The error tolerance tutorial in the equation of the equation of the equation of the equation of the equation of the equation

Author: Written by TradeMan, Date: 2023-01-16 09:36:42

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This is my life story. Detailed mean value calculation steps, with ATR as an example. Includes details such as indicator calls, data point inaccuracies, accidental data inaccuracies The key to strategy is to get the details right.

Welcome to cooperate, exchange, learn and progress together~ v:haiyanyydss

var arecords = _C(exchange.GetRecords, 300);
var time = arecords[arecords.length - 1].Time
var nowtime = time;
var atremaarr = [];
var Onoff = 0;

function main() {
    while (true) {
        //这里开始    把这段放循环里   
        var Num = 50; //可以改,几根的平均值
        var records = _C(exchange.GetRecords, 300);
        var atr = TA.EMA(records, 9)
        nowtime = records[records.length - 1].Time
        if (nowtime > time || Onoff == 0) {
            atr = atr.slice(atr.length - (20 + Num));
            for (var i = 0; i < (atr.length - Num); i++) { //(atr.length-Num) 长度减掉周期 比如500根 前50根是不准的平均值 这里就取450
                var atremTEMP = 0; //计算求和的,初始设置为0
                for (var j = 0; j < Num; j++) { //求和
                    atrTEMP = atr[i + j] > 0 ? atr[i + j] : 0; //剔除意外数据 ,大于O 取值,小于O 或者其他情况取值O
                    atremTEMP += atrTEMP;
                atremaarr.push(atremTEMP / Num); //把平均值P到数组
            time = nowtime;
            Onoff += 1;
            Log("计算第:", Onoff, "次。");
        //这里结算    把这段放循环里
        Log("最后一根:", _N(atremaarr[atremaarr.length - 1], 2)) //拿值
        //Log("最后第二根:", _N(atremaarr[atremaarr.length-2],2))
