Questions about the price of the Chevrolet Glitter

Author: Inventors quantify - small dreams, Created: 2017-08-15 12:07:00, Updated: 2019-04-18 22:34:19

Questions about the price of the Chevrolet Glitter

  • #### The test:

The transaction currency was BTS, which was priced at less than 1 yuan at the time, test code:

  var account = exchange.GetAccount()
  var ticker = exchange.GetTicker()
  Log("ticker:", ticker)
  Log(account, "#FF0000")
  exchange.Buy(ticker.Last + 0.1, 20)
  var jsonStr = exchange.GetRawJSON()
  account = exchange.GetAccount()
  Log(account, "#FF0000")
  Log("RawJSON:", jsonStr)

关于 “ 比特儿 加滑价下单买入时 出现的问题 ”

  • ### Analyze

As you can see, the number of purchases is 20, but compare the account information back and forth and find that the actual purchase is 22 more than one.

After a series of test analyses, it was concluded:

BitTorrent is a method of order synthesis whereby the total amount of the order is calculated by sub-order price * quantity, and then the total amount is used to buy the order, so if the price is slightly higher than the order price, it will obviously be a bit more expensive to buy. This problem is tested in the listing on the BitTorrent exchange page, which also buys a bit more, the same conclusion as the API listing.


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