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In the questionnaire system, why is it that the transaction is not reached, but it is done?

Author: bearflower, Created: 2018-10-18 10:43:59, Updated:

求问回测系统中,为什么没有到达行情,却能成交呢? 求问回测系统中,为什么没有到达行情,却能成交呢?If the market has not reached the point of listing, why is it that the market is able to buy and sell?


bearflower/upload/asset/bf9084ceb05970a1eac3e97c131b5ecc.png This is a list of all the different ways Bf9084ceb05970a1eac3e97c131b5ecc.png is credited in the database. In fact, I used getorder to do my queries too. I'm going to go back to the example you gave and check my code, and I should have printed down the bid price instead of the average price of the transaction.

Inventors quantify - small dreamsThis log is a custom output of your code. I can't be sure if the deal is done. You can call the GetOrder () function to query this order, print out the current order information, and look it up. That's what's accurate. In addition, the price of the order is the price of the order, and the price of the transaction can vary greatly. For example: I bought a 10 and sold a 12 and I offered a 100 to buy, which is definitely a transaction with a 12 but the transaction price is 12, not 100.

Inventors quantify - small dreamsThis is probably the problem, the bid price is very high, buy, deal directly, but the deal price is not the bid price.