Post only by OKEX

Author: willzhang, Created: 2019-09-18 11:38:22, Updated:

I would like to place an order using OKEX's Post Only method, how can I do this with JS?


Don't eat spinachHTTP requests POST to /api/futures/v3/order Example request POST/api/futures/v3/order{"client_oid": 12233456, "order_type: 1, "instrument_id"::"BTC-USD-180213","type":"1","price":"432.11","size":"2","match_price":"0"} order_type String No Parameters filled in digit, 0: General assignment (order type not filled in or fill 0 is a general assignment) 1: only do Maker (Post only) 2: complete or immediately cancel (FOK) 3: immediately complete and cancel the remainder (IOC)

The grassThis is the first time that the BBC has been able to publish a documentary on the subject.