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Bear bear-Alpha "Boll" V2.33 For SOL (new fluctuation rate valve + waterfall resistance + RSI)

Author: Savageindex, Date: 2023-08-02 22:41:58

VX : louiscoin tg : @opsave

Simple strategies create more than simple success stories

FMZ is surrounded by bybit +35%=bearwin-sol Bybit is real Details on the real disk parameters

Let's start with the price.No bargain, not cheapI'm going to buy more that day and send it to my friends.

  • 30 days of the month of January
  • 183 days in half a year, single release / 600 u
  • 365 days a year, one delivery per 1000 u

The following is a brief introduction to the updated policy code:

New features and optimizations

  1. Introducing the RSI filter

    • Adding the RSI indicator to the entry conditions optimizes the multi-space strategy by judging overbought (RSI above threshold) and oversold (RSI below threshold) signals.
    • Available by parameterUSE_RSI_FILTERWhether the controls are enabled.
  2. Monitoring of fluctuations

    • UseVOL_NOWandVOL_OLDComparing current volatility to avoid over-trading in highly volatile markets and improving strategy stability.
  3. The strength of the trend

    • Increased trend intensity (TREND_STRThe parameters used to identify the strengths and weaknesses of market trends.
    • This prevents blind entry when the trend is too strong and reduces the risk.
  4. Security checks at the warehouse

    • The new conditions for stock replenishment ensure that stock replenishment operations are carried out at a lower market risk and improve the viability of the strategy.
  5. Emergency stop

    • Introducing trend intensity and risk monitoring as an emergency stop-loss trigger to reduce the risk of a bull market.
    • ApprovedUSE_EMERGENCY_STOPThe switch controls.
  6. Parametrically adjustable enhancement

    • Adding a unified parameter management mechanism (e.g. RSI thresholds, ATR thresholds, volatility monitoring parameters, etc.) to facilitate the adjustment of strategies according to different market needs.
  7. Optimized Brainstorming

    • A more detailed breakdown of the conditions for breakout of the Brin belt has been made, allowing users to choose between mid-track or up-track openings, flexibly adapting to different market environments.

The advantages of improved strategies

  • Improved risk management: Control of entry and replenishment conditions through multiple mechanisms (i.e. volatility, RSI, trend intensity) to effectively reduce the probability of loss in extreme market environment.
  • Highly adaptable: Adapted to the volatility of different markets, can be used for mainstream currencies such as BTC, SOL etc.
  • Clear parametric adjustments: Users can flexibly adjust policy parameters according to their needs, improving the convenience of personalized operations.

I've been thinking about this for a long time. Analyze this policy Bear bear-alpha Here, I'm greatly reducing the risk of Martingale exploding.

What I'm talking about is the entry-level model.

Why did you enter? How did I think about building this strategy?

And it's because of the continuous decline in survival rates after the test. This is a game, even though it is a game. If you survive, you will receive a large sum of money. If you do not, you will be returned to nothingness.

Martin he is a double betting strategy So I'm in a situation where I have to be, and I have to be. So I'm going to change his terms! I started with the idea that

One, it's better to bet when you've had a series of failures. It's slowing down the N-word decline.

2, add the reversal signal/average return/break Brin is the main modifier.

Limit the number of purchases to 6-8 units(In fact, it's a lottery entry if you add this condition.)Hemp controls the share of capital

So we need to find the uptrend that's going up. And if you want to keep the market share in line, you're going to see a smaller decline than the decline of the coin. For example, BTC fell 20 percent, and the base of the coin fell 50 percent.

If you don't have a good sense of timing, It's easy to blow your cover. It's like the bottom of a circle, and this is the risk factor that makes the regular martin easy to eat.img

The strategy described:

1.	布林帶原理:布林帶(Bollinger Bands)是一種基於價格的波動率指標,透過計算價格的移動平均線(Moving Average, MA)和標準差(Standard Deviation, σ),形成上軌和下軌帶,反映市場波動範圍。
•	上軌: \[ B_{\text{upper}} = MA + k \times \sigma \] 
•	下軌: \[ B_{\text{lower}} = MA - k \times \sigma  \]
•	其中  MA  是移動平均線, \sigma  是標準差, k  是調整係數(通常設定為2)。

2.	均值回歸策略:你的策略基於價格有回歸到均值的假設,當價格偏離均值達到一定程度時,會回到其均值。當價格突破布林帶的上軌或下軌時,根據均值回歸進行反向操作。
•	若價格突破上軌(超買),進行空單操作,預期價格回到均值。
•	若價格跌破下軌(超賣),進行多單操作,預期價格回到均值。

3.	加倉策略(馬丁格爾):你所採用的馬丁格爾加倉策略是有限次數(8倉),並且每次加倉都伴隨價格進一步偏離均值,倉位大小隨著價格偏離而加倍。
•	加倉次數設定為最多8次,避免無限加倉導致爆倉風險。
•	每次加倉比例為  P_n = P_{n-1} \times 2  (加倍原則),其中  P_n  表示第  n  次加倉的倉位大小。

4.	保證金管理:你建議將保證金控制在 30% 左右,以降低風險,這意味著你的槓桿和倉位會根據資金情況進行動態調整。
•	風險控制公式:假設最大虧損為  L ,槓桿為  Leverage ,初始倉位為  P_0 ,則總風險:

[ R_{\text{total}} = P_0 \times Leverage \times (1 + \text{+{+}}) ] The value of the leverage is given by ] • To ensure that the risk is within control, you will adjust the size of the initial deposit based on the total funds in your account.

5.	風險控制與回測結果:該策略在歷史數據測試中表現穩定,並且在非極端市場情況下(如連續暴跌)有較好的表現。當保證金越高、槓桿越低時,策略的爆倉風險隨之降低。
•	該策略也使用收盤價模型防止過擬合回測讓數據更貼近實盤

BTCUSDT retested resultsimgResults for the SOLUSDTimg


Beans 888Is it that the mind can only make one coin?

SavageindexYou can choose your own coin.