SuperTrend Trailing Stop Strategy Based on Heikin Ashi

Created on: 2024-02-06 14:43:14 Modified on: 2024-02-06 14:43:14
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SuperTrend Trailing Stop Strategy Based on Heikin Ashi

Strategy Overview

This strategy combines the Heikin Ashi candlesticks and the SuperTrend indicator into a trend following strategy with trailing stop loss. It uses Heikin Ashi to filter out market noise and SuperTrend to determine the trend direction, while taking SuperTrend as a dynamic stop loss line to efficiently track the trend and control risks.

Strategy Logic

  1. Calculate Heikin Ashi candlesticks: open, close, high, low prices.
  2. Calculate SuperTrend indicator: upper band and lower band based on ATR and price.
  3. Determine the trend direction combining Heikin Ashi close and SuperTrend bands.
  4. When Heikin Ashi close gets closer to SuperTrend upper band, it signals an uptrend; when Heikin Ashi close gets closer to SuperTrend lower band, it signals a downtrend.
  5. Use SuperTrend upper band as trailing stop loss in uptrends, and lower band in downtrends.


  1. Heikin Ashi filters out false breakouts, leading to more reliable signals.
  2. SuperTrend as dynamic stop loss locks in profits along the trend to avoid huge drawdowns.
  3. Combining timeframes confirms high/lows more precisely.
  4. Scheduled exit avoids irrational moves at certain times.


  1. Prone to stop out at trend reversal. Can loosen stop loss to mitigate.
  2. Improper tuning of SuperTrend params can lead to stop loss too wide or too narrow. Need exhaustive parameter testing.
  3. Ignores position sizing. Should set proper bet size control.
  4. Ignores trading costs. Should account for costs.

Enhancement Opportunities

  1. Optimize SuperTrend parameters for best performance.
  2. Add position sizing control.
  3. Account for costs like commissions and slippage.
  4. Flexibly adjust stop loss based on trend strength.
  5. Add filters with other indicators to entry signals.


This strategy combines the strengths of Heikin Ashi and SuperTrend to identify trend directions and automatically trail the trend with dynamic stop loss to lock in profits. Main risks come from trend reversal and parameter tuning. Further optimizations on these two aspects can improve strategy performance. Overall this strategy demonstrates how indicator integration can enhance stability and profitability of trading systems.

Strategy source code
start: 2024-01-06 00:00:00
end: 2024-02-05 00:00:00
period: 4h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © ringashish

strategy("sa-strategy with HTF-TSL", overlay=true)

Pd = input(title="ATR Period", type=input.integer, defval=4)
Factor = input(title="ATR Multiplier", type=input.float, step=0.1, defval=2)
ST= supertrend(Factor, Pd)

heikinashi_close = security(heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), timeframe.period, close)
heikinashi_low = security(heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), timeframe.period, low)
heikinashi_open = security(heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), timeframe.period, open)
heikinashi_high = security(heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), timeframe.period, high)

heikinashi_close30 = security(heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), "30", close)
//res1 = input("30", type=input.resolution, title="higher Timeframe")


res = input("240",type=input.resolution,title = "Higher Time Frame")
CCI = input(20)
ATR = input(5)
Multiplier=input(1,title='ATR Multiplier')
original=input(false,title='original coloring')
thisCCI = cci(close, CCI)
lastCCI = nz(thisCCI[1])

    bufferDn= high + Multiplier * sma(tr,ATR)
    bufferUp= low - Multiplier * sma(tr,ATR)
    if (thisCCI >= 0 and lastCCI < 0) 
        bufferUp := bufferDn[1]
    if (thisCCI <= 0 and lastCCI > 0) 
        bufferDn := bufferUp[1]

    if (thisCCI >= 0)
        if (bufferUp < bufferUp[1])
            bufferUp := bufferUp[1]
        if (thisCCI <= 0)
            if (bufferDn > bufferDn[1])
                bufferDn := bufferDn[1]

    x = 0.0
    x := thisCCI >= 0 ?bufferUp:thisCCI <= 0 ?bufferDn:x[1]

tempx = calcx()

calcswap() =>
    swap = 0.0
    swap := tempx>tempx[1]?1:tempx<tempx[1]?-1:swap[1]

tempswap = calcswap()

swap3=thisCCI >=0 ?

//display current timeframe's Trend

plot(tempx,"CTF",color=swap4,transp=0,linewidth=2, style = plot.style_stepline)

htfx = security(syminfo.tickerid,res,tempx[1],lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
htfswap4 = security(syminfo.tickerid,res,swap4[1],lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)

plot(htfx,"HTF",color=htfswap4,transp=0,linewidth=3,style = plot.style_stepline)

Supertrend(Factor, Pd) =>
    TrendUp = 0.0
    TrendUp := heikinashi_close[1]>TrendUp[1] ? max(Up,TrendUp[1]) : Up
    TrendDown = 0.0
    TrendDown := heikinashi_close[1]<TrendDown[1]? min(Dn,TrendDown[1]) : Dn
    Trend = 0.0
    Trend := heikinashi_close > TrendDown[1] ? 1: heikinashi_close< TrendUp[1]? -1: nz(Trend[1],1)
    Tsl = Trend==1? TrendUp: TrendDown
    S_Buy = Trend == 1 ? 1 : 0
    S_Sell = Trend != 1 ? 1 : 0
    [Trend, Tsl]

[Trend,Tsl] = Supertrend(Factor, Pd)
// Security
//ST1_Trend_MTF = security(syminfo.tickerid, res1, Tsl,barmerge.lookahead_on)
//plot(ST1_Trend_MTF, "higher ST") 

crossdn = crossunder(heikinashi_close,Tsl) or crossunder(heikinashi_close[1],Tsl) or crossunder(heikinashi_close[2],Tsl) or heikinashi_close < Tsl
crossup = crossover(heikinashi_close,Tsl) or crossover(heikinashi_close[1],Tsl) or crossover(heikinashi_close[2],Tsl) or heikinashi_close > Tsl
plot(Tsl,"ST",color =,linewidth =2)
plot(ema(heikinashi_close,20),"EMA 20",
plot(hma(heikinashi_close,15),"HMA 15",
plot(ema(heikinashi_close,15),"EMA 15",

closedown = (heikinashi_close < hma(heikinashi_close,15) and heikinashi_high > hma(heikinashi_close,15)) or(heikinashi_close < ema(heikinashi_close,20) and heikinashi_high > ema(heikinashi_close,20))
closeup = (heikinashi_close > hma(heikinashi_close,15) and heikinashi_low < hma(heikinashi_close,15)) or (heikinashi_close > ema(heikinashi_close,20) and heikinashi_low < ema(heikinashi_close,20))

buy = heikinashi_open == heikinashi_low and closeup and crossup  and close > htfx
//buy = heikinashi_open == heikinashi_low and heikinashi_close > ema(close,20) and heikinashi_low < ema(close,20) and crossup
buyexit = cross(close,tempx) //heikinashi_open == heikinashi_high //and heikinashi_close < ema(close,15) and heikinashi_high > ema(close,15)

//if heikinashi_close30[1] < ST1_Trend_MTF
//sell = heikinashi_open == heikinashi_high and heikinashi_close < ema(close,20) and heikinashi_high > ema(close,20) and rsi(close,14)<60 and crossdn
sell = heikinashi_open == heikinashi_high and closedown and rsi(close,14)<55 and crossdn  and close < htfx
sellexit = cross(close,tempx) //heikinashi_open == heikinashi_low //and heikinashi_close > ema(close,15) and heikinashi_low < ema(close,15)

rg = 0
rg := buy ? 1 : buyexit ? 2 : nz(rg[1])

longLogic = rg != rg[1] and rg == 1 
longExit = rg != rg[1] and rg == 2 

//plotshape(longExit,"exit buy",style = shape.arrowup,location = location.belowbar,color =, text ="buy exit", textcolor =
//plotshape(longLogic,"BUY",style = shape.arrowup,location = location.belowbar,color =, text ="buy", textcolor=

nm = 0
nm := sell ? 1 : sellexit ? 2 : nz(nm[1])

shortLogic = nm != nm[1] and nm == 1 
shortExit = nm != nm[1] and nm == 2 

//plotshape(shortExit,"exit sell",style = shape.arrowup,location = location.belowbar,color =, text ="sell exit", textcolor =
//plotshape(shortLogic,"SELL",style = shape.arrowup,location = location.belowbar,color =, text ="sell", textcolor=

//Exit at particular time

ExitHour = input(title="Exit Hour Of Day", type=input.integer, defval=15, step = 5, maxval = 24, minval = 0)
ExitMint = input(title="Exit Minute Of Day", type=input.integer, defval=15, step = 5, maxval = 24, minval = 0)
bgc = input(title="Highlight Background Color?", type=input.bool, defval=true)
mRound(num,rem) => (floor(num/rem)*rem)
exitTime = (hour(time) >= ExitHour and (minute == mRound(ExitMint, timeframe.multiplier))) ? 1 : 0
exitTime := exitTime == 0 ? (hour(time) >= ExitHour and (minute + timeframe.multiplier >= ExitMint)) ? 1 : 0 : exitTime

MarketClose =  exitTime and not exitTime[1]

alertcondition(exitTime and not exitTime[1], title="Intraday Session Close Time", message="Close All Positions")
bgcolor(exitTime and not exitTime[1] and bgc ? #445566 : na, transp =40)

longCondition = longLogic
if (longCondition)
    strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)

shortCondition = shortLogic
if (shortCondition)
    strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)

strategy.close("short", when =cross(close,tempx)  or MarketClose)
strategy.close( "long", when =cross(close,tempx) or MarketClose )