I've been looking for a real-time feedback tool for a while, and the vnpy feels like it's too much trouble to switch to an interface. Finally, I turned to the documentation in FMZ's new guide. We've been working on it for six months, and we've been working on it for six months, and we've been working on it for six months. By the way, there are very few articles on fmz, which is useful in the beginner's guide.
The first is that users can choose their own start and end times.
This thing needs to be parameterized:
It feels like a stupid way to do it, I don't know if there are any functions that can be initialized.
self.grid_setting = {
"min_price": min_price,
"max_price": max_price,
"grid_diff": grid_diff,
"re_diff": grid_diff,
"total_amount_B": total_amount_B
Grid configuration parameters: minimum, maximum price, distribution interval of the grid and interval of re-attachment.
The above are parameters submitted by the user.
The main bus function is
def bus(self):
params = gen_params(self.begin, self.end, self.currency, self.balance, self.stocks)
task = VCtx(params)
done = self.train()
ret = task.Join(True)
benefit_cal = self.cal_benefit(ret,done)
result = {}
result['done'] = done
result['ret'] = benefit_cal
return result
Calling the task.Join () will terminate the retrieval task and return the net value data. The join parameter does not pass True, returns the original unanalyzed retrieval result, and cannot call the transaction or market-related function after the end.
Through the documentation, I'm guessing what the tactical results are going to mean.
The code is calculated by adding fmz returns to the gain data
def cal_benefit(self,ret,done):
day_begin = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.begin, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
day_end = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.end, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
days = (day_end - day_begin).days
begin = ret.iloc[0].net
end = ret.iloc[-1].net
fee = ret.iloc[-1].fee
df = pd.DataFrame(done)
if len(done) == 0:
benefit_cal = {}
benefit_cal['benefit'] = 0
benefit_cal['count'] = 0
benefit_cal['fee'] = 0
benefit_cal['benefit_p'] = 0
return benefit_cal
buy_count = len(df[df['type'] == 'buy'])
sell_count = len(df[df['type'] == 'sell'])
count = min(buy_count , sell_count)
benefit = count * self.grid_diff * float(done[0]['amount'])
benefit_cal = {}
benefit_cal['benefit']= benefit
benefit_cal['count']= count
benefit_cal['fee']= fee
per = benefit / self.total_amount_B * 360 / days
benefit_cal['benefit_p']= round( per , 4)
return benefit_cal
I'm sure it's a bit confusing, but first let me tell you about the idea of our grid:
### The idea of the hanging checklist * First initialize the grid according to the user's parameters * First time listed * Check the transaction status of the order on time and re-order according to the order
while True:
Sleep(1000 * 60 * 5)
if 'refreash_data_finish!' != mid.refreash_data():
# 初始化网格
if not init_flag:
cur_price = mid.ticker['Last']
grid_list = grid.cal_grid_list(cur_price)
init_flag = True
# 开始挂单
if not place_flag:
place_flag = True
# 开始检查订单状态及时挂单
done = grid.done
I think that's what it is, and it may seem strange at first glance.
This time I want to share mainly to express the speed of FMZ echoes in 14 days basically meets the user's waiting time at the front end, longer is a bit slower, is a good tool to quantify echoes as an interface, congratulations!
Yes, this time we are back to promote a wave of trading competition, our team of everwin quantification has organized a trading competition, free to participate. As long as everyone provides the API of the inquiry, you can register successfully, as a two-week competition, our bonus is also good. Leave a contact form fengye607.
The grassYou need to get the real-time transaction and then simulate the results of the retrieval. This can be a bit of a hassle, but if it's just a single transaction pair you can try writing your own retrieval engine, which is not complicated.