The MAC platform The latest hosted version It has been linked to the Python version of Dual Thrust OKCoin futures
(most recent call last): File “”, line 1003, in init_botvs File “”, line 240, in File “”, line 192, in main TypeError: object of type ‘bool’ has no len() Futures_OP 3: Post EOF Traceback
ps: Speaking of OKEX's future_position_4fix this API has been requesting failure, anyone have any suggestions?
sword10086 python2.7
Inventors quantify - small dreamsGetPosition is handled with _C, but I can't access the interface EOF or OKEX problem, I can access one server, one doesn't, as if it's OK blocking some IPs.
sword10086Do you recommend making a mistake?
Inventors quantify - small dreamsIt's supposed to be OKEX blocking IP addresses in some areas.
I tested it on our local computer.
This is a list of all the different ways is credited in the database.
I tested it with Ali Cloud in Wuhan.
This is a list of all the different ways is credited in the database.
So if you want to get to hold, you can get to hold, but I don't have hold, so it's empty array.
This is the reason why the strategy stopped.
(most recent call last): File "