Statistical rate of return
BotVS earnings statistics can only record one curve. Technical analysis cannot be performed. This template can automatically calculate earnings for the most recent day, last day, last day, last day, last day, last day, last day, last 30 days, and all times, earnings, monthly earnings, annualized earnings, and maximum drawdowns.
How to use: Introduce this template to replace the original policy with the LogProfit function\(.LogProfit and in the place of LogStatus, add \)The return string for.ProfitSummary
For example: function main (() { while ((true) { var t = exchange.GetTicker ();\(.LogProfit(t.Last); LogStatus(\).ProfitSummary(10000)); Sleep(3600000); } }
Showing results:
1st day: receipt of 78.44 yuan ((-0.537%), monthly - 16.781%, yearly - 204.169%, withdrawal 1.106% Last 1 day: 176.08 yuan ((1.221%), monthly 38.226%, yearly 465.087%, withdrawal 1.236% 7th: 771.74 yuan ((5,599%), 24.141% monthly, 293.719% yearly and 1.517% withdrawal Last 7 days: 223.15 yuan ((1.64%), 7.071 percent month to month, 86.039 percent year to year, 0.9 percent withdrawal 30th: Revenue of 1570.31 yuan ((12.094%), monthly 12.111%, yearly 147.352%, withdrawal 3.251% Last 30 days: 200.12 yuan ((1.565%) collected, 1.567% monthly, 19.076% yearly and 1.521% withdrawn Total: 4554.11 yuan ((45.541%), maximum withdrawal 3.251%, statistical time 74 days 23 hours
$.LogProfit = function(profit) { var args =; if (SYS_LOGPROFIT) { LogProfit.apply(this, args); } else { args.unshift('收益'); Log.apply(this,args); } var _history = $.GetAllProfit(); _history.push([ Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000), profit]); _G('profit_history', JSON.stringify(_history)); }; $.GetAllProfit = function() { var old = _G('profit_history') || '[]'; try { var _history = JSON.parse(old); return _history; } catch(e) { _G('profit_history', null); return []; } }; function filterProfit(from, to) { var arr = $.GetAllProfit(); if (!arr || arr.length === 0) return; var re, maxdrawback=0, lastProfit=0, maxProfit=false, maxdrawbackProfit=0; var earlest, latest; for(var i=0;i<arr.length;i++) { if (!arr[i]) continue; if (arr[i][0] > from && arr[i][0] <= to) { var profit = arr[i][1]; if (!earlest) earlest = arr[i]; latest = arr[i]; if (!lastProfit) lastProfit = profit; if (maxProfit === false || maxProfit < profit) maxProfit = profit; var drawback = maxProfit - profit; if (drawback > maxdrawback) { maxdrawback = drawback; maxdrawbackProfit = maxProfit; } } } if (!earlest || !latest) return; return [earlest, latest, maxdrawback, maxdrawbackProfit]; } function daysProfit(offset, days) { var from = getDaySecond( -offset+days); var to = getDaySecond(-offset); var arr = filterProfit( from, to ); if (!arr || !arr[0] || !arr[1]) return; var profitTime = arr[1][0] - arr[0][0]; if (!profitTime) return; var periodTime = to - from; var profit = arr[1][1] - arr[0][1]; var realPercent = profitTime*100 / periodTime; var expectedProfit = profit * 100 / realPercent; return { profit:profit, expectedProfit:expectedProfit, profitTime:profitTime, periodTime:periodTime, open: arr[0][1], close: arr[1][1], drawback: arr[2], drawbackProfit: arr[3] }; } function getDaySecond(days) { var d = new Date(); var now = d.getTime(); now -= days*86400000; d.setTime(now); return Math.floor(d.getTime() / 1000); } $.DaysProfit = function(days) { return filterProfit(days)[2]; }; $.ProfitSummary = function(initialBalance) { if (!initialBalance) return '没有传入初始资金'; var day = daysProfit(0, 1); var lastDay = daysProfit(-1, 1); var week = daysProfit(0,7); var lastWeek = daysProfit(-7,7); var month = daysProfit(0,30); var lastMonth = daysProfit(-30,30); var all = daysProfit(0, 10000); if (!all) return ''; var _days = Math.floor(all.profitTime / 86400); var text = []; var t = profitSummary(day, initialBalance); if (t) text.push('1日: '+t); t = profitSummary(lastDay, initialBalance); if (t) text.push('上1日: '+t); t = profitSummary(week, initialBalance); if (t && _days >= 7) text.push('7日: '+t); t = profitSummary(lastWeek, initialBalance); if (t) text.push('上7日: '+t); t = profitSummary(month, initialBalance); if (t && _days>=30) text.push('30日: '+t); t = profitSummary(lastMonth, initialBalance); if (t) text.push('上30日: '+t); if (all) { var _days = Math.floor(all.profitTime / 86400); all.profitTime %= 86400; var _hours = Math.floor(all.profitTime / 3600); var drawback = _N( all.drawback*100/(all.drawbackProfit+initialBalance), 3 )+'%'; text.push('总: 收'+_N(all.close,2)+'元('+_N(all.close*100/initialBalance,3)+'%),最大回撤'+drawback+',统计时间'+_days+'天'+_hours+'小时'); } return text.join('\n'); }; function profitSummary(p, base) { if (!p) return ''; var text = []; text.push('收'+_N(p.profit,2)+'元('+_N(p.profit*100/(, 3)+'%)'); var month = expectProfit(p, 30, base); if (month) { text.push('月化'+month.percent+'%'); } var year = expectProfit(p, 365, base); if (year) { text.push('年化'+year.percent+'%'); } text.push('回撤'+ _N( p.drawback*100/(p.drawbackProfit+base), 3 )+'%' ); return text.join(','); } function expectProfit(p, days, base) { var expectSeconds = days*86400; if (expectSeconds < p.profitTime) return; return { profit: _N(p.profit * expectSeconds / p.profitTime, 2), percent: _N(p.profit * expectSeconds *100 / (p.profitTime * (,3) }; } function main() { while(true) { var t = exchange.GetTicker(); $.LogProfit(t.Last); LogStatus($.ProfitSummary(10000)); Sleep(3600000); } }
xunfeng91This template is slow to retrieve.
nxtplayerThank you very much.
LogaOr use the contact information.
ywxThank you, that's what I need.