This is a strategic article:
var TickInterval = 100 function LeeksReaper() { var self = {} self.numTick = 0 self.lastTradeId = 0 self.vol = 0 self.askPrice = 0 self.bidPrice = 0 self.orderBook = { Asks: [], Bids: [] } self.prices = [] self.tradeOrderId = 0 self.account = null self.buyPrice = 0 self.sellPrice = 0 self.state = 0 self.depth = null self.updateTrades = function() { var trades = _C(exchange.GetTrades) if (self.prices.length == 0) { while (trades.length == 0) { trades = trades.concat(_C(exchange.GetTrades)) } for (var i = 0; i < 15; i++) { self.prices[i] = trades[trades.length - 1].Price } } self.vol = 0.7 * self.vol + 0.3 * _.reduce(trades, function(mem, trade) { // Huobi not support trade.Id if ((trade.Id > self.lastTradeId) || (trade.Id == 0 && trade.Time > self.lastTradeId)) { self.lastTradeId = Math.max(trade.Id == 0 ? trade.Time : trade.Id, self.lastTradeId) mem += trade.Amount } return mem }, 0) } self.updateOrderBook = function() { var orderBook = _C(exchange.GetDepth) self.depth = orderBook self.buyPrice = orderBook.Bids[pendingLevel].Price self.sellPrice = orderBook.Asks[pendingLevel].Price self.orderBook = orderBook if (orderBook.Bids.length < 3 || orderBook.Asks.length < 3) { return } self.bidPrice = orderBook.Bids[0].Price * 0.618 + orderBook.Asks[0].Price * 0.382 + 0.01 self.askPrice = orderBook.Bids[0].Price * 0.382 + orderBook.Asks[0].Price * 0.618 - 0.01 self.prices.shift() self.prices.push(_N((orderBook.Bids[0].Price + orderBook.Asks[0].Price) * 0.15 + (orderBook.Bids[1].Price + orderBook.Asks[1].Price) * 0.1 + (orderBook.Bids[2].Price + orderBook.Asks[2].Price) * 0.1 + (orderBook.Bids[3].Price + orderBook.Asks[3].Price) * 0.075 + (orderBook.Bids[4].Price + orderBook.Asks[4].Price) * 0.05 + (orderBook.Bids[5].Price + orderBook.Asks[5].Price) * 0.025)) } self.updateAccount = function() { var account = exchange.GetAccount() if (!account) { return } self.account = account LogProfit(parseFloat(account.Info.totalWalletBalance), account) } self.CancelAll = function() { while (1) { var orders = _C(exchange.GetOrders) if (orders.length == 0) { break } for (var i = 0; i < orders.length; i++) { exchange.CancelOrder(orders[i].Id) } Sleep(100) } } self.poll = function() { self.numTick++ self.updateTrades() self.updateOrderBook() var pos = _C(exchange.GetPosition) var burstPrice = self.prices[self.prices.length - 1] * burstThresholdPct var bull = false var bear = false LogStatus(_D(), "\n", 'Tick:', self.numTick, 'self.vol:', self.vol, ', lastPrice:', self.prices[self.prices.length - 1], ', burstPrice: ', burstPrice) if (self.numTick > 2 && ( self.prices[self.prices.length - 1] - _.max(self.prices.slice(-6, -1)) > burstPrice || self.prices[self.prices.length - 1] - _.max(self.prices.slice(-6, -2)) > burstPrice && self.prices[self.prices.length - 1] > self.prices[self.prices.length - 2] )) { bull = true } else if (self.numTick > 2 && ( self.prices[self.prices.length - 1] - _.min(self.prices.slice(-6, -1)) < -burstPrice || self.prices[self.prices.length - 1] - _.min(self.prices.slice(-6, -2)) < -burstPrice && self.prices[self.prices.length - 1] < self.prices[self.prices.length - 2] )) { bear = true } if (pos.length != 0) { if (pos[0].Type == PD_LONG) { self.state = 1 } else { self.state = 2 } } else { self.state = 0 } if ((!bull && !bear)) { return } if (bull) { var price = (self.state == 0 || self.state == 1) ? self.buyPrice : self.depth.Bids[coverPendingLevel].Price var amount = (self.state == 0 || self.state == 1) ? pendingAmount : pos[0].Amount exchange.SetDirection("buy") exchange.Buy(price, amount) } else if (bear) { var price = (self.state == 0 || self.state == 2) ? self.sellPrice : self.depth.Asks[coverPendingLevel].Price var amount = (self.state == 0 || self.state == 2) ? pendingAmount : pos[0].Amount exchange.SetDirection("sell") exchange.Sell(price, amount) } self.numTick = 0 Sleep(TickInterval) self.CancelAll() self.updateAccount() } while (!self.account) { self.updateAccount() Sleep(500) } Log("self.account:", self.account) return self } function main() { LogProfitReset() exchange.SetPrecision(pricePrecision, amountPrecision) exchange.SetContractType("swap") var reaper = LeeksReaper() while (true) { reaper.poll() Sleep(100) } }
wh1578How much is the cost of the procedure, is there any specific data on the loss?
oscar459Does this still work now?
qslllIs there no way to retest?
EddieThe total number of dreams is 666.
diudiu.meiI'm not going to be able to afford to pay the bills.
Inventors quantify - small dreamsThe environment in which the re-test is performed cannot be 100% restored to the actual recording.
itaaaaWhy is retesting not important?
Inventors quantify - small dreamsThis tactic of retesting doesn't make much sense.