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How to Write a Contract Stop Loss Engagement

Author: lkk20210722, Created: 2024-05-14 19:51:24, Updated:

Stop Loss Orders Similar to Euribor Instead of writing a program that detects prices all the time.


Skin that is oldBinance's market price stop-loss interface calls have ready-made code, eight types in total, for Python.

Help (click on the image to get in touch)The following is an example from the API documentation: What's up? import json def main (: arrOrders = [ This is a list of all the different ways BTC-USDT-SWAP is credited in the database. {"instId":"BTC-USDT-SWAP","tdMode":"cross","side":"buy","ordType":"limit","px":"16000","sz":"2","posSide":"long"} I'm not going anywhere. ret = exchange.IO (("api", "POST", "/api/v5/trade/batch-orders", "", json.dumps ((arrOrders)))) Log ((ret)) What's up?

Inventors quantify - small dreamsHello, if you are trading all stop loss orders, you can use the exchange.IO interface to call them. >

Inventors quantify - small dreamsThe error message shows an error in the side parameter.

Inventors quantify - small dreams /upload/asset/20fc3e4a8e700de3c6003.jpg

lkk20210722 用excheng.io买多可以,写止损总是提示错误,上面图中的代码和返回信息帮我看看是什么原因

lkk20210722/upload/asset/20fc3e4a8e700de3c6003.jpg Message returned when stop loss

lkk20210722 /upload/asset/20f770fa344a9e7101e8c.jpg