The Code
def short(direction,price,amount):
logtype = LOG_TYPE_SELL
para = ""
para += "market='"+exchange.GetCurrency().replace('_USD', '-PERP') + "'"
para += "&side='"+ direction + "'"
para += "&price=" + str(price)
para += "&type='" + "'limit'" + "'"
para += "&size=" + str(amount)
if direction == "'buy'":
para += "&reduceOnly=true"
logtype = LOG_TYPE_BUY
# para+="×tamp="+ str(int(UnixNano() / 1000000))
ret = exchange.IO("api", "POST", '/orders', para)
exchange.Log(logtype, price, amount)
return ret
Real-time address
Inventors quantify - small dreamsNot Allowed This means insufficient permissions, check if the API KEY permissions are a problem.
Inventors quantify - small dreamsCheck if the IO parameter is misspelled.
GCCI checked, it shouldn't be an API problem, you can order directly from the exchange with sell and buy.