BYBIT in the Malay language has a problem with pricing accuracy

Author: waitbtc, Created: 2020-03-21 13:34:20, Updated:

It's good to buy, but it's bad to sell, and the price should be 0.5.


The grassIs it fixed on the website, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5... this precision cannot be set yet?

The grassThis is how it works.

waitbtcThe accuracy of the positioning currency is changed to -1.

The grass/upload/asset/23df6c6bd73e5afd53d.png This is a list of all the different ways Upload/asset/23df6c6bd73e5afd53d.png is credited in the database. Here the pricing currency accuracy is set to 0.5, and the accuracy is set to 0, i.e. to keep the integer.

waitbtcThank you, I've solved it. I've multiplied the unit by 0.01 myself.

waitbtcAnd there's also a problem with the unit of exchange, the unit is 100, which is supposed to be 1, and the bybit is $1

waitbtcOr is it not possible, volume and price have nothing to do?

The grassI looked it up, and it says /upload/asset/238c61bd0576962e168.png Minimum trading volume in spot settings, set to 0.5

waitbtcCan you change it to the accuracy of the purchase, no problem. The website only lists 0.5, and 1.0.