The coin circle rings again, please.

Author: tony233, Created: 2021-07-27 21:32:50, Updated:

I see you have a problem with the tutorial on Quantum Coin Circle, exchange.Sell ((-1, amount, ticker) how is this function different from the one in the API documentation, I see that the API documentation says exchange.Sell ((Price, Amount), so there are three parameters here, if you sell according to the market price, why should you add a ticker after it?


The grassThe third parameter can be displayed in the robot log.

The grassSee the exchange's rules, FMZ calls the exchange's interface.

tony233I'm looking at the API documentation and note: the exchange's sub-order interface supports market price lists (the sub-order type is for payment, the sub-order parameter is the amount of the unit of accounting currency). The digital currency futures market price sub-order method, the unit of the unit of accounting parameter is the number of contracts.

tony233I see.