For beginners, ask for a json sorting problem

Author: NoworNever, Created: 2020-11-13 10:24:32, Updated:

exchange.IO("base", "")
var data = exchange.IO("api", "GET", "query?function=TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED&symbol=IBM&apikey=demo");
var records = data["Time Series (Daily)"];

Access to this API will get a json, the data structure of the records is like this, you can see the key is the date, but the order is unordered:

{ “2020-09-09”: { “7. dividend amount”: “0.0000”, “8. split coefficient”: “1.0”, “1. open”: “122.1300”, “2. high”: “123.7000”, “3. low”: “121.2900”, “4. close”: “122.2600”, “5. adjusted close”: “120.5590”, “6. volume”: “3770678” }, “2020-08-11”: { “6. volume”: “5001176”, “7. dividend amount”: “0.0000”, “8. split coefficient”: “1.0”, “1. open”: “128.7600”, “2. high”: “130.4700”, “3. low”: “126.6100”, “4. close”: “126.7500”, “5. adjusted close”: “124.9866” }, ……

But if you go directly to the browser:

The order of the keys is ordered by date:

“Time Series (Daily)”: { “2020-11-12”: { “1. open”: “115.6300”, “2. high”: “116.3700”, “3. low”: “113.4800”, “4. close”: “114.5000”, “5. adjusted close”: “114.5000”, “6. volume”: “6427016”, “7. dividend amount”: “0.0000”, “8. split coefficient”: “1.0” }, “2020-11-11”: { “1. open”: “118.1200”, “2. high”: “118.3500”, “3. low”: “116.2200”, “4. close”: “117.2000”, “5. adjusted close”: “117.2000”, “6. volume”: “4289601”, “7. dividend amount”: “0.0000”, “8. split coefficient”: “1.0” }, …



NoworNeverIt's been resolved, thank you.

The grassSearch js object sort by key