Bitcoin is extremely unstable, the market crashes every time it comes, HTTP returns slowly, and many servers are busy, so the price of the whole order has been fluctuating a lot, and the stop loss will be huge. The two hedging robots that the inventors quantified and made public were just beginning to catch up with one or two big spreads, and almost all of them were immediately lost. Bitcoin exchanges have no pressure to hedge against the cold winter...
lazypRecently too many tokens http Read Timeout, it's raining.
The short-line king won selling the high-price strategyI'm sorry, but you're showing that you've withdrawn your claim, and you're withdrawing it, isn't that a mistake?
ZeroThis is a list of all the different ways is credited in the database. ` These are two good friends. `
ZeroThis is because after the policy withdrawal, the order is still in the order and then it is withdrawn.