BitMex Exchange.IO is not authorized

Author: newblock, Created: 2018-04-08 12:26:33, Updated:

function main() { Log(exchange.GetAccount()); exchange.IO(“api”,“POST”,“/v1/orders”,“symbol=XBTUSD&side=Buy&orderQty=1&price=5000&ordType=Limit&execInst=ParticipateDoNotInitiate”); }

Futures_BitMEX	错误	Futures_OP 4: 403: Forbidden

BitMex Exchange.IO 下单没权限


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newblock"/api/v1/order" Bitmex address is different solved

newblock 请老板检查一下是不是Botvs后台设置成测试网的exchange.IO的接口了,谢谢

newblockfunction main (() { Log (("initial account:", initAccount = _C ((exchange.GetAccount)); var info = exchange.SetContractType (("XBTUSD"); In this case, the user can use the following commands: exchange.IO (("api","POST","/v1/order"," symbol=XBTUSD&orderQty=1&price=5000&ordType=Limit&execInst=ParticipateDoNotInitiate"); I'm not sure. Data created by the BitMex API Explorer Changed to /v1/order The same mistake was made. I'm not testing the net. Curl - X POST - header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' - header 'Accept: application/json' - header 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' - d'symbol=XBTUSD&orderQty=1&price=6000&ordType=Limit&execInst=ParticipateDoNotInitiate' '' This is the first time that I've seen this feature.

Inventors quantify - small dreams- Base URI: - /order Create a new order This interface could not be found. I'm going to try to get some help from you.

newblockfunction main (() { Log ((exchange.GetAccount))); exchange.IO (("api","POST","/v1/orders","symbol=XBTUSD&side=Buy&orderQty=1&price=5000&ordType=Limit"); I'm not sure. execInst cannot be deleted without permission

newblockExchange Buy Sell is fine.

ZeroTry to place an order with Exchange's Buy and Sell, if successful, it means that there is a problem with the parameters you passed to IO.