Traceback (most recent call last): File “”, line 74, in main File “”, line 24, in Buy_Sold File “”, line 2127, in GetTicker File “”, line 1666, in __delay File “”, line 1685, in rolling O0i1II1Iiii1I11
The error message shown below is roughly the same as calling thegetticker data, which was not a problem on the N calls, so you can't call it if you don't know.
jklwonderHi, can you add your QQ to communicate?
Inventors quantify - small dreamsHello, this problem may require reading the code, can you paste the code and see if it works?
jklwonderThe error message is:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "
jklwonder'' backtest Start: 2018-02-03 00:00:00 This is the latest version of the game. End: 2018-02-10 12:00:00 This is the first time I've seen this. period: 1m The following is a list of exchanges: [{"eid":"Bitfinex","currency":"BTC","balance":100000,"stocks":30},{"eid":"OKCoin_EN","currency:"BTC","balance":100000,"stocks":30}] '" Import traceback Import time import numpy as np Import pandas as pd Import os def ComparePrice ((B0P1Diff,B1P0Diff,j): #compare the price difference between two exchanges GetTicker is a free exchange. GetTicker (() # if e0 is higher than e1 B0P1Diff[j]=price0['Buy']/(price1['Sell']) is the difference between the price of the product and the price of the product. B1P0Diff[j]=price0['Sell']/(price1['Buy']) is the difference between the price of a product and the price of the product. def main (: B0P1Diff={} B1P0Diff={} So i is equal to 0. Amount = 0.01 # Amount of coins bought and sold at a time While (True): try: ComparePrice ((B0P1Diff,B1P0Diff,i) is a free app that allows you to compare prices. So i is equal to i plus 1. except Exception: Log ((traceback.format_exc)) is the name of the file. Log (i) exit ((0) B0P1Array=np.array(list(B0P1Diff.values())) B1P0Array=np.array(list(B1P0Diff.values())) ratioB0P1=np.mean (([B0P1Array]) # The price difference between the two exchanges found in the Num iteration ratio B1P0=np.mean (([B1P0Array]) Log (mean B0P1 and ratio B0P1) Log (mean B1P0 and ratio B1P0) # exchange[2].Buy ((11600,1) What do you think? What do you think? def onerror: Log ((Error))