The concept of “Bot” on FMZ Quant Trading Platform is different from “Backtest”, and it refers to the creation of an instance of a strategy program that actually interacts with the exchange (obtaining tickers, checking positions, placing and withdrawing orders, etc.). An instance of a strategy program that interacts with the exchange’s production environment is called Bot, as is an instance of a strategy program that interacts with the exchange’s simulation environment (many exchanges have test environments). Three conditions are required to Add bot on the FMZ Quant Trading Platform:
Conditions for adding bot
Finally, you can create and run an example of a quantitative trading strategy program (i.e., a bot of FMZ Quant Trading Platform) by clicking the “Add bot” button on the add bot page.
Bot grouping For the created bots can be grouped management, you can customize the name of the group.
Bot live Bots can be displayed publicly, or you can create a private live link to send to a specific group for display.
Bot charge Bots are billed hourly, 0.05 USD per hour for each order, and less than one hour will be charged per hour. Adding a new bot will be billed immediately, “stopping”/“restarting” a bot will not be billed again. You can check the “Billing details” of all billing at Payment.
Bot monitoring In the bot list on the Bot management page, you can click the “Monitor” button in the operation bar on the right side of the running bot trading to start bot trading monitoring. After turning on monitoring, if the bot trading is exited without manual operation, the email address bound to the current FMZ Quant Trading Platform will receive a notification message.
Key Security Strategy Library