Please teach me how to replace num with a specific number, it will work.

Author: sunsjk, Created: 2018-11-08 10:27:20, Updated:

var num = number (sell_one_price); Log ((number) tests whether the output is a numeric number, num);


        2018-11-08 10:24:55	Futures_BitMEX	错误	Futures_OP 4: 400: {"error":{"message":"'price' must be a number.","name":"HTTPError"}}

2018-11-08 10:24:55 Information Tests to see if the output is 6504.5


sunsjk exchange.IO("api","POST","/api/v1/order","symbol=XBTUSD&side=Buy&orderQty="+last_Amount+"&price="+buy_price+"&ordType=Limit&execInst=ParticipateDoNotInitiate");

sunsjkThank you for the example, below for future reference.

Inventors quantify - small dreamsNum you wrote in `` "symbol=XBTUSD&side=Sell&orderQty=40&price=num&ordType=Limit& `` is a string that is num, not a variable num! This requires understanding the concept of strings, the concept of variable names.