In the last article, we made a simple grid strategy together. In this article, we upgraded and expanded this strategy into a multi-symbol spot grid strategy, and let this strategy be tested in practice. The purpose is not to find a “holy grail”, but to discuss various problems and solutions in the process of designing strategies. This article will explain some of my experience in designing the strategy. The content of this article is slightly complicated and requires a certain foundation in programming.
In this article, same as the previous one, we discuss about the design based on FMZ Quant Trading Platform (FMZ.COM).
, but also LTC_USDT
. Anyway, for the spot trading pairs, operate grid trading of all symbols that you want to trade at the same time.yeah, it feels good to capture the vibrating market quotes of multiple symbols.
Although the requirement sounds simple, it becomes difficult when you start to design.
- 1. First, obtaining the market quotes of multiple symbols. It is the first problem to be solved. After reading the platform API documentation, I found that platforms usually provide the aggregated interfaces. Okay, we use the aggregated market data interface to obtain the data.
Because you need to judge the available assets when placing orders, isn’t necessary to obtain the data before judgement? Moreover, the return needs to be calculated. Should we record the initial acocunt asset data first? And then obtain the asset data of the current account and calculate the profit and loss by comparing with the initial one? Fortunately, the asset account interface of a platform usually returns all currency asset data, so we only need to obtain it once, and then process the data.
”|” is used to split the data of each symbol, indicating that ETHUSDT:100:0.002
controls the trading pair ETH_USDT, and LTCUSDT:20:0.1
controls the trading pair LTC_USDT. The “|” in the middle plays a role of segmentation.
In ETHUSDT:100:0.002
, “ETHUSDT” represents the trading pair you want to operate; “100” is the grid spacing; “0.002” is the traded ETH amount of each grid; “:” is used to split the data mentioned above (surely, the rules of parameters are made by the strategy designer; you can design whatever you want based on your need).
These strings already contain the parameter information of each symbol you need to operate. You can parse the strings, and assign values to the variables in the strategy, to control the trading logic of each symbol. How to parse? Let’s use the example mentioned above.
function main() {
var net = [] // the recorded grid parameters; when specifically running the grid trading logic, use the data from here
var params = "ETHUSDT:100:0.002|LTCUSDT:20:0.1"
var arrPair = params.split("|")
_.each(arrPair, function(pair) {
var arr = pair.split(":")
var symbol = arr[0] // trading pair name
var diff = parseFloat(arr[1]) // grid spacing
var amount = parseFloat(arr[2]) // grid order amount
net.push({symbol : symbol, diff : diff, amount : amount})
Log("Grid parameter data:", net)
See, we have parsed the parameters. Sure, you can directly use JSON strings, which is easier.
function main() {
var params = '[{"symbol":"ETHUSDT","diff":100,"amount":0.002},{"symbol":"LTCUSDT","diff":20,"amount":0.1}]'
var net = JSON.parse(params) // the recorded grid parameters; when specifically running the grid trading logic, use the data from here
_.each(net, function(pair) {
Log("Trading pair:", pair.symbol, pair)
function on FMZ Quant, or use the operation function DBExec()
in the database, and you can query the FMZ API documentation for details.For example, we want to design a clean-up function by using the function _G()
, to save the grid data.
var net = null
function main() { // strategy main function
// first read the stored net
net = _G("net")
// ...
function onExit() {
_G("net", net)
Log("Execute the clean-up processing, and save the data", "#FF0000")
function onexit() { // the onexit function defined by the platform system, which will be triggered when clicking the bot to stop
function onerror() { // the onerror function defined by the platform system, which will be triggered when the program exception occurs
The backtest system does not have such strict limits on the order volume and order precision; but in a bot, each platform has strict standards for the order price and order volume, and different trading pairs have different limits. Therefore, beginners often test OKEX in the backtest system. Once the strategy is run on a bot, there are various problems when a trade is triggered, and then the content of the error message is not read, and various crazy phenomena appear.
For multi-symbol cases, the requirement is more complicated. For a single-symbol strategy, you can design a parameter to specify information such as precision. However, when you design a multi-symbol strategy, it is obvious that writing the information into a parameter will make the parameter very tedious.
At this time, you need to check the API documentation of the platform to see if there are interfaces for trading pair related information in the documentation. If there are these interfaces, you can design an automatic access interface in the strategy to obtain information such as precision, and configure it into the trading pair information in the trade (in short, the precision is automatically obtained from the platform, and then adapted to the variable related to the strategy parameter).
Based on the above analysis, we design a template library to reduce the coupling between strategy, platform mechanism and interface.
We can design the template library like this (part of the code is omitted):
function createBaseEx(e, funcConfigure) {
var self = {}
self.e = e
self.funcConfigure = funcConfigure = e.GetName()
self.type ="Futures_") ? "Futures" : "Spot"
self.label = e.GetLabel()
// the interfaces that need to be implemented
self.interfaceGetTickers = null // create a function that asynchronously obtains the aggregated market quote threads
self.interfaceGetAcc = null // create a function that asynchronously obtains the account data threads
self.interfaceGetPos = null // obtain positions
self.interfaceTrade = null // create concurrent orders
self.waitTickers = null // wait for the concurrent market quote data
self.waitAcc = null // wait for the account concurrent data
self.waitTrade = null // wait for order concurrent data
self.calcAmount = null // calculate the order amount according to the trading pair precision and other data
self.init = null // initialization; obtain the precision and other data
// execute the configuration function, to configure objects
// detect whether all the interfaces arranged by configList can be implemented
_.each(configList, function(funcName) {
if (!self[funcName]) {
throw "interface" + funcName + "not implemented"
return self
$.createBaseEx = createBaseEx
$.getConfigureFunc = function(exName) {
dicRegister = {
"Futures_OKCoin" : funcConfigure_Futures_OKCoin, // the implementation of OKEX Futures
"Huobi" : funcConfigure_Huobi,
"Futures_Binance" : funcConfigure_Futures_Binance,
"Binance" : funcConfigure_Binance,
"WexApp" : funcConfigure_WexApp, // the implementation of wexApp
return dicRegister
In the template, implement the code writing aimed at a specific playform; take the FMZ simulated bot WexApp as an example:
function funcConfigure_WexApp(self) {
var formatSymbol = function(originalSymbol) {
var arr = originalSymbol.split("_")
var baseCurrency = arr[0]
var quoteCurrency = arr[1]
return [originalSymbol, baseCurrency, quoteCurrency]
self.interfaceGetTickers = function interfaceGetTickers() {
self.routineGetTicker = HttpQuery_Go("")
self.waitTickers = function waitTickers() {
var ret = []
var arr = JSON.parse(self.routineGetTicker.wait()).data
_.each(arr, function(ele) {
bid1: parseFloat(,
bid1Vol: parseFloat(-1),
ask1: parseFloat(ele.sell),
ask1Vol: parseFloat(-1),
symbol: formatSymbol([0],
type: "Spot",
return ret
self.interfaceGetAcc = function interfaceGetAcc(symbol, updateTS) {
if (self.updateAccsTS != updateTS) {
self.routineGetAcc = self.e.Go("GetAccount")
self.waitAcc = function waitAcc(symbol, updateTS) {
var arr = formatSymbol(symbol)
var ret = null
if (self.updateAccsTS != updateTS) {
ret = self.routineGetAcc.wait().Info
self.bufferGetAccRet = ret
} else {
ret = self.bufferGetAccRet
if (!ret) {
return null
var acc = {symbol: symbol, Stocks: 0, FrozenStocks: 0, Balance: 0, FrozenBalance: 0, originalInfo: ret}
_.each(, function(ele) {
if (ele.currency == arr[1]) {
// baseCurrency
acc.Stocks = parseFloat(
acc.FrozenStocks = parseFloat(ele.frozen)
} else if (ele.currency == arr[2]) {
// quoteCurrency
acc.Balance = parseFloat(
acc.FrozenBalance = parseFloat(ele.frozen)
return acc
self.interfaceGetPos = function interfaceGetPos(symbol, price, initSpAcc, nowSpAcc) {
var symbolInfo = self.getSymbolInfo(symbol)
var sumInitStocks = initSpAcc.Stocks + initSpAcc.FrozenStocks
var sumNowStocks = nowSpAcc.Stocks + nowSpAcc.FrozenStocks
var diffStocks = _N(sumNowStocks - sumInitStocks, symbolInfo.amountPrecision)
if (Math.abs(diffStocks) < symbolInfo.min / price) {
return []
return [{symbol: symbol, amount: diffStocks, price: null, originalInfo: {}}]
self.interfaceTrade = function interfaceTrade(symbol, type, price, amount) {
var tradeType = ""
if (type == self.OPEN_LONG || type == self.COVER_SHORT) {
tradeType = "bid"
} else {
tradeType = "ask"
var params = {
"market": symbol,
"side": tradeType,
"amount": String(amount),
"price" : String(-1),
"type" : "market"
self.routineTrade = self.e.Go("IO", "api", "POST", "/api/v1/private/order", self.encodeParams(params))
self.waitTrade = function waitTrade() {
return self.routineTrade.wait()
self.calcAmount = function calcAmount(symbol, type, price, amount) {
// obtain the trading pair information
var symbolInfo = self.getSymbolInfo(symbol)
if (!symbol) {
throw symbol + ",trading pair information not found"
var tradeAmount = null
var equalAmount = null // record the symbol amount
if (type == self.OPEN_LONG || type == self.COVER_SHORT) {
tradeAmount = _N(amount * price, parseFloat(symbolInfo.pricePrecision))
// detect the minimum trading amount
if (tradeAmount < symbolInfo.min) {
Log(, " tradeAmount:", tradeAmount, "less than", symbolInfo.min)
return false
equalAmount = tradeAmount / price
} else {
tradeAmount = _N(amount, parseFloat(symbolInfo.amountPrecision))
// detect the minimum trading amount
if (tradeAmount < symbolInfo.min / price) {
Log(, " tradeAmount:", tradeAmount, "less than", symbolInfo.min / price)
return false
equalAmount = tradeAmount
return [tradeAmount, equalAmount]
self.init = function init() { // the function that automatically processes conditions like precision, etc.
var ret = JSON.parse(HttpQuery(""))
_.each(, function(symbolInfo) {
symbol: symbolInfo.pair,
amountPrecision: parseFloat(symbolInfo.basePrecision),
pricePrecision: parseFloat(symbolInfo.quotePrecision),
multiplier: 1,
min: parseFloat(symbolInfo.minQty),
originalInfo: symbolInfo
It will be very easy to use the template in the strategy:
function main() {
var fuExName = exchange.GetName()
var fuConfigureFunc = $.getConfigureFunc()[fuExName]
var ex = $.createBaseEx(exchange, fuConfigureFunc)
var arrTestSymbol = ["LTC_USDT", "ETH_USDT", "EOS_USDT"]
var ts = new Date().getTime()
// test to obtain the market quotes
var tickers = ex.getTickers()
Log("tickers:", tickers)
// test to obtain the account information
ex.goGetAcc(symbol, ts)
_.each(arrTestSymbol, function(symbol) {
_.each(tickers, function(ticker) {
if (symbol == ticker.originalSymbol) {
// print the market quote data
Log(symbol, ticker)
// print asset data
var acc = ex.getAcc(symbol, ts)
Log("acc:", acc.symbol, acc)
It is very simple to design and write the strategy based on the above template. The entire strategy has about over 300 lines of code. That implements a cryptocurrency spot multi-symbol grid strategy.
Right now, it has losses T_T
, so the source code will not be provided.
There are several registration codes; if you are interested, you can try them in wexApp:
Purchase Address:
Registration Code:
There was only over 200 USD, and when the bot was just started, it came across a great single sided market. It needs time to cover the loss. The biggest advantage of the spot grid strategy is: “feel safe to sleep!” The stability of the strategy is fine, and I have not modified it since 27th, May. I do not dare to try the futures grid strategy temporarily.