All futures positions in the trading pair are settled. Payout mode: Payout multiple positions, for example, continuously hanging a sell, after 0.5s revoked, continue hanging a sell, know the full payout. Each hanging order amount is all current payout positions.
The plug-in can be started at the touch of a button on the transaction terminal, without charging a fee, and facilitates manual transactions.
function main(){ while(ture){ var pos = exchange.GetPosition() var ticker = exchange.GetTicekr() if(!ticker){return '无法获取ticker'} if(!pos || pos.length == 0 ){return '已无持仓'} for(var i=0;i<pos.length;i++){ if(pos[i].Type == PD_LONG){ exchange.SetContractType(pos[i].ContractType) exchange.SetDirection('closebuy') exchange.Sell(ticker.Buy, pos[i].Amount - pos[i].FrozenAmount) } if(pos[i].Type == PD_SHORT){ exchange.SetContractType(pos[i].ContractType) exchange.SetDirection('closesell') exchange.Buy(ticker.Sell, pos[i].Amount - pos[i].FrozenAmount) } } var orders = exchange.Getorders() Sleep(500) for(var j=0;j<orders.length;j++){ if(orders[i].Status == ORDER_STATE_PENDING){ exchange.CancelOrder(orders[i].Id) } } } }
eth8888The test was positive for binance, but not positive for yoke.
eth8888Exchange.GetTicker is a free exchange. It's written as exchange.GetTicekr.
eth8888Exchange.GetTicker is a free exchange. It's written as exchange.GetTicekr.