design the policy as a concurrent request, and control the request frequency. - Use the websocket interface. The main bottleneck to speed lies in the network IO.

lijingxfdjThank you Dreams.