Ririn updates for learning beauty

Author: Ryin is beautiful., Created: 2018-01-25 15:19:39, Updated: 2018-01-25 20:48:18

I hope to learn to quantify with everyone, maybe it's not too late. I hope to come up with a strategy that will satisfy me, of course learning is the most important thing.里仁为美学习更新贴

As for the writing of the alarm cooling, I did it by changing the timer, opening the alarm switch at the beginning, closing the alarm switch after the alarm, recording the time button A, and then turning to check if the current time button B-A is larger than the cooling time, opening the alarm switch. First, set the parameter T as the alarm cooling unit time (1T = 1000 units or 1 second) var kaiguan=1// Alarm switch turned on by default If ((/This is a warning condition./){/Execution of the alert order/;kaiguan=0; A = new Date (().getTime (()}// Shutdown alarm switch after alarm occurs Record time A if ((kaiguan == 0) {if(new Date))).getTime (() -A >= T*1000) {kaiguan = 1}} // If the switch is closed, it detects whether the alarm cooling time has passed after the alarm time, if not, the alarm switch is turned on.


a32270133Why see this name and have a visual impression of a type of AVNO1...

Inventors quantify - small dreamsFuel up!

Ryin is beautiful. ......

Ryin is beautiful.Thank you:P