Help, how to pass the dash in io function

Author: ttxc, Created: 2021-07-29 09:40:22, Updated: 2021-07-29 09:41:10

I want to implement FX_BTC_JPY market withdrawal in bitlfyer, the API documentation shows that codes 1 and 2 are two ways and should be correct:

var a = exchanges[i].IO("api", "POST", "/v1/me/cancelallchildorders?product_code=FX_BTC_JPY");

 var name = 'FX_BTC_JPY';
 var message = "product_code=" + name;
 var a = exchanges[i].IO("api","POST","/v1/me/cancelallchildorders",message);





The grassThis is a list of all the exchanges[i].IO (("api","POST","/v1/me/cancelallchildorders",""), JSON.stringify (({product_code:"BTC_JPY"})); I've tested this, and I've got feedback.

Inventors quantifiedCode 2 is used correctly, or the product name is incorrect. See if the corresponding product name in Market List is entered incorrectly.

ttxcIt's done, without using this interface, withdrawal is done according to the ID of the individual withdrawal.

ttxcI tried it with your code. The following is the error message: This is a list of all the different ways Futures_OP 4: 400 is credited in the database. In addition, I got a position, and with the following code, there was no error, which seems to be a problem with the exchange: This is a list of exchanges[i].IO (("api", "GET", "/v1/me/getpositions", "product_code=FX_BTC_JPY");

ttxcThe name should be right, because I can order with IO, or I can't withdraw.