def main (: r = exchange.GetRecords ((PERIOD_M1)) is the name of the R1 = exchange.GetRecords ((PERIOD_M15)) is the name of the R2 = exchange.GetRecords ((PERIOD_M30)) is the name of the ma = TA. MA ((r, 1) ma1 = TA. MA ((r1,1) ma2 = TA.MA ((r2,999)) is equal to Log (the number printed out by the test MA: log, ma) Log ((magnitude test MA2 printed out: magnitude, ma1) Log ((magnitude test MA3 printed out: mag, ma2) Log (R) is a number that is printed out in the log (R) test. Log (R1) is the number that is printed in the R1 test: Log ((R2 is a number that is printed in the R2 test: r2)
I want a 7-day average, a 15-day average, and a 30-day average, and I print out a bunch of data, I don't know what that is. A newcomer to the rabbit school is asking for a lesson.
The grassThe last one is the latest ma[ma.length-1]