var ret =exchanges[0].IO(“api”,“GET”,“/api/v3/myTrades”,“symbol=BTCUSDT”) Log(ret)
var account = exchanges[0].GetAccount (();
Log (s)
Futures_OP 4: 400: {“code”:-1121,“msg”:“Invalid symbol.”}
The following account information is available, but the above suggestion is not valid, check it out.
The same code above, I switched to my own Aliyun Linux server in Hong Kong, no problem, but the Hong Kong Linux leased on the platform will prompt invalid transaction pairs, the Singaporean one will prompt invalid transaction pairs. The windows administrator also suggests invalidating transaction pairs.
The grassThe cause was found to be a debug of an IO function. The administrator updated and fixed it.
gzf445I don't want to run currency futures, I run cash. The post is called cash api, but it suggests a mistake.
gzf445This is a list of binary options trading platforms that are currently under development. GET /fapi/v1/allOrders And this one works just as well on other hosts. I'm currently trying to move to Singapore, but I've found that it doesn't work.
gzf445 /upload/asset/6919ea7fb781b975786d.png
gzf445/upload/asset/6919ea7fb781b975786d.png This is a list of all the different ways I can help you. This is how it's set up. /upload/asset/6919ea7fb781b975786d.png
The grassLooking at your error message, you added the binary futures to make sure the transaction is spelled correctly?
The grassThe transaction pairs you have set up are shown in the graph.
The grassThe cause was found to be a debug of an IO function. The administrator updated and fixed it. The main thing is that the IO reported Futures_OP 4 error, which was only supported by the IO futures, which confused me too.
gzf445It's always been this mistake, and I've always been adding spot exchanges, and I've given a screenshot before, and the icon knows it's a spot exchange.
The grassIs there a problem now? Look at the exchanges that your robot added.
gzf445I'm adding a spot exchange, using a spot API, and Aliyun's custodian in Hong Kong has been running for a month. If this shows that I'm adding a futures exchange, it's a system bug. /upload/asset/6932eef19227e26bcf82.jpg
The grassFutures_OP 4: 400: {"code":-1121, "msg":"Invalid symbol. "} This error indicates that your robot added is a futures exchange
The grassDo you really want to run binary futures, not fapi?