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The join() function is used to wait for the thread to exit and reclaim system resources.

The ThreadRet object contains data about the execution result. The properties include the following:

  • id: Thread Id.
  • terminated: Whether the thread is forced to end.
  • elapsed: The running time of the thread in nanoseconds.
  • ret: The return value of the thread function.


The ```timeout``` parameter is used to set the timeout in milliseconds for waiting for the thread to finish. When the ```timeout``` parameter is set to 0 or the ```timeout``` parameter is not set, the ```join()``` function will block and wait until the thread finishes executing. When the ```timeout``` parameter is set to -1, the ```join()``` function will return immediately.


function main() {
    var t1 = threading.Thread(function() {
        Log("Hello thread1")

    var ret = t1.join(1000)
    Log("ret:", ret)   // ret: undefined

    ret = t1.join()
    Log("ret:", ret)   // ret: {"id":1,"terminated":false,"elapsed":5003252000}

Test the join() function for timeout and output the return value.

The join() function times out and returns undefined.

{@fun/Threads/Thread/peekMessage peekMessage}, {@fun/Threads/Thread/postMessage postMessage}, {@fun/Threads/Thread/terminate terminate}, {@fun/Threads/Thread/getData getData}, {@fun/Threads/Thread/setData setData}, {@fun/Threads/Thread/id id}, {@fun/Threads/Thread/name name}, {@fun/Threads/Thread/eventLoop eventLoop}

postMessage terminate