The following error message was received: Futures_OP 3: 400: {"code":"50004","data":[],"msg":"Endpoint request timeout "}

Author: churchillxy, Created: 2022-03-10 11:22:23, Updated:

Hi, I'm using getrecords to get the market, plus try except processing, I don't understand why there's more?报错求助:Futures_OP 3: 400: {“code”:“50004”,“data”:[],“msg”:“Endpoint request timeout. “}


Inventors quantify - small dreamsIf the interface returns null, the error is reported.

Inventors quantify - small dreamsis an abnormality of the try capture procedure. An interface error is a business error not an abnormality.

Inventors quantify - small dreamsFor the industry interface, do the wrong thing. var r = _C (exchange.GetRecords) There are several articles on tolerating mistreatment in the encyclopedia.

churchillxySo what are your suggestions for dealing with this situation?