Ask for help, use exchange.IO and Bitfinex's collateral trading templates both prompt for collateral)

Author: richardweiming, Created: 2018-05-06 00:07:05, Updated: 2018-05-06 00:07:27

2018-05-05 23:52:23 Bitfinex error Futures_OP 4: 400: {message:Key amount should be a decimal string.}

$.bitfinexBuy = function(price, amount){ var message = “symbol=” + basecurrency + quotecurrency + “&amount=” + amount.toString() + “&price=” + price.toString() + “&side=buy” + “&type=limit” var id = exchanges[bitfinexIndex].IO(“api”, “POST”, “/v1/order/new”, message) return id.order_id



Inventors quantify - small dreamsThe problem is solved. You can try writing something like this: What's up? var message = "symbol=" + basecurrency + quotecurrency + "&amount='" + amount.toString() + "'&price=" + price.toString() + "&side=buy" + "&type=limit" var id = exchanges [bitfinexIndex].IO (("api", "POST", "/v1/order/new", message) This is a list of all the exchanges in the world. What's up? That is, the value of the numeric string amount is added to the left and right sides with a quotation mark. If you still have questions, please reply or contact the administrator in the QQ group.