Bitcoin trading seems impossible, time is running out

Author: sansydj, Created: 2018-03-10 17:35:12, Updated:

It is a free online game that is available in English, Spanish and Chinese. GetAccount: 400: {code:-1021,msg:Timestamp for this request is outside of the recvWindow.}

What's going on?


sansydjHow to run under Windows

Inventors quantify - small dreamsWell, this is a more common problem, the time-checking problem. What's up? 16th Binance Reported an error Recently, Binance has been reporting some time-lapse asynchronous errors such as: Timestamp for this request was 1000ms ahead of the server's time Timestamp for this request is outside of the recvWindow If your host is running on a Linux system, you can try using this command to solve: # /ntp service removed # sudo launchctl remove org.ntp.ntpd # // Update your local time # sudo ntpdate This is the first time I've seen this The error is that the frequency of access to the exchange API is over-restricted, the IP is blocked, and the blocking can only be lifted at the time of the time stamp shown above. What's up?