[TOC] - # 3. Indicator function
Other informationIt uses statistical principles to find the standard deviation of the stock price and its confidence intervals to determine the range of stock price fluctuations and future trends, using the wave band to show the safe high and low price of the stock price, which is why it is also known as the Brin band.
How to useTalib.BBANDS ((data, cycle, multiplication)) is a programming language that allows users to create their own data.
NotesReturns the two-dimensional array, i.e. the upstream, midstream, and downstream arrays.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.BBANDS(records, 30, 2));
Other informationThe two moving averages generate trend signals, the longer ones are used to identify the trend and the shorter ones are used to select the timing. It is the interaction of the two averages and the price three that together generate trend signals.
How to useTalib.DEMA (data, cycle);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.DEMA(records, 30));
Other informationThe exponential moving average, also known as the EXPMA, is a trend-setting indicator that is constructed by still averaging the closing price and analyzing the results of the calculation to determine the trend of future price movements.
How to useTalib.DEMA (data, cycle);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.DEMA(records, 30));
Other informationA trend indicator is one that is constructed by still taking an arithmetic average of the closing price and analyzing the results of the calculation to determine the trend of future price movements.
How to useTalib.HT_TRENDLINE ((data, cycles)); and
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.HT_TRENDLINE(records, 30));
Other informationThe smoothing coefficient is added on the basis of the common simple moving averages, which self-adjust between fast and slow trends.
How to useTalib.KAMA (data, cycle);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.KAMA(records, 30));
Other informationA moving average is the sum of the closing prices over a period of time divided by the cycle. For example, a daily MA5 is the closing price over 5 days divided by 5.
How to useTalib.MA (data, cycle);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.MA(records, 30));
Other informationNo
How to useTalib.MAMA ((data, multiply, multiply)) is a website that allows users to create and share content on their website.
NotesReturns the two-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.MAMA(records, 0.5, 0.05));
Other informationMIDPOINT is used to reflect the overall average of the price over a periodic interval. It reflects the level of the price over a period of time. Unlike a simple moving average, MIDPOINT is not concerned with the trajectory of price movements, but only reflects the extremes of price movements, the average of the closing price's maximum and minimum values.
How to usetalib.MIDPOINT ((data, cycles are optional);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.MIDPOINT(records, 30));
Other informationMIDPRICE is similar to the definition of MIDPOINT, except that the maximum value of the highest price in the cycle and the minimum value of the lowest price in the cycle are selected as parameters. The data chosen by MIDPRICE is more different than that of MIDPOINT.
How to usetalib.MIDPRICE ((data, cycle is optional);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.MIDPRICE(records, 30));
Other informationA parallax turn, also known as a stop loss turn, is a move that uses the parallax method to adjust the stop loss position at any time to observe the buy and sell points. Because the stop loss point (also called the turn point SAR) moves in an arc, it is called a parallax turn indicator.
How to useTalib.SAR ((data, multiply, multiply))
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.SAR(records, 0.02, 0.2));
Other informationThe extended parabolic-linear transformation indicator SAREXT is an extension indicator of SAR, which can be passed to more parameters than SAR.
How to useNo
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.SAREXT(records, 0, 0, 0.02, 0.02, 0.2, 0.02, 0.02, 0.2));
Other informationA simple moving average SMA, also known as an arithmetic moving average SMA, is a simple average of the closing price over a specific period.
How to useTalib.SMA (data, cycle);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.SMA(records, 30));
Other informationThe two-index moving average improvement indicator T3 is a simple improvement on the DEMA indicator.
How to useTalib.T3 ((data, cycle, multiplication);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.T3(records, 5, 0.7));
Other informationSimilar to T3, the triple-index moving average TEMA is also used for price iteration.
How to useTalib.TEMA ((data, cycle));
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.TEMA(records, 30));
Other informationNo
How to useTalib.TRIMA ((data, cycles));
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.TRIMA(records, 30));
Other informationThe weighted moving average WMA, whose ratio is set by the length of the average, the more recent the closing price, the more important the effect on the market conditions. The calculation is based on the number of days of the weighted moving average, increasing the weight of each previous day. Each price is multiplied by a ratio, the latest price will have the largest ratio, the previous day's weight will decrease.
How to useTalib.WMA ((data, cycle));
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.WMA(records, 30));
Other informationThe average trend index ADX is a commonly used trend gauge. The ADX indicator reflects the degree of trend change rather than the direction itself. That is, the ADX cannot tell you the direction of the trend, but it can measure the strength of the trend if it exists.
How to useTalib.ADX (data, cycle);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.ADX(records, 14));
Other informationAverage Trend Index Rating ADXR is the simple average of ADX over time.
How to useTalib.ADXR (data, cycle);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.ADXR(records, 14));
Other informationAbsolute price volatility APO is calculated by using the difference of the EMA, i.e. the long-term EMA minus the short-term EMA. A rise in the APO indicator crossing the zero line is seen as an upward sign; a decrease crossing the zero line is seen as a downward sign.
How to useTalib.APO (data, cycle, cycle, type);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.APO(records, 12, 26, 0));
Other informationBy calculating the number of periods since the price reached a recent high and low, the Aron indicator helps you predict the price trend to trend zone (or vice versa, from trend zone to trend).
How to useTalib.AROON ((data, cycle));
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.AROON(records, 14));
Other informationThe Aaron vibration indicator is the difference between Aaron up and Aaron down.
How to useTalib.AROONOSC ((data, cycle));
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.AROONOSC(records, 14));
Other informationThe balance of power indicator (BOP) measures the balance of power between buyers and sellers.
How to useTalib.BOP ((data)) is the official website of the Taliban.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationThe CCI is a measure of whether stock prices are out of the normal range.
How to useTalib.CCI (data, cycle);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.CCI(records, 14));
Other informationThe Chand Dynamic Oscillation Indicator (CMO) was invented by Thomas Chandler. Unlike other oscillation indicators such as the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and the Random Number Indicator (KDJ), the Chand Dynamic Oscillation Indicator uses rising and falling days in the calculation formula.
How to useTalib.CMO ((data, cycle));
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.CMO(records, 14));
Other informationThe Dynamic Index DX is used to measure both the positive and the negative PLUSDI and MINUSDI.
How to useTalib.DX (data, cycle);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.DX(records, 14));
Other informationTechnical indicators for making research judgments about the time of buying and selling using the aggregation and separation between the short (often 12-day) index moving average and the long (often 26-day) index moving average of the closing price.
How to usetalib.MACD ((data, cycle, cycle, cycle);
NotesReturns the two-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.MACD(records, 12, 26, 9));
Other informationThe MFI, also known as the Volume Relative Strength Index (VRSI), or the Money Flow Index, is a measure of market supply and demand based on trading volume. The MFI measures the market supply and demand based on trading volume. The MFI is a counter-trend indicator by reflecting the four elements of stock price movements: the number of days of rise, the number of days of fall, the magnitude of the increase in trading volume, the magnitude of the decrease in trading volume.
How to useTalib.MFI (data, cycle);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.MFI(records, 14));
Other informationA technical indicator of trend judgments is provided by analyzing the changes in the equilibrium of the forces of the buying and selling sides during the fall in the stock price, i.e. the cyclical process from equilibrium to imbalance, where the changes in the forces of the buying and selling sides are affected by price fluctuations.
How to useTalib.MINUS_DI (data, cycle);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.MINUS_DI(records, 14));
Other informationDynamics can be seen as the ratio of the price of a stock to its price rise and fall over a period of time.
How to useTalib.MOM ((data, cycle);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.MOM(records, 14));
Other informationNo
How to useTalib.PLUS_DM (data, cycle);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.PLUS_DM(records, 14));
Other informationThe price volatility percentage indicator (PPO) is an indicator that is very close to the MACD indicator, both of which use short-term and long-term EMA momentum indicators. The difference is that the MACD indicator only responds to the difference in the moving averages of different indices, while the PPO indicator responds to the percentage of the difference. The PPO indicator is easier to compare across stocks. For example, the short-term average of a stock with a PPO of 10 is 10% higher than the long-term average.
How to useTalib.PPO (data, cycle, cycle, type);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.PPO(records, 12, 26, 0));
Other informationThe ROC was developed by Gerald Apple and Fred Hitschler as a medium- and short-term technical analysis tool to study the size and dynamics of stock price movements. Both Apple and Hitschler first proposed the ROC in their book Stock Market Trending Systems. It combines the features of indicators such as RSI, W%R, KDJ, CCI, and other indicators to monitor both normal and extreme movements in stock prices, allowing a more accurate understanding of when to buy and sell.
How to useTalib.ROC (data, cycle);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.ROC(records, 14));
Other informationThe percentage of change ROCP is an indicator very similar to ROC, a medium-term technical analysis tool co-created by Gerald Apple and Fred Hitschler. Compared to the ROC indicator, the ROCP indicator represents the percentage of change, i.e. one percent of the ROC.
How to useTalib.ROCP ((data, cycle));
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.ROCP(records, 14));
Other informationThe Ratio of Change Ratio (ROCR) is an indicator that is very similar to the ROCP and was created by Gerald Apple and Fred Hitschler as a medium-term technical analysis tool. Compared to the ROCP indicator, the ROCR indicator represents the proportion of change that is different from the ROCP.
How to useTalib.ROCR ((data, cycle));
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.ROCR(records, 14));
Other informationThe hundredfold rate of change indicator ROCR100 is an indicator very similar to the ROCR, created by Gerald Apple and Fred Hitschler as a medium to short-term technical analysis tool. As the name implies, it is 100 times the ROCR indicator.
How to useTalib.ROCR100 ((data, cycle));
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.ROCR100(records, 14));
Other informationBy comparing the average closing price and the average closing price over a period of time, the market's willingness and strength to buy and sell is analyzed to make a future market trend.
How to useTalib.RSI (data, cycle);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.RSI(records, 14));
Other informationNo
How to useTalib.STOCH ((data, cycle, cycle, cycle, cycle, cycle, cycle))
NotesReturns the two-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.STOCH(records, 5, 3, 0, 3, 0));
Other informationNo
How to useTalib.STOCH (data, cycle, cycle, cycle)
NotesReturns the two-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.STOCH(records, 5, 3, 0));
Other informationNo
How to useTalib.STOCHRSI ((data, cycle, cycle, cycle, cycle, cycle))
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.STOCHRSI(records, 14, 5, 3, 0));
Other informationNo
How to useTalib.TRIX (data, cycles);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.TRIX(records, 30));
Other informationNo
How to useTalib.ULTOSC ((data, cycle, cycle, cycle));
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.ULTOSC(records, 7, 14, 28));
Other informationNo
How to useTalib.WILLR (data, cycle);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.WILLR(records, 7));
Other informationNo
How to useTalib.AD ((data)) is a free and open-source project.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationNo
How to useTalib.ADOSC ((data, cycle, cycle));
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.ADOSC(records, 3, 10));
Other informationJoe Granville suggests that stock price trends can be predicted by statistical trends in trading volume.
How to useTalib.OBV (data, cycle);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.OBV(records, 14));
Other informationJoe Granville suggests that stock price trends can be predicted by statistical trends in trading volume.
How to useTalib.OBV (data, cycle);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.OBV(records, 14));
Other informationThe mean real wavelength (ATR) is the simple moving average of the real wavelength TR.
How to useTalib.ATR (data, cycle);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.ATR(records, 14));
Other informationNATR is based on ATR, and the value of ATR is unified to facilitate cross-period comparison.
How to useTalib.NATR (data, cycle);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.NATR(records, 14));
Other informationNo
How to useTalib.TRANGE (data, cycle);
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Log(talib.NATR(records, 14));
Other informationArithmetic averages of the opening, closing, highest, and lowest prices are often used to represent the average price over a period. This simple average price is called AVGPRICE.
How to useTalib.AVGPRICE ((data)) is a free app that allows users to create and share their own content.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationSimilar to AVGPRICE, only the highest and lowest values are taken into account when averaging.
How to useTalib.MEDPRICE ((data)) is a free and open-source tool that can be used for any kind of business.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationTYPPRICE and AVGPRICE are similar in that they both use data from the current period to reflect the average price of the current period. The difference is that TYPPRICE does not use the opening price and keeps the closing price, making the average more representative.
How to useTalib.TYPPRICE ((data)) is a free and open-source tool that can be used for any kind of business.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationSince the closing price is more likely to reflect the ultimate price trend, in order to reduce the impact of the high and low values on the average price, WCLPRICE goes further than TYPPRICE, increasing the ratio of the closing price to the average price, making the results more representative.
How to useTalib.WCLPRICE ((data)) is a free and open-source tool that can be used for any kind of business.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationNo
How to useTalib.HT_DCPERIOD ((data)) is a free and open source project.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationNo
How to useTalib.HT_DCPHASE ((data)) is the most recent version of the talib.HT_DCPHASE.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationNo
How to useTalib.HT_PHASOR ((data)) is a free and open source project.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationNo
How to useTalib.HT_SINE ((data)) is a free and open source project.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationNo
How to useThis is the first time I've seen this in my life.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationThe three-day K-line pattern, first day long, the second day high and close, the third day high again and continue to close, closing lower than the previous day, predicting a decline in the stock price.
Example! [Insert image description here] [1]
How to useTalib.CDL2CROWS ((data)) is a free and open source project for the public.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationThree-day K-line pattern, three consecutive lines, daily closing prices are down and close to the lowest price, daily opening prices are inside the upper K-line entity, predicting a decline in the stock price.
Example! [Insert image description here] [2]
How to useTalib.CDL3BLACKCROWS ((data)) is a free and open-source tool that can be used for any kind of communication.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationThree-day K-line pattern, mother signal + long K-line, with three internal ups, K-line is for Yin and Yang, the third day closing price is higher than the opening price of the first day, the next day K-line is inside the first day K-line, predicting a rise in the stock price.
Example! [Input image description here] [3]
How to useTalib.CDL3INSIDE ((data)) is the most recent version of the talib database.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationThe four-day K-line pattern, the first three sunlines, the daily closing price is higher than the previous day, the opening price is in the previous day's entity, the fourth day the market is high, the closing price is lower than the opening price of the first day, predicting a fall in the stock price.
Example! [Insert image description here] [4]
How to useTalib.CDL3LINESTRIKE ((data)) is a free and open source project that is run by the government of Pakistan.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationThe three-day K-line pattern, similar to the three internal ups and downs, is the K-line for Yin and Yang, but the first day is the opposite of the K-line pattern of the next day, with three external ups, the first day K-line inside the second day K-line, predicting a rise in the stock price.
How to useTalib.CDL3OUTSIDE ((data)) is the most recent version of the talib.CDL3OUTSIDE
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationThe three-day K-line pattern, in contrast to the current adversary, the three-day K-line is all negative, the first day has a long downtrend, the second day is similar to the first day, the K-line overall is smaller than the first day, the third day has no downtrend entity signal, the transaction prices are all within the first day's amplitude, predicting a reversal of the downtrend, the stock price rises.
Example! [Insert picture description here] [5]
How to useThis is a list of all the different ways Talib.CDL3STARSINSOUTH is credited in the database.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationThree-day K-line pattern, three-day K-line is all sunny, the daily closing price is higher and near the highest price, the opening price is in the upper half of the previous day's entity, predicting an increase in the stock price.
Example! [Insert picture description here] [6]
How to useTalib.CDL3WHITESOLDIERS ((data)) is a blog dedicated to the use of white soldiers.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationThe three-day K-line pattern, where the price jumps and closes the following day with a cross star (the opening price is close to the closing price, the highest price is close to the lowest price), predicts a reversal of the trend, with a fall at the top and a rise at the bottom.
Example! [Insert picture description here] [7]
How to useTalib.CDLABANDONEDBABY ((data)) is a free and open source project that allows users to create and share their own content.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationThree-day K-line mode, sunset on all three days, daily closing price is higher than the previous day, opening price is within the previous day entity, entity shortened, upward shadow line becomes longer.
Example! [Insert image description here] [8]
How to useTalib.CDLADVANCEBLOCK ((data)) is the most recent version of the talib website.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationThe two-day K-line pattern, in a downtrend, the first day's ink line, the next day's opening price is the lowest price, the sun line, the closing price is near the highest price, which predicts an increase in the price.
Example! [Insert description of image here] [9]
How to useThis is the first time I have seen this video.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationThe five-day K-line pattern, to see the falling trend, the first day's long line, the next day's jump line, the continuation of the trend begins to wobble, the fifth day's long line, the closing price between the closing price of the first day and the opening price of the next day, predicting an increase in the price.
Example! [Insert picture description here] [10]
How to useTalib.CDLBREAKAWAY ((data)) is the official website of the government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationThe one-day K-line pattern, using the sunline as an example, where the low price is below the opening price and the closing price is equal to the highest price, suggests a continuation of the trend.
Example! [Insert description of image here] [11]
How to useTalib.CDLCLOSINGMARUBOZU ((data)) is a free and open-source tool that allows users to create and share their own personal data.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationThe four-day K-line pattern, in a downtrend, the first two days of the canine shadowless line, the second day of opening and closing prices are all lower than the second day, the third day of reversal, the fourth day of opening price is higher than the previous day's highest price, the closing price is lower than the previous day's low price, predicting a reversal of the bottom.
Example! [Insert image description here] [12]
How to useTalib.CDLCONCEALBABYSWALL ((data)) is a website that allows users to create and share content.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationThe two-day K-line mode, similar to the separation line.
Example! [Insert picture description here] [13]
How to useThis is the first time I have seen this video.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationTwo-day K-line pattern, first day long, second day open price higher than the previous day's high, closing price below the previous day's entity midpoint, indicating a decline in stock price.
Example! [Insert description of image here] [14]
How to useTalib.CDLDARKCLOUDCOVER ((data)) is a free and open-source tool that can be used to create a cloud-based website.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationIn the one-day K-line mode, the opening price is basically the same as the closing price.
Example! [Insert description of image here][15]
How to useTalib.CDLDOJI ((data)) is the official website of the Taliban government.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationIn the one-day K-line mode, the opening price is basically the same as the closing price, and the up-and-down shadow line is not very long, suggesting a reversal of the current trend.
Example! [Insert image description here] [16]
How to useTalib.CDLDOJISTAR ((data)) is the most recent version of the talib database.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationOne-day K-line mode, the price drops all the way after the opening, then recovers, the closing price is the same as the opening price, indicating a reversal of the trend.
Example! [Insert picture description here] [17]
How to useTalib.CDLDRAGONFLYDOJI ((data)) is the official website of the government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationThe two-day K-line pattern, divided into multi-head swallow and empty-head swallow, uses multi-head swallow as an example. The first day is the Yin line, the second day is the Sun line, the first day's opening price and the closing price are within the closing price of the next day's opening price, but not exactly the same.
Example! [Insert picture description here] [18]
How to useTalib.CDLENGULFING ((data)) is a free and open-source tool that can be used for any kind of communication.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationThe three-day K-line pattern, the basic pattern is twilight, the closing price is the same as the opening price on the next day, which suggests a reversal of the top.
Example! [Insert image description here] [19]
How to useTalib.CDLEVENINGDOJISTAR ((data)) is a free and open source project that allows users to create and share content.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationThe three-day K-line pattern, in contrast to the morning star, is in an uptrend, with the first day's sunline, the second day's lower price momentum, and the third day's pendulum, which predicts a top reversal.
Example! [Insert description of image here] [20]
How to useThis is the first time I've seen this video.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationTwo-day K-line mode, uptrend jumps up, downtrend jumps down, the first day has the same opening price as the next day, the entity length is almost the same, the trend continues.
Example! [Insert image description here] [21]
How to useThis is the first time I've seen this in my life.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.
function main(){
var records = exchange.GetRecords();
Other informationOne-day K-line mode, opening price is the same as closing price, upward shadow line is long, no downward shadow line, indicating a reversal of the bottom.
Example! [Insert image description here] [22]
How to useTalib.CDLGRAVESTONEDOJI ((data)) is the official website of the government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
NotesReturns the one-dimensional array.