The transaction currency was BTS, which was priced at less than 1 yuan at the time, test code:
var account = exchange.GetAccount()
var ticker = exchange.GetTicker()
Log("ticker:", ticker)
Log(account, "#FF0000")
exchange.Buy(ticker.Last + 0.1, 20)
var jsonStr = exchange.GetRawJSON()
account = exchange.GetAccount()
Log(account, "#FF0000")
Log("RawJSON:", jsonStr)
As you can see, the number of purchases is 20, but compare the account information back and forth and find that the actual purchase is 22 more than one.
After a series of test analyses, it was concluded:
BitTorrent is a method of order synthesis whereby the total amount of the order is calculated by sub-order price * quantity, and then the total amount is used to buy the order, so if the price is slightly higher than the order price, it will obviously be a bit more expensive to buy. This problem is tested in the listing on the BitTorrent exchange page, which also buys a bit more, the same conclusion as the API listing.
Big Q 666666666666666666666