The platform uses ready-made code, which is used to create a website. Trading view webhook connects to FMZ, The same setup for the Bitcoin platform is not a problem. It's not easy to open it straight, or it's not easy to open it.
If you have set up a pending transaction, or if you have multiple takers, then you can do it.
/* - Interactive command string format action:amount action: buy, sell, long, short, cover_long, cover_short, spk, bpk - Type of exchange eType variable take: 0 spot, 1 futures
Link to the TV documentary
TV webhook to send requests[186515,“action:amount”]
Reference libraries Citation of the digital currency trading library */
// The parameter // var isMarketOrder = false // var QuotePrecision is equal to 2 // var BasePrecision is equal to 2
// The futures parameter // var Ct is equal to
// global variable
var BUY =
function main (() { // Clear logs, if not needed, can be deleted LogReset ((1)) is a
// 设置精度
exchange.SetPrecision(QuotePrecision, BasePrecision)
// 识别期货还是现货
var eType = 0
var eName = exchange.GetName()
var patt = /Futures_/
if (patt.test(eName)) {
Log("添加的交易所为期货交易所:", eName, "#FF0000")
eType = 1
if (Ct == "") {
throw "Ct 合约设置为空"
} else {
Log(exchange.SetContractType(Ct), "设置合约:", Ct, "#FF0000")
} else {
Log("添加的交易所为现货交易所:", eName, "#32CD32")
var lastMsg = ""
var acc = _C(exchange.GetAccount)
while(true) {
var cmd = GetCommand()
if (cmd) {
// 检测交互命令
lastMsg = "命令:" + cmd + "时间:" + _D()
var arr = cmd.split(":")
if (arr.length != 2) {
Log("cmd信息有误:", cmd, "#FF0000")
var action = arr[0]
var amount = parseFloat(arr[1])
if (eType == 0) {
if (action == BUY) {
var buyInfo = IsMarketOrder ? exchange.Buy(-1, amount) : $.Buy(amount)
Log("buyInfo:", buyInfo)
} else if (action == SELL) {
var sellInfo = IsMarketOrder ? exchange.Sell(-1, amount) : $.Sell(amount)
Log("sellInfo:", sellInfo)
} else {
Log("现货交易所不支持!", "#FF0000")
} else if (eType == 1) {
var tradeInfo = null
var ticker = _C(exchange.GetTicker)
if (action == LONG) {
tradeInfo = IsMarketOrder ? exchange.Buy(-1, amount) : exchange.Buy(ticker.Sell, amount)
} else if (action == SHORT) {
tradeInfo = IsMarketOrder ? exchange.Sell(-1, amount) : exchange.Sell(ticker.Buy, amount)
} else if (action == COVER_LONG) {
tradeInfo = IsMarketOrder ? exchange.Sell(-1, amount) : exchange.Sell(ticker.Buy, amount)
} else if (action == COVER_SHORT) {
tradeInfo = IsMarketOrder ? exchange.Buy(-1, amount) : exchange.Buy(ticker.Sell, amount)
} else if (action == SPK) { // 卖出平多仓,卖出开空仓
var tradeInfo1 = IsMarketOrder ? exchange.Sell(-1, amount) : exchange.Sell(ticker.Buy, amount)
var tradeInfo2 = IsMarketOrder ? exchange.Sell(-1, amount) : exchange.Sell(ticker.Buy, amount)
tradeInfo = [tradeInfo1, tradeInfo2]
} else if (action == BPK) { // 买入平空仓,买入开多仓
var tradeInfo1 = IsMarketOrder ? exchange.Buy(-1, amount) : exchange.Buy(ticker.Sell, amount)
var tradeInfo2 = IsMarketOrder ? exchange.Buy(-1, amount) : exchange.Buy(ticker.Sell, amount)
tradeInfo = [tradeInfo1, tradeInfo2]
} else {
Log("期货交易所不支持!", "#FF0000")
if (tradeInfo) {
Log("tradeInfo:", tradeInfo)
} else {
throw "eType error, eType:" + eType
acc = _C(exchange.GetAccount)
var tbl = {
type : "table",
title : "状态信息",
cols : ["数据"],
rows : []
LogStatus(_D(), eName, "上次接收到的命令:", lastMsg, "\n", "`" + JSON.stringify(tbl) + "`")
The grassYou're using the sub-order function of the class library, which does not guarantee that the order will be placed. Even if the order is placed at a price, there is a certain probability that the order will be placed. Make sure that the maker can order himself.
Zhang and othersI'm also looking for an exchange group, and all the groups on the homepage are full.
Zhang and othersOkay, I'll think about it.
The grassAdd a home page to WeChat, pull you into the WeChat community, and it will pull you regularly.