The FMZ hard drive robot automatically detects the restart program (WeChat push) Here you can fill in the API and API key you requested on the FMZ platformThe variable token is the code used to send the WeChat push. Open the website: in with your own WeChat and follow the public domain (not advertising)Click on one of the messages.Copying the token and filling in the token variableThe robotId variable contains the real-time robot number you want to monitor (list form)The real disk robot number can be accessed from the FMZ web version of the real disk, at the web address
The code can be put directly into local execution. But you have to keep your computer on all the time. It is also possible to run it on your own servers. It runs on a server that requires a pre-installed third-party library.
''' 代码可以直接放到本地运行, 不过需要一直开启电脑,也可以放到自己的服务器上运行 ''' import time import json import ssl import requests ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context try: import md5 import urllib2 from urllib import urlencode except: import hashlib as md5 import urllib.request as urllib2 from urllib.parse import urlencode accessKey = '48xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxde' secretKey = '91xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx84' def api(method, *args): d = { 'version': '1.0', 'access_key': accessKey, 'method': method, 'args': json.dumps(list(args)), 'nonce': int(time.time() * 1000), } d['sign'] = md5.md5(('%s|%s|%s|%d|%s' % (d['version'], d['method'], d['args'], d['nonce'], secretKey)).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() # 注意: urllib2.urlopen 函数,超时问题,可以设置超时时间,urllib2.urlopen('', urlencode(d).encode('utf-8'), timeout=10) 设置超时 10秒 return json.loads(urllib2.urlopen('', urlencode(d).encode('utf-8')).read().decode('utf-8')) def send_wechat(msg): token = '93xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx57' # 前边复制到那个token title = '【Waring】 策略信息' content = msg template = 'html' url = f"{token}&title={title}&content={content}&template={template}" #print(url) r = requests.get(url=url) print(json.loads(r.text)['msg']) robotId = [xxx,xxx,xxx] #需要监视的机器人代码 while True: for j in range(len(robotId)): detail = api('GetRobotDetail', robotId[j]) if detail['data']['result']['robot']['status'] == 1 and detail['data']['result']['robot']['wd'] == 1: print(f"实盘{robotId[j]}状态正常 status = {detail['data']['result']['robot']['status']},实盘监视已打开 wd = {detail['data']['result']['robot']['wd']}") pass elif detail['data']['result']['robot']['status'] == 1 : print(f"实盘{robotId[j]}状态正常 status = {detail['data']['result']['robot']['status']},实盘监视未打开 wd = {detail['data']['result']['robot']['wd']}") pass else: print(f"实盘{robotId[j]}状态异常 status = {detail['data']['result']['robot']['status']}") #尝试重启实盘 尝试次数 = 4 每5s 尝试一次 status = False for i in range(4): api('RestartRobot', robotId[j]) robotDetail = api('GetRobotDetail', robotId[j]) print(f"尝试重启实盘{robotId[j]}第 {i+1} 次") if robotDetail['data']['result']['robot']['status'] == 1 : mess = api('GetRobotLogs',robotId[j],0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) print(f"实盘{robotId[j]}重启完成 status = {api('GetRobotDetail', robotId[j])['data']['result']['robot']['status']}\n" f"返回错误信息1:{mess['data']['result']['logs'][0]['Arr'][0][6]}\n" f"返回错误信息2:{mess['data']['result']['logs'][0]['Arr'][1][6]}\n") send_wechat(f"实盘{robotId[j]}重启完成 status = {api('GetRobotDetail', robotId[j])['data']['result']['robot']['status']}\n" f"返回错误信息1:{mess['data']['result']['logs'][0]['Arr'][0][6]}\n" f"返回错误信息2:{mess['data']['result']['logs'][0]['Arr'][1][6]}\n") status = True break else: print(f"第 {i+1} 次 重启失败!!") time.sleep(5) if status == False : print(f"尝试 4 次重启实盘{robotId[j]}失败,发送警告信息!!") send_wechat(f"尝试 4 次重启实盘{robotId[j]}失败,请及时查看!!\n尝试 4 次重启实盘{robotId[j]}失败,请及时查看!!\n尝试 4 次重启实盘{robotId[j]}失败,请及时查看!!\n") time.sleep(60*10)
18180828122How do we get the server up and running?