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The eventLoop() function is used to listen for events received by the thread.

The eventLoop() function returns the event information received by the current thread. See Event Information Structure.

object, null value

eventLoop() eventLoop(timeout)

The parameter timeout is the timeout setting in milliseconds. If the parameter timeout is set to 0, it will wait for an event to occur before returning. If it is greater than 0, it will set the event waiting timeout. If it is less than 0, it will return the latest event immediately.

timeout false number

function main() {
    var t1 = threading.Thread(function() {
        while (true) {
            var eventMsg = threading.currentThread().eventLoop()     // Blocking wait
            // 2024-11-14 10:14:18 thread1 eventMsg: {"Seq":1,"Event":"thread","ThreadId":0,"Index":1,"Queue":0,"Nano":1731550458699947000}
            Log(_D(), "thread1 eventMsg:", eventMsg)

    var t2 = threading.Thread(function() {
        while (true) {
            var eventMsg = threading.currentThread().eventLoop(-1)   // Return immediately
            Log(_D(), "thread2 eventMsg:", eventMsg)

    var t3 = threading.Thread(function() {
        while (true) {
            var eventMsg = threading.currentThread().eventLoop(3000) // Set a 3 second timeout
            Log(_D(), "thread3 eventMsg:", eventMsg)

    t1.postMessage("Hello ",
    t2.postMessage("Hello ",
    t3.postMessage("Hello ",

Execute three threads concurrently and output the received event information. If the timeout occurs or the function returns immediately, the output value is null.

The processing mechanism of the eventLoop() function is the same as the global function EventLoop().

{@fun/Threads/Thread/peekMessage peekMessage}, {@fun/Threads/Thread/postMessage postMessage}, {@fun/Threads/Thread/join join}, {@fun/Threads/Thread/terminate terminate}, {@fun/Threads/Thread/getData getData}, {@fun/Threads/Thread/setData setData}, {@fun/Threads/Thread/id id}, {@fun/Threads/Thread/name name}

name ThreadLock