if dangqianjia > zhiying: maichu = exchange.Sell(-1, shuliang) order = exchange.GetOrder(maichu) maichuid= order["Id"] Log("市价挂单卖出:",maichuid)
如果当前价格高于止盈价格 就市价卖出
代码提示Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 1249, in __init_ctx__ File "<string>", line 3236 maichu = exchange.Sell(-1, shuliang) ^ IndentationError: expected an indented block
Help (click on the image to get in touch)Shrink error, Python four spaces for one shrink
KaroxIn Python, IndentationError:expected an indented block is used to compress incorrect error returns, to check if the code has been strictly indented in alignment, in the line where the error occurs, by compressing the space or tab key, an editor such as vscode will have a hint.
feizai008I've had a bad day, I can't solve this problem, I have a headache. If dangqianjia > zhiying: Maichu = exchange.Sell (−1, shuliang) Log (("market price listed for sale:"dangqianjia)) Other: Log (("bu hanging list sold:",dangqianjia) is there a problem with the broth?
Inventors quantify - small dreamsFMZ has GPT, which is easier to check with AI, and this error message: IndentationError: expected an indented block.