Ok, the batch ordering example is wrong.

Author: fangzaixiang, Created: 2019-11-15 14:59:29, Updated:

function main() { var arrOrders = [ {“instrument_id”:“ltc-usdt”,“side”:“sell”,“type”:“limit”,“size”:“0.01”,“price”:“68”}, {“instrument_id”:“ltc-usdt”,“side”:“sell”,“type”:“limit”,“size”:“0.01”,“price”:“69”} ]

// 调用 exchange.IO 直接访问交易所批量下单接口
var ret = exchange.IO("api", "POST", "/api/spot/v3/batch_orders", "" , JSON.stringify(arrOrders))


Using the official example Error: Futures_OP 4: 400: {message bar:Invalid JSON format bar} Please, God, help me to see the problem.


The grassNeed to upgrade the trustee

The grassIs the newest trustee?

fangzaixiangI called one morning and still couldn't find what was causing it, and I looked at the official API interface as if I didn't find anything wrong, it's just that I don't know what exchange.io is doing, I don't know where to look.

fangzaixiangThank you, yes, upgrade is fine.