The administrator connects to future_binance. It always brings up API issues, can any of your friends help me group?

Author: skydownacai, Created: 2021-02-18 17:44:48, Updated:

I bought a server myself and deployed a host, which always prompts me when I connect to the future_binance trading terminal interface: Error: GetAccount: 401: {code:-2015,msg:Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action} But I checked the permissions of my Bitcoin API, the contract transaction is open, and the IP address is not blocked. I use this API to call future binance on my own server with python without any problems, and I wonder why this is happening on fmz?


Inventors quantify - small dreams1, API KEY configuration error. 2, or IP address whitelisted when requesting API KEY, but the IP of the device you are currently accessing is not whitelisted. 3, API KEY has insufficient permissions.

skydownacaiI'm sure you won't believe me when I tell you that I've restarted the host and it's okay.