Is it possible to automatically switch cryptocurrency futures trading? For example, the OKEX exchange switches from BTC_USD to ETH_USD

Author: wildfire02, Created: 2019-12-02 12:09:13, Updated:

数字货币期货交易可以自动切换吗?    比如OKEX交易所,从BTC_USD切换到ETH_USD

The trading platform can select both BTC_USD and ETH_USD, but actually runs only the first one by default: BTC_USD

This is the kind of switching that can make mistakes. exchange.IO ((currency token, ETH_USD token);数字货币期货交易可以自动切换吗?    比如OKEX交易所,从BTC_USD切换到ETH_USD 数字货币期货交易可以自动切换吗?    比如OKEX交易所,从BTC_USD切换到ETH_USD

I don't know where the problem is, please point me!


wangfulinI don't need to switch, can't I just get two or more transactions directly using exchanges?

The grassOr both pairs of trades are set to full stock on the website.

The grassRecommended to upgrade to v3

culllegleeThank you very much! Your words have reduced my workload by N days. Otherwise I will have to spend a lot of time and effort to learn Python programming. Thank you!

wangfulinYou don't look carefully at the API documentation that supports multi-trading pairs, for example, if you screenshot this setting, the strategy is that exchanges[0] represent BTC_USD, exchanges[1] represent ETH_USD, and exchanges[0] are completely equal to exchanges. So in the strategy, to sell BTC is: exchanges[0].Sell() Oh, the analogy to get BTC is: exchanges[0].GetAccount) , sell ETH is: exchanges[1].Sell((((((... etc.

The grassVerify that APIkey has transaction permissions