function xiadan() { //下单函数 exchange.SetPrecision(2, 3) Sleep(51) exchange.SetContractType("swap") Sleep(51) exchange.SetMarginLevel(g2) Sleep(51) var fff000 = exchange.GetPosition() if (fff000.length == 0) { var records = exchange.GetRecords(PERIOD_D1) var records1 = records[records.length - 1].High - records[records.length - 1].Low var records2 = records[records.length - 2].High - records[records.length - 2].Low var records3 = records[records.length - 3].High - records[records.length - 3].Low var records4 = records[records.length - 4].High - records[records.length - 4].Low var records5 = records[records.length - 5].High - records[records.length - 5].Low var recordsn = [records1, records2, records3, records4, records5] yh = 0 for (var i = 0; i < recordsn.length; i++) { if (recordsn[i] > 5) { yh = yh + 1 } } if (records1 > 20) { Sleep(51) exchange.SetDirection("buy") Sleep(60) var id = exchange.Buy(-1, a) Sleep(500) Log("开仓,方向为做多,智能识别,我的选择不会错的!加油!") } else { exchange.SetDirection("sell") Sleep(51) var id = exchange.Sell(-1, a) Sleep(500) Log("开仓,方向为做空,智能识别,我的选择不会错的!加油!") } var oder = exchange.GetOrder(id) var j = oder.AvgPrice var ying = j + k var sun = j - k } else { var jjjj = fff000[0].Price var ying = jjjj + k var sun = jjjj - k } var t = 0 Sleep(60) Sleep(100) /*↓ 二级循环 ↓*/ while (true) { Sleep(60) zhanghu2 = _C(exchange.GetAccount) Sleep(80) m100 = exchange.GetAccount() v1 = m100.Info v2 = v1.assets v3 = v2[1].walletBalance LogProfit(_N(v3 - (_G("v4")), 2), 'USDT') var yu2 = zhanghu2.Balance Sleep(70) /*↓ 以下判断是否有持仓,没有就循环跳出 ↓*/ var fff = exchange.GetPosition() var eee = 66 if (fff.length != 0) { var cc = fff[0].Amount var pp = fff[0].Price var ww = fff[0].Type t = t + 1 if (t > 2) { var tx = ((t * 0.0008 * a) / cc) * pp var td = (t * k * a) / cc } else { var tx = 0 var td = 0 } var lirun = (parseInt(cc / a)) * k / 2 if (yu2 > (cc / g2)) { /*↓ 多头情况下上下挂单 ↓*/ if (ww == 0) { //如果持仓是多头 while (true) { var recordss = exchange.GetRecords(60) var records11 = recordss[recordss.length - 1].High - recordss[recordss.length - 1].Low Sleep(60) if (records11 < 0) { Sleep(3000) } else { if (cc > pc * a) { Sleep(100) exchange.SetDirection("closebuy") var sellid = exchange.Sell(-1, cc) Log("海燕呐,你可长点心吧,触发风控,重新开仓") Sleep(10000) break } else if (cc > a) { Sleep(100) exchange.SetDirection("closebuy") Sleep(100) var sellid = exchange.Sell(pp + k + tx + lirun, cc - a) Sleep(100) exchange.SetDirection("buy") Sleep(100) var buyid = exchange.Buy(sun, a) Sleep(100) if (cc > 2 * a) { exchange.SetDirection("closebuy") Sleep(100) var abc = exchange.Sell(ying, a) var eee = 88 Sleep(100) } /*else if ((pp + k + tx + lirun) > ying + k) { exchange.SetDirection("closebuy") Sleep(100) var abc = exchange.Sell(ying, a) var eee = 88 Sleep(100) }*/ xx = (xx + 1) var zye = _N(v3 - 0, 2) Log("这是第", xx, "次下单", "账户总余额:", zye, "USDT", "加险系数为", _N(tx, 2), "降险系数为", _N(td, 2), "本次建仓交易次数", t, "时间:", _D()) } else { Sleep(100) exchange.SetDirection("closebuy") Sleep(100) var sellid = exchange.Sell(pp + k, cc) Sleep(100) exchange.SetDirection("buy") Sleep(100) var buyid = exchange.Buy(sun, a) Sleep(100) xx = (xx + 1) var zye = _N(v3 - 0, 2) Log("这是第", xx, "次下单", "账户总余额:", zye, "USDT", "加险系数为", _N(tx, 2), "降险系数为", _N(td, 2), "本次建仓交易次数", t, "时间:", _D()) } break } Sleep(2000) } /*↓ 空头情况下上下挂单 ↓*/ } else if (ww == 1) { while (true) { var recordsss = exchange.GetRecords(60) var records111 = recordsss[recordsss.length - 1].High - recordsss[recordsss.length - 1].Low Sleep(60) if (records111 > 0) { Sleep(3000) } else { if (cc > pc * a) { Sleep(100) exchange.SetDirection("closesell") Sleep(100) var buyid = exchange.Buy(-1, cc) Log("海燕呐,你可长点心吧,触发风控,重新开仓") Sleep(10000) break } else if (cc > a) { Sleep(100) exchange.SetDirection("closesell") Sleep(100) var buyid = exchange.Buy(pp - k - tx - lirun, cc) Sleep(100) exchange.SetDirection("sell") Sleep(100) var sellid = exchange.Sell(ying, a) Sleep(100) if (cc > 2 * a) { exchange.SetDirection("closesell") Sleep(100) var abc = exchange.Buy(sun, a) Sleep(100) var eee = 88 } /*else if ((pp - k - tx - lirun) < sun - k) { exchange.SetDirection("closesell") Sleep(100) var abc = exchange.Buy(sun, a) Sleep(100) var eee = 88 }*/ xx = (xx + 1) var zye = _N(v3 - 0, 2) Log("这是第", xx, "次下单", "账户总余额:", zye, "USDT", "加险系数为", _N(tx, 2), "降险系数为", _N(td, 2), "本次建仓交易次数", t, "时间:", _D()) } else { Sleep(100) exchange.SetDirection("closesell") Sleep(100) var buyid = exchange.Buy(pp - k, cc) Sleep(100) exchange.SetDirection("sell") Sleep(100) var sellid = exchange.Sell(ying, a) Sleep(100) xx = (xx + 1) var zye = _N(v3 - 0, 2) Log("这是第", xx, "次下单", "账户总余额:", zye, "USDT", "加险系数为", _N(tx, 2), "降险系数为", _N(td, 2), "本次建仓交易次数", t, "时间:", _D()) } break } Sleep(2000) } } } else { Log("余额不足,剩余为", yu2, "USDT", "@") Sleep(1000000) break } /*↓ 三级循环 ↓*/ while (true) { Sleep(1500) var m1 = exchange.GetOrder(sellid) var m2 = m1.Status var jg1 = m1.AvgPrice Sleep(1500) var m3 = exchange.GetOrder(buyid) var m4 = m3.Status var jg2 = m3.AvgPrice Sleep(1500) if (eee == 88) { Sleep(100) var m5 = exchange.GetOrder(abc) var m6 = m5.Status var jg3 = m5.AvgPrice Sleep(60) } if (m2 == 1) { if (m4 == 0) { exchange.CancelOrder(buyid) } if (m6 == 0) { exchange.CancelOrder(abc) } ying = jg1 + k sun = jg1 - k m2 = 8 m4 = 8 break } else if (m4 == 1) { exchange.CancelOrder(sellid) if (m6 == 0) { exchange.CancelOrder(abc) } sun = jg2 - k ying = jg2 + k m2 = 8 m4 = 8 break } else if (m6 == 1 && eee == 88) { //如果新加的这单成交完成 if (m2 == 0) { exchange.CancelOrder(sellid) } if (m4 == 0) { exchange.CancelOrder(buyid) } sun = jg3 - k ying = jg3 + k m2 = 8 m4 = 8 break } } } else { break } } } function main() { LogReset() LogProfitReset() var m100 = exchange.GetAccount() var v1 = m100.Info var v2 = v1.assets var v3 = v2[1].walletBalance //var v4 =v3 _G("v4", v3) while (true) { var zhanghu = _C(exchange.GetAccount) var yu = zhanghu.Balance // USDT可用余额 var yu1 = zhanghu.Stocks //BTC持有余额 Sleep(1000) var hang = exchange.GetTicker() var zui = hang.Last //获取当前最新价格 Sleep(500) if (yu > (zui * a) / g2) { //判断条件 xiadan() } else { Log("余额不足,余额为", yu, "需要余额为", zui * a, "@") } } }
chowkimEven without a mesh, it wouldn't be so bad, right?
syueDo you have a hole in your brain? Do you think there's a stable strategy for making money? Do you think there's a stable strategy for this platform? Do you know that the strategy written on this platform is encrypted?
The Air Force will never be a slave.This is a bold, AI-powered big data analysis.
One punch boyIf the amplitude is greater than 20 open positions, it is called intelligent recognition.
bwxiaokI was shocked to see the name of the variable in this code.
kongbai979I am an old user of FMZ registered in 2016 and spent 5000 yuan on March 19 to buy the Giraffe Strategy, a famous FMZ user who is a mathematician, a WeChat user and a famous Blue Dragon Strategy. The Giraffe Strategy is a small variation of the grid strategy, with a stable daily rate of return, but I was at the end of the trend, with only 158 USDT left at the moment, and the maximum withdrawal rate is more than 60% as an old FMZ user, who bought the strategy without trusting others, failed to identify the risk in time, causing significant losses. What do you mean? I hope that everyone will be warned to be careful when buying or renting, and not to underestimate others. I hope that Z will be the boss and expel this person from FMZ, so that he can no longer be a fraud in our user base.
kongbai979The mathematician is a mathematician. He is a mathematician.
kongbai979The mathematician, who is selling the Pitchfork version at a high price, is the user himself, who is deeply hurt.
maxgeI'm really shocked! I guess I can't even read it after I write it.
ICECOOL2017I can't run it, this strategy is running on a rogue platform.
Miracle at the Re-StorageI'm still in QQ group whitening... This is a high-priced selling strategy from the beginning... I think it can be defined as a scammer... or a brain problem... I haven't developed a hard drive for a month...
z732114The 8000 strategy says buy it, rich man.